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Sunday, September 29, 2013

POSITIVE THINGS happening at the end of the long MILDEW Tunnel....fingers crossed!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

It is George V's birthday today. He was every inch a libra, and easy for this scorpio to live with. He would have been 67 today. That is something good about dying young: you are always remembered as that 48 year old 'young' man. He will never age. Interesting price to pay for that privilege.

Everything has its price.

So, I spoke lots about knowing something Monday. But, Monday happened, and I am no more 'all knowing' than I was a week ago. A hygenist has been recommended: Of course, I had that appointment set up 10 days ago and decided to defer with my insurance claims experts. I forgot one detail in my naivete and in being quite frankly: OVERWHELMED. Insurance companies are you friend as long as you keep paying the premium. However, once you file a claim, that insurance company becomes your adversary.

How silly of me.

I love my 3 comments on my Blog. I really like getting them, particularly if they are positive. perhaps: only when or because they are positive.......

but, why would someone posit an anonymous comment? Why shouldn't I have the same privilege to know who I am reading, as they do when they read my blog? Hmmm. keep cheering me on "anonymous"... but, remain still curious on why anonymous?

That being said: I know I am perceived as being strong. Perhaps that is true. Perhaps that is part perception. It doesn't matter. What matters is that EVEN STRONG people want to feel like it is OKAY to NOT FEEL STRONG, or to NOT BE STRONG for a few moments in time.

I haven't a clue on why I am feeling overwhelmed, but know on some level: i am out of my depth and comfort zone. When, on the rare occasion that happens: there is good reason for my 'overwhelmedness'.

Had a great dinner with my friend John (George V's oldest childhood friend) and his lady, Meg. She is my new friend and a dear lady. She is beautiful, darling, bright, articulate, NICE, as she is from OHIO. They make nice folks in OHIO. Saw their 'condo' on the beach: quite wonderful and easy to beach walk. ground floor...... mostly rennovated for an OLD Siesta CONDO. The furniture all looked too big, too dark and too bulky- too many animal prints and too much brown and olive green. Color so impacts me, and lack of it usually depresses me. It was a bit 'matchy' matchy. I am so NOT a matchy matchy kinda gal.

Hopefully, we will go swimming in the Gulf today! That is my plan and fantasy for a perfect day.

I did get some GREAT NEWS. POSITIVE. UPBEAT NEWS! A high powered agent who does NOT take on new writers, has agreed to read part of my manuscript, thanks to my MENTOR, David. He did some sweet-talking to his old pal, the agent.... and it is because of his faith in my project, that I was honored with his CHEERING my work on, and it is because of HER respect of him, that I am being given this opportunity.

This could be BIG. If she doesn't go wild and crazy over my manuscript- she has a wonderful sphere of influence, and might point me in the right direction. David was EXCITED about that news, so that too, is meaningful. Thank you AGENT, and thank you DAVID.... fingers crossed.

Smiles for this Sunday,


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