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Friday, April 3, 2020

Filled garbage bins as my Flower arrangement

April third....

I bought a saw. Not a fancy electric saw. But, a saw with style. It will cut through eight inches! It is saw toothed CURVED saw. It wraps itself around my ‘target’... or foliage victim. OR me! I sawed through my skin on my arm ..... egalitarian as I am: on both sides on two separate ‘outings’ on the SAME arm.... I’m fine. I think I’ll have a permanent reminder of my budding landscaping techniques.

I must say that there is a feeling of ‘freeing’ the ALIVE leaves- a space for them to find their sun to survive and thrive as their sibling dead leaves drop to the ground. I feel much like a swash-buckler, a TARZANA Jane kinda gal. It feels powerful. It feels productive. It feels like outdoor exercise! I come back into my home and feel like I need a nap!

But, of course: there is more than merely cutting down dead leaves.

The next step leads me to put my “cuttings’.... into a garbage bin. I must say that stuffing my bountiful cuttings into a bin was like ‘flower arranging’. That is how my mind saw the activity, with the goal of shoving as much as possible inside each bin. My mind is an amusing diversion, as I think each filled garbage bin is a bountiful bouquet of dead palm fronds.... and a thing of ‘beauty’.

Thus: an explanation of my eclectic taste!

It is now FOUR BINS later. I am out of bins! I have a ‘recycle bin’ left.... and a bin with actual home garbage!

Soloizing life requires no more than ONE SOLO garbage bin weekly.

Now it is time to relax.... and to contemplate the rest of life in ‘suspension’.

Smiles, warmth

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