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Monday, April 28, 2014

Fin, Pip and my min-pin

Monday afternoon in Sunny Sarasota, April 28, 2014

It is another fine day, beginning with baby Fin and his mom Astrid. This is 2 year old cherub faced boy is so filled with joy, as to be contagious.

Blond, spun gold and whispy hair blowing as he runs… creating wings of flight as if  he is the baby version of the 'flying nun'. A dimple in his chubby chin. And a grin which invites 'hi's, from strangers and passersby.

His curiosity is infectious. He studies every new detail and nuance as life happens before him. You can see his thoughts, as his face is expressive. He loves water. Mostly all around him….. he splashes and and drinks it up as he spots it anywhere and everywhere. Splish splash , he loves taking a bath.

Yesterday, I got to have a grand baby X 2 fix! Pip and Fin…. walking my MIN PIN "Curry" through Siesta Village during the Fiesta. With their parents, too- of course. That is part of the pleasure palace of family.

It is always fun to be in the sun, drink my favorite ~ freshly squeezed lemonade. Some of the crafts are new and darling. Most are not…. but, it is always a grand way to spend the day. Each season, I will run into someone whom I haven't seen in forever. Yesterday's surprise visit with an old chiropractor friend was no exception.

Dining on a German breakfast with my German family, I feasted on CURRY wurst. It is perfect, since I was dining on my dog. Curry wurst is a major hot dog, kaiser bun with mustard , ketchup & curry powder. It is a street staple on the Berlin streets. It was tastier in the BIG City… , emphasizing the delight in memories. The kids drank MEZZO: half cola mixed with half orange santa. That taste sensation was a new cultural experience for me.

I spent a few delightful hours with future Italian visitors. I was in my element…. making new friends in the process. And then, I became a tourist in my own island. Went into the village, and dined on my favorite caesar salad, chopped finely and a special mojito. This was topped with a stroll to indulge in an ice cream of "Cherry coke, vanilla and brownie bits". Orgasmic taste sensations.

Enjoying my life back on the island. Life is good, sweet, and precious. I am thankful.

Warmth for this monday. and, as always- a smile


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Imaginings about the little details at Historic Spanish Point...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A sunshiney, blue, electrifyingly wonderful day to be alive.

I am still reflecting about my afternoon at the outdoor museum park ~ "HISTORIC SPANISH POINT".

I am a travel agent. I am a teacher. I am an American History and English teacher… specifically. I am a tour guide. I am  a writer, a traveler and a sponge- soaking up life's big and little treasures. My curiosity compels me. And, I am riveted by the gems found on the 30 acres on little Sarasota Bay.

Some are so subtle, as to be dismissed, easily. For instance…you can easily walk by a pond whose top is etched by what could appear at first sight as scum. I passed this spot hundreds of times. If I noticed it, I would have thought it a 'dirty' pond. And yet- it is part of what made this particular spot in Florida's landscape- 5,000 years ago, important for Indians to call this 'home'.

This pond is covered with an algae type organism, easily swept aside to reveal a perfectly clear pond of fresh, clean water. It is this kind of detail which is profound on the impact it had for those living here for 50 centuries. That is remarkable, as it drives home the importance of fresh water to our survival. Then, and now. A simple, yet important lesson.

I love the fact that this is a spot which exemplifies American wilderness and the drive to 'tame' and 'cultivate' it: not unlike the wild west in the mid 1800's. For the promise of free land, pioneers could settle in exchange for making it 'productive': growing crops, oranges, etc… I love the fact that the reason these pioneers arrived on this spot was from the recommendation of an old spanish dude. He told this Webb family to go up the West coast of Florida , where there is a point of land which offers safe height from storms.

The circle of life is ever present and quite remarkable. It was due to thousands of years of living on this site, where the Indian culture left its refuge…. creating a height of over 15 ft. ! It is a special place specifically because it is built on the centuries of lives of peoples having called this home.

As a travel agent, by the way: this is the site of the very first Sarasota hotel, motel, boarding house, B&B…. I am not sure what the name would be, but it was a pace-setter for the tourist industry. Imagine what they might say today if they were alive to see how far that concept has grown!

I will continue to write about Historic Spanish Point. But, in the meantime, I must meet my grand babies and 'first born' for a stroll to Siesta Fiesta Art fair.

I will walk. Must get ready for life in Italy.

Smiles and happy Sunday


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Splendid day by Sarasota Bay at Historic Spanish Point

Saturday, April 26

Happy glorious Saturday morning

Sarasota in the spring is as beautiful as it gets: slight breezes cool the skin, as the sun warms it.

Yesterday, I had a great day~ one of those days where eye candy meets brain candy.

I went to Historic Spanish Point outdoor museum, where I am a board member. I have been on the magnificent 30 acre site on little Sarasota Bay hundreds of times. I actually give tours, and love it. It is the perfect marriage between being a teacher and tour guide. That pretty much defines me. So, it was not a unique experience for me.  And yet- exceptional.

There were 8 girlfriends in our group, led by another board member and Sarasota County archeology. He is a darling 30 year old kid, whose love of history is contagious. His knowledge of things that before visiting Historic Spanish Point would have never been a subject of interest: is fascinating to watch as curiosities are awakened.

