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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Dating and Dog sites during SOLO izing

Good Friday,

I left you with my adventure into my cyber world as of late.... lest I forgot some details. As it is in the world of the internet: once I was unfortunately signed up for OUR TIME.... I became the winning recipient of ALL sorts of dating sites! All for the goal of having me sign up. If I was such a DORK to sign up for OUR MUST mean that I am super desperate and in need of: and MEET ITALIAN and BB MEET and Physically fit Singles! I am not Italian. Not that I have anything against Italians, as I have lived in Italy for 30 years.... Physically PFIT Singles? Really. I am physically Pfluffy. So.... I was then curious about what BB MEET could mean. I thought “Better business” meet. No no no no. It is BIG BODIES MEET!


If pretend shopping, pretend dating were not enough of ‘cyber window shopping’ of a diversion....
I went looking for ‘MIN PIN’s. Miniature Pincher dogs. There were two darling ones who were besties and wanted to go to a forever home together....”Schnookum” and “Hallmark”. I fell in love and then had to RUN AWAY and delete the site from my sight.

I have decided that it is too dangerous to stay at home. I was swashbuckling in my back yard: fell into the FISH pond which is only 18” deep! Of course, with saw in my hand. It was only after I finished pruning that I realized that I had sprained my foot. I got my roller office chair to skooche around... a waste basket to hold lots of ice to soak my sore foot ! It took 3 days to be able to put weight on it.
It is still bruised, and so I limp like a little ‘ole waddling’ broad.

While my gait has changed since my Fish pond incident.... and probably while I was swashbuckling and filling my garbage bins..... did I do something to my back. Now I have a searing pain which goes down from my hip to my knee!

Thirty years ago, I was weeding in my back yard. It was the first time I had ever weeded.... and I evidently turned my back incorrectly....and became unable to walk. My daughter was 2 1/2 and I was unable to lift her or to leave my bed. It took me a year of every possible solution to my disability and finally it took surgery. No fusing. It was a beautiful thing.

My lesson thirty years ago was simple. It was the Universe’s way of directing me to NEVER WEED again! Lesson learned.

Alas: 30 years later, and SOLO IZING during Pandemic: I forgot my lesson.... and I put HAND to GARDEN and my body is reflecting my lapse of what had been ‘a lesson learned’.

I have now learned it.
No gardening
No swashbuckling with my saw
No internet pretend shopping
No MORE dating sites
No looking at puppies while SOLO IZING

So, what have I learned? After far too many friends talking about it, I watched the first three episodes of Tiger King.

It makes life in suspension seem NORMAL in comparison to a normal day in the life of those characters.

The moral of this story: My ability to life towards DORKDORM, hasn’t changed course.


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