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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Carlye’s 35th Birthday at HOME

Normal Tax Day
My Daughter’s 35th birthday.

Hi there from cyberland.....

I just had a wonderful evening with my baby girl, Carlyle. She is 35 today.

Lest it not be noticed and appreciated, my daughter dawned a lovely top, beautiful belt and cool shoes.... much to the notice and heart felt soul of her mommy.

It was a BIG deal. My CARLYLE looked beautiful.  Yeah. I love the gift she gave me by looking intentionally nice. NOT overdoing anything, to be sure.

She has grown intro a sweet lady.

She arrived with a gourmet ‘take out’ dinner of the most sensuous Caesare salad, escargot, potato leek soup, chicken cordon blue, yummy lamb chomps and the finale...... chocolate & cashew desert and a crepe Brûlée

Include candles and look-see talking with Georgie, the big BROTHER. He is so cute and soooooo
Adoring of his little sister. Way, before she was born, he was praying for her. It is such a beautiful thing to see between the two of them.

AND, a cool phone visit with Uncle Rob, and the family. Fun, funny, and pure adoration and love.

It is more than I could ever have thought would fill my heart.

Yum Yum. Outside 4 feet apart. Perfect with candles, and bourbon and white claw..... for me and for birthday girl. Great grub in the outside/interior courtyard that she grew up with: first as a kid’s playground.....then, as a ‘smoking section’ for the ‘bad kids’.... of which there were plenty.

And through my first grand son’s playground.... yet a generation from which it began...... back till tonight as the 35th birthday of my baby girl.

‘A generation Plus’ in this space after 45 year of calling this ‘home’

How beauteous is the circle of life that continues with joy

Smiles, warmth

Poison Ivy and itching is my GREAT CHALLENGE as it terrorizes me. I HATE TO ITCH.

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