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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Pinky hued Jackson Pollock

Tuesday, April 14th......

Okay..... this “Jungle Judy” resigns.

I have learned my lesson: I may be a ‘slow learner’, but I have always said that “God Loves the Slow Learner, as much as He Loves the Fast Learner”.  It was ‘always my personal SAVE’.... when I just didn’t have the attention span to actual do the due dilligence.

That being said, and after staying home...... I have

A) Slit my arm with my saw-toothed curvy saw

B) Had a reoccurance of my Brown Recluse Spider Bite..... creating a “Half Blowfish Face” appearance

C) Fallen into the Fish Pond, spraining my foot..... compelling me to travel my house on top of my roller office chair

And now, for today’s piece de resistance!

D) I am chocker-blocked covered with Poison Ivy!

Everywhere except The Who Who.

I am not sure I am moving in the right direction-

From Half Blowfish face to a pinky tinted  Jackson Pollock painting across the canvas of my body....

Now, waddling as I strut, so that I put no weight on my still hurting, bruised foot.

I feel like a DORK. Plain and simple!

Happy SOLOizing to you, in paradise!

Warmth, smiles

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