Deciding to do a self guided walking tour of Historic Spanish Point is to feed the eye candy. In order to truly awaken that mind candy: one must take a tour with a guide. It is only then that what appears to be simply a bunch of broken shells: becomes the fabric to interpret 1000 years of human history. This museum has the only Indian midden where you can walk inside. And you say "huh"?

That doesn't sound interesting in the least to me. What is an indian midden? Why do I care? An indian midden is basically the refuge left by the Indians who lived on the site 5,000 years ago. You walk inside a 15 ft. midden: and can witness 1,000 years of history. There is evidence of the tools they used. Shells of course. If I looked at the pile, I would see just crumpled shells. An expert can see a smorgasbord of information: the types of tools, where the hearths were, what the shapes of the houses were by understanding the piling markings.

On the site, there is a 5,000 year old archaic indian ring. What is that? It is simply a  dip in the ground, with a large ring of dirt circle. There is one (of two in North America)  open to the public . So what? Who cares about a dip in the ground? It shows us that 5,000 years ago- It shows that they were social people who used this circle for social gatherings. If the ring is closed: that means in this ancient society-that everyone was equal . If the ring is shaped like a horseshoe, that indicates that the most powerful is opposite the open part of the ring. There, archeologists have found a greater abundance of offerings hidden …. as shallow as 7 inches under the ground.

There is a palm tree on a tiny hump of ground. That hump looks like landscaping. Yet, it is the site of a burial ground from 100 AD (ish). Half of the burial mound was excavated in 1959 and it was found to have over 420 indians buried- in a crouching position - head up! There were a few dogs and an alligator. At that time, it was also discovered that syphlis existed in some of the bones- assuaging the concept that Europeans brought that disease to North America.

It was a beautiful day. Bougainvillea blossoming in purples and magenta. The Bay was glistening- blindingly so. Casey key island in the background. A few folks were kayaking. Splendid. Simple, Magnificent. Stellar.

More later about Historic Spanish Point…..  Sunset over the bay with the group of 8 ladies and the archeologist, drinking wine and dining on box dinner of Honey baked ham sandwiches. Pickle and chocolate chip cookie, included. And, superb company. Ultimately…. it is about the people who surround us. Yesterday, they were loverly.

smiles for a grand Saturday


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Paint, Pepsi ice cream and a swim in the Gulf of Mexico

Thursday, April 24, 2014

This has been a full and happy week: I am loving life in my home.

I have unpacked all the boxes I will unpack. The walls which require paint ~ are being painted by my 'first born' daughter. She is German and impeccable. She cleans the floors & walls and ceilings prior to painting. It is a pleasure to see how GREAT WORK is done. Doing a job well is an art. It is also pure pleasure to have her at home in the mornings and during the day. She paints. I am finally doing much needed paper work, neglected by over six months of being displaced. We take breaks, which involves conversation and affectionate banter developed over years of practice and trust. And coffee.

Had visitors from New Zealand, and Wales. It was good to have life back inside my home. It is also good to have my home back, to be savored and enjoyed. There is much space inside. It hasn't grown. Purging STUFF creates air space.

I have moved my office to what was originally a dining room, and then a 'family room'. I have a huge window behind me which opens up the back garden to me while I work. I have a view down my 45' hallway…. giving perspective to my day. And, I am surrounded by my favorite colors: kelly green, navy blue & white. It does my heart good to be immersed by my favorite colors. The energy is clear. My desk is reflective, with the etched glass… and it is a semi circle, which is welcoming. Top this off with a big TV: I am happy to be back in the 21st century.

I went to the beach today, went swimming, and came home with a bronze suntan… and a few glorious hours with my other daughter. The Gulf was a stunning light turquoise green which turned a deep royal blue by the horizon. The water was cool and refreshing. The people watching was great. The sky was a cloudless clear baby blue. And the breeze lulled us both to sleep. An afternoon of paradise perfection. An afternoon of mother -daughter perfection. I have always said that the Gulf of Mexico is a great 'backyard' for all of us to enjoy.

I was brainstorming with Carlyle for her next 'career' step. She is scared of the next stage of adulthood: which hopefully includes a job with health insurance, a vacation plan and a 401K.

I am just getting practiced at letting my observations flow. Stick with me, as my writing voice takes hold.


Dinner for me tonight was a "SUB-ZERO" ice cream: flavor…. pepsi, vanilla & brownie bits. This is an ice cream store where you create you own flavor. It is made mostly from a variety of liquids which are then torched with liquid nitrogen, and voila! it becomes ice cream. Magic. Very cool, in lots of ways.

Monday, April 21, 2014

easter on siesta key

Monday, April 18th

After a far too long absence, I am back in the writing, blogging seat.

It was difficult being communicative when I was a 'displaced' person living out of my suitcase for a year…. basically.

I am back in my home, which is a breath of fresh air. Having filled a 30 yard dumpster, and having put my dearest treasures into storage: I am left with lots of space inside my home. Lots of drawers remain empty of a lifetime of stuff.

I have re-fitted the office, and having shopped my own home- have reconfigured and redesigned each room in my home…. repurposing them. It is a task, finally done!

I have just had the occasion to spend a week with some folks from Wales, New Zealand and Canada. The world is a wonderful feast of potential friends….

Easter yesterday was filled with friends and family…. and watching my two grand boys go on an easter egg hunt. All too darling.

More later, and thanks for visiting
