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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Farewell Palm Fronds and Georgie

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Georgie departs today. It has been an interesting 10 days. I love having him close by. I enjoy him.

Ever since his Daddy died, George's coping mechanism has been to withdraw. I am all to familiar with that tack. Consequently, I always allowed Georgie his 'coping' mechanism: never aiming to change it- being accepting. That coping skill is proving to be challenging as he forges a partnership with someone who is uncomfortable with 'withdrawal' as a life-skill. In talking with my son, he is rediscovering a potent resource for him in his Mom. I am able to listen, straight talk… with the clear understanding that my only intention is for my son's well being. I am an 'every-mom': wanting to know that there is a someone who loves and cares for each of her children…. and so, I welcome a partnership: as long as it works for each in that partnership- which simply put: that each feels better as a result of being in the relationship.

All palm fronds are tied up with ribbons and await waste management. That was a big deal, to which my respect for that kind of work is raised immensely. The Oriental carpets were sprayed with anti mold juices to penetrate them…. then put out to AIR dry outside today…. as the cool breezes brought new life into my carpets. I opened all the windows in my house, and allowed the cool, brisk, breezes dance over the naked inside… breathing some LIFE, not stale air into the atmosphere! There are lots of windows, so there were cool natural breezes blowing through the space.

I hung up some clothes which had been relegated to the garage four months ago to forego any potential mildew…. these are pieces which could NOT go into the washer/dryer, like my shoes, purses and antique dolls! My logic is not always logical. These are my 'special' good clothes: St. John knits, and chic chic formal wear designed by Georgie. That is more dear to me than even my wedding dress, which now hangs in my daughter's office closet, where it was requested to live. That makes me smile, as I discover those details of which she is sentimental. Little by little, and always surprised in uncovering those things which are important to her. George has always been an open book as to what he values in terms of 'family' items. Not so with Carlyle. It is a slow unveiling of her evolving tastes.

There was a small gathering at the Hillview Grill with grown-ups who have seen Georgie grow up over the years. All adults whose kids were his friends. It was nice, as these folks have served in a distant way…. as surrogate parents from time to time, evening to evening during puberty and adolescence.
It takes a village, and some in that village shared 'happy hour' with us.

Thanks for visiting. Encourage your friends and family to stop by.

Warmth and smiles,

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