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Saturday, January 4, 2014

My 'top shelf' fails me and my 'white collar' addition plagues me.

Saturday, January 4th 2014

Good morning with brisk jump in the air.

I have had a wonderfully and intentionally slow beginning to the new year. Fearful that I was coming down with a cold from my grandbaby FIN....I spend the entire Thursday in bed, trying to stay ahead of the sick curve. I am now officially addicted to White Collar and have been watching it non-stop since the first episode viewed just  few days ago. I am on season two. The characters are articulate, nice, quirky and the story lines are always original. Diahnne Carroll stars in it. She is still a stunner!

I understand that Downton Abbey previewed this season- last evening. I am anxious to see this season, as that is truly my favorite all time series/ television show. Perhaps I can get Casey to stream it from the computer. Hmm, what a concept!

Having dropped my cell phone on my friend's yard New Year's Day: my life under the covers and watching WHITE COLLAR were not interrupted by any beeps, tings, or rings on my phone alerting me to a message, email or telephone call. It was nice to be unreachable. Like a little bubble of quiet.

I did however, go yesterday to retrieve my phone from my friend's home. I always always always put my phone, my keys, my cash, my camera: in my bra. Yep! right up there on my 'top shelf'.  And, my sturdy brassiere failed me, allowing the phone to slip on by. I have a very funny story about cash slipping through my bra, which I will relate to you in the near future... look for it. You will giggle.

I went to get my phone back and ended up visiting with my dear friend Me.Me. for hours. Easy. Long overdue chat on her overstuffed comfy leather sofa.... eating leftover January first food. Yum home made pecan pie with vanilla ice cream, some sprinkle cookies, and potato chips followed by San Pellagrino Lemonata. A touch of Italy with sweet southern decadence.

Last evening a group of gals celebrated another girlfriend's birthday. Happy Hour drinks and appetizers at the old Sarasota establishment "The Hillview Grill".  Great sliders! It is amazing that two SMALL pieces of a thing: seems daintier than one LARGE piece of a thing? It is an appetizing illusion. These are gals from our Out of Door days as parents. It was wonderful how our children's school became the focal of our social life and friends, too.  That was an unexpected gift.

Haven't a clue on what is on my 'to do' list today. Half of my house has been HEPA vac. Getting closer to returning. To nesting in a different manner.... and to keep in search of my next season's home.

Happy Saturday. Have it be filled with warm smiles and a big hug.


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