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Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020 with appreciation

Monday, May 25th.... and Memorial Day

The world is budding and coming alive.

The weather vacillates between windy, dark and rainy with spots of glorious sunlight that beams through bright blue skies and fluffy clouds.

There are wonderful messages throughout the week-end on the sacrifices made by so many individuals and their families. Each sacrifice is the gift from many as many pay for the loss in different ways.

I am grateful. I am admiring of the nobility of service and the willingness to head straight on towards danger. It is a gift worthy of memorializing from each of us Americans.

Folks heading to the beach all week-end to enjoy life on the Gulf of Mexico.

I got the chance to go swimming with my grand-baby boys. Actually, they are boys and not baby boys. They are 7 and 10 and are in constant motion: playing with their skin boards, jumping the waves... and digging holes! The beautiful thing about being a Grandy..... is that I watch them as if they are a motion picture in action. I am a beach voyeur, watching the world stroll as the beachcombers head up and down the beach. Young and Old. Tan and not. Large and tiny skinny bodies. A confetti of folks enjoying the fresh air, the breeze, the sand and the ability to stretch our legs.

Have a great day. Warmth. Smiles.


Friday, May 22, 2020

Ennui. Out of the state of sameness.

At last..... Like the Etta James song, which is one of my faves... It is Friday, May 22, 2020

Hi there visitors.

I have not felt inspired to write.

All of the heretofore activities that I will enumerate: are just that. Mundane everyday occurrences.

Yet, in this season of being ‘in suspension’, the most mundane is definitely extraordinary. Like:

~ having my mani- pedi !!!!!!

   Having a person touch me~ smear all kinds of cream over my legs, my hands and arms.
   Touch and tender caring. It is all revitalizing. Greasy. Soft. Slippery. Soothing.

~ having a hair cut!!!

  Getting my hair cropped , refreshing a long enevened-maned head ....
  Into one with crisp edges,  sloped down with a compelling angle to created to a swinginess.

   It now feels like wearing a “twirly skirt”.... kinda like a whirling dervish with a gust of wind lifting
   The skirt ! Fun. Fanciful. Whimsical.

~ went to the Office Store.

   You know that I must be isolated as I had no clue that office shops were essential!

   Bought padded envelopes and pens! Seriously boring.

~ used the padded envelopes and pens when I went to the Post Office!

    I am now able to ‘keep in touch’ in the most charming antique way: with handwriting and a postal

    The message and package ALL TOUCHED by human warmth and energy.

    That effort Is meaningful.

~ Went to a restaurant. One of those great places that originated in the mid fifties with:
    Meatloaf or turkey sandwiches... a patty melt on rye!

    The wait staff is from the original Era. Formica tables. Booths. And prices to match its age!
    The most expensive feast cost $8.99!  Loved it. Perfectly funky.

I have finally made it  down the short 3 minute walk to the most beautiful beach in the world.

Went swimming.
Floated over the WAVES. Yes, little wonderful waves in the Gulf of Mexico.

I walked the beach with a friend.

I swam .

I people watched!

And, The water! It was a fabulous turquoise green. Clear. Crisp. The Light turquoise had spots of acqua and royal blue. It was a rainbow of exquisite blues and greens..... glistening with the sun.

My friends little grand daughter, whom I call “So-fi-fi”.... looks like a little sandpiper. And, I am
 Auntie JuJu (magic)

She darts with delight towards the water. She is a tiny itty bitty sweet little 2 year old.
Her wee legs just buzzed her way forward. It was like a movie picture of joy.

Periodically