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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Useful Boobs!

Thursday, April 23 2019

Spoke with Carlo and Pinucia (Pee noo Chah). My overseaers for Italy. They say it has been soooo sad. When shops are closed, there are huge metal fences or doors covering the windows. It is depressing and seems ‘dead’. So, the village of Menaggio has been “Trieste” sad.

The village is starting to “wake up” May 4th..... and my guess is that the Italians will be so desperate to live life again that they will be great full to all those who gather within social distancing. For those of your who have been able to take a DEEP breath..... and jump into visiting Italy this summer, I am thinking that DEFINITELY by July, all is FINE. Perhaps way before then. Fingers crossed. Probably before then. We will see.

It is a difficult ask culturally in Italy, when everyone says hi with a “BACI BACI”  (kiss kiss) : an up close and personal cheek kissing sweet time... to think how they will change that centuries old ritual. It is what makes folks feel close.

Wonder what the new cultural norm will be as I love that their personal space was more than two arm lengths away.

I was socialLy active yesterday. Nothing that was ‘riveting’.

I say that only from the perspective of almost having not left my home in MONTHS!

I started at eight in the morning with a hearing test. I haven’t had a hearing test in thirty five years. I decided that, as a Sextengenarian and with a louder television volume blaring: it was a good thought. I had the test. I was in a hearing corregated BOX with a rusty doorknob from 40 years ago. I know that because it looked like the ones I would take Carlyle to as a baby when she didn’t hear nor speak.

I had a clicker. Like the clicker in the eye office to click when you see the DOT floating in front of your eyes in that machine cube.

In this boothe, I had to click when I heard a sound. I clicked. Clicked. Clicked. Then...... dead silence.
Hmmm. So, I don’t know what the test results will say. But, I can say that there were all too long
Silences between my clicks.

Part of me wanted to click during long silences just to. ‘Pretend’ I heard something. Then I said to myself “Judy, don’t be such an asshole”. You don’t want to pass just to pass. You want to know how well or not well I am hearing.

My grandmother. My dad. They were completely deaf without hearing aid or in the case of my dad : a cochlear implant. My cousin has had a hearing aid since she was 40. So, I know it may be part of my
Future maturing process.

When I was a teenager and my grandmother was in her 70’s..... and we would travel. I could do whatever I wanted at night as loudly as I wanted once she took her hearing aids off. She was four feet ten inches and her ‘receiver’ were big amplifiers that she hid in her bra. There was a wire that would go into her ears. So, if you wanted to talk with her, you had to bend down to her breasts , which as a lady 4 feet 10 inches were very low, requiring  a deep bend and talk to her boobs where her receivers were stored, and scream. It was funny. When she used the phone: she would put the receiver to her BOssom, where her receiver was. Not her ear! Folks would try to grab the phone from her to teach her that she should put it to her ear and not her chest.

I always smiled.

Too cute.Everything went into her boob. Her receivers. Her linen tissues.

That is probably why I keep my entire purse in my boobs: camera, money! Things of legends!

More to come.

Happy Thursday.
Finished binge watching three seasons of OZARK. Wow. I always miss the characters, so I feel as if my houseguests have just departed! I felt that way after binge watching Downton Abbey. I had Downton Abbey withdrawal!

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