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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dis-placed, Turkey-ful, and Christmas Card-less

Black Saturday? 2013.... is that what follows Black Friday?


Well, I have a better appreciation for Thanksgiving turkey dinners: wherever they were prepared: the leftovers. I devoured the mashed potatoes and gravy, the cornbread stuffing & Morton's cranberry sauce. All mixed together along side sweet potato & marsh-mellow goo.

It is crazy to have a great portion of the American people en route over Thanksgiving week-end.... like 'ants' scurrying about in the sky and on the roads. But, it is a perfect excuse if one is needed: to bring families together- for no other reason than 'to break bread'. There is value in that simple ritual. Italians take great stock in that value in life: meal-time, on a daily basis is an inviolate family time. We Americans do it on a BIG SCALE: at least once a year. Combine that with each family's history... and you feel part of a tradition. It becomes part of the fabric of who we are, and what makes us a bit different and the same.

There is something warming about those concepts.

I am a displaced person. I am now also a vehicle-less person. Carlyle is sweet to let me use her car. Mine is in the shop for its 75,000 mile check up and because the convertible top got STUCK: not UP and not DOWN. And, not a good position to be in.... if driving is required.

I misplaced my phone.... so, I was out of communication for a couple of days. It is quite the dis placed, mis-placed life I am leading. It is all appropriate and symbolic.

I have purged all my blouses, sweaters, tops. Tried them on: given some away, and kept some. Now it is time for the Bottoms. Hmmm. It is like shopping in my closet. If they fit: they are MINE all over again.... and off to the gal who irons. If they do not fit, or don't fit my maturing personality: they go onto a new life in a new closet. My goal: is to have a closet NOT filled, but containing only stainLESS clothes that fit, and that I might actually wear. What a concept! Seems simple. Seems is the operative word.

This is the second year in 30 years that I will not send out Christmas cards. They would be in the mail today.... and were always memorable cards. It was a lot of work- 400 cards to stuff, address, stamp, and mail. I got great in the end: POSTCARDS were my salvation to eliminating stuffing & licking envelopes. Last year, I was at my son George's - helping him move. It took many more week than had anticipated because he bought a cool house from a man who died while on holiday.... in france. This poor dude choked to death on escargot! At any rate.... no Christmas cards while packing, and unpacking in the Berkshires. Saved by slaving over my son's new home. This year: I am displaced..... and have moved out of my home. I don't even have a stamp which is NOT packed away. So, I will chalk this one up as a GIFT of my heretofore sick home: a reprieve from Christmas card sending!

I am getting a hankering to see a movie on the big screen: my movieaholic tendencies are taking over all motivation for today. We will see what triumphs!


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