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Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, Labor Day, September 2, 2013

Awoke in my little gray shingle cottage... all cozy and under a deliciously fluffy feather eiderdown and turned on the Today Show, which is my American ritual while stateside. I spent 4 months with little or no news... and this morning's show had a wrap-up of summer's most noteworthy stories. The Cliff NOTES version of staying current, albeit- not at all current.

I have both feet on American soil... but part of my heart remains in Lake Como, as always. When Carlyle and Casey were there: there was a full moon, which when I think about it even today, makes my heart soar. Of course, there was a full moon in the states, too. But the full moon was illuminescent , glowing with what appeared like glitter. The air was clear and the moon moved across the lake and over the mountains. Arising early in the morning to take the kids to the airport: the moon was still shining with a huge GLOW, as the sun was rising in the sky. The circle of the earth and the cycle was stunning and took my breath away. It is a sight I will long remember.

Having a few days prior to my departure and after the kids left was lovely. I could slowly pack up the house and my luggage, and nest upon leaving so that my return whenever it would be will be will be seamless and feel 'new'.

My girlfriend, Kirsten from Venice arrived for a few days prior to departing the lake. She is a new widow: and we could talk about her husband, death and a new way of living - contemplating that there is always LIFE after DEATH. Italians do not speak of death and new life. They just refer to the dead as "POOR Umberto" or POOR George or POOR whoever died.

Kirsten went paragliding, bike riding and we had the most special of evenings. One night, I had Alessio and some other dear friends come for a dinner with Kirsten. The friends are folks she has met over the years of visiting and have become part of her circle of admirers. Alessio brought his guitar. Another friend made Pizzoccheri.... and Kirsten sat at Alessio's feet and sang along with his stunning guitar playing. It was one of those evenings where you feel BLESSED. It was easy, beautiful and filled with soul and the simple flow of energy of long time friends. Another evening, we went to FeFe's home (Alessio's wife) and had a GIRL'S evening, which is not a usual thing in Italy. FeFe cooked, which is always a treat, and there was easy banter among 5 single women and FeFe. Girl talk- is the same and different all over the world. It always includes a few minutes of MEN talk: whether determining if men are redundant, a pain or if they are 'missed' in the scheme of life.

As my mind wanders back to Nantucket... the girls and I will go 'shopping' and perhaps go to a museum or two. A little bit of culture and history among the delights of girly pleasures.

Happy Labor Day,

Smiles, as always

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