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Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Catch 22 of finding a literary agent. My new challenge.

Jovedi, Thursday, Dec 19, 2013

Good day,

I woke up this morning to an email in response to a Query letter sent yesterday.

It was a sincerely nice letter of non-interest. And, I started to feel myself sink. It felt like a liquid, making my body feel like crumbling in defeat. And then as quickly as the email arrived and the subsequent feeling started taking hold: I stopped it in its tracks.

I can't change the goal posts in the middle of the game to suit me. When I send out a QUERY letter asking for an agent to love my manuscript... and to sell it- I do it with the knowledge beforehand that I can get only one of two reactions: a YES or a NO. By virtue of the process, the 'NO's are more prevalent.

The other concept I keep reminding myself of is this.... It took Leon Uris 21 rejections before the 22nd Query resulted in a YES: making it possible for us to read "Catch-22".  It took many more rejections than that before the voice of John Grisham could be heard on the pages of his book. So, I am choosing to look at this last 'no thank you'..... as ONE REJECTION closer to ACCEPTANCE. I am one step closer to my goal.

And, I have been told that this is the hard part. I have no reason NOT to believe what I am told, and so.... why should it be easy? Being hard is not intimidating, because it is NOT the same as IMPOSSIBLE.

The one comment that keeps resonating from this last agent email is this ~ I lack a national platform, which would make it almost impossible for HER to sell it to a publisher.

Now, that is a CATCH 22. I love how that 'phrase' became part of the American lexicon. I Can't get an agent because I have no national platform. If I WERE to be represented and published, of course I would then have the potential for a national platform.

Or? In what other ways might I get a national platform? I could become a reality star. Not likely.

Oh, I could perhaps have the chance to grow a national platform from this blog. I haven't a clue on how many page views I would need to catch the attention of being worthy of 'having a national platform'..... I understand that it was the daily blog that created the impetus for Julie & Julia. So, that is today's inspiration ~ get my loyal readers or browsers to get one more person to also take a peek at it..... that would be a good start. And one I could use.

I need you and your support to spread the word on my behalf.

Really: on behalf of the story I have written about my husband's passing.... and my life as a single and still sometimes confused mom.

Thanks as always for visiting.

Smiles.... and warmth


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