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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Energy spreads its colorful wings.

Sunday Sunday. April 26th,

My all time favorite television show each week is CBS Sunday Morning. It is ‘mind candy’ in a most creative variety of topics. Loved the segment with Julie Andrews! Of course. I have always adored Julie Andrews.

Since I was 9 years old. Julie Andrews was 20. It was my 9th Birthday. Third row orchestra seats, smack dab in the center. My very first Broadway show ... which would become an addiction. My sweet red headed mom and my oldest girlfriend, Laurie!

“My Fair Lady”.... a story of transformation, optimism, potential all wrapped up with Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews. Pure Magic.

The following year, the team of Mom and Laurie and I went again to Broadway for my 10th Birthday.
There.... we saw Richard Burton, Julie Andrews and Robert Goulet in “Camelot”.

Sixty years later, when I turned sextagenarian plus nine (the FUNNEST NUMBER in number system)....I went to see Julie Andrews at Van Wezel with her daughter, Emma. I felt as if I was blessed to have lived an entire circle, enchanted by Julie.

In this interview on CBS Sunday Morning, Emma Commented that she learned from her Mom, “Julie Andrews” was :

When unsure, stand in the silence”.  

I am ‘swimming’ In that thought, and am embracing it. It goes to the idea of ‘living with intention’.

That is a lesson I have struggled a lifetime to learn.

The other sentiment offered was by Julie Andrews. This is a sentiment I say to myself and it resonates with me. Julie said that as a young girl in WWII, her mom and aunt would always say “There is a beginning, a middle and an ending to everything.”

That is all so True.

The love, rapport, and respect that Julie and her daughter share is one to be revered. It’s a beautiful thing to see.... on the television screen or on stage. That warmth pours over the audience and is inspiring.

Yesterday, I jumped out of bed. I went over to Gio GIO’s home.

Early .....

I arrived and together we moved her dining and living room and took down paintings she didn’t like. She is ‘nesting’, and creating HER own energy in her home after just becoming a widow. She is stretching her new SOLO wings in her home. Her space.

It felt great to get her moving and looking forward.

It is okay if she wants to move everything back to where it was: but, it shook up the ENERGY of her home..... creating new air. And with that, the idea of new possibilities of life, alone with ONLY herself to answer and account to. A breath of renewed life indeed. Not as a daughter. Not as a wife.

But, As an independent solo adult.

I also advised GioGio to surround herself with her FAVORITE color. The choice of color doesn’t need to make sense. It doesn’t need to go with ‘anything’. COLOR is ENERGY. Whatever color embraces her and makes her happy.... because it is about radiating energy, is the color she should choose and cozy up to in her home.

After a morning of creative furniture arranging...I left before noon and drove directly to McDonald’s!
I was ravenous. I was a BIG MAC ravenous.

It was a feast. I was happy!

Warmth and smiles

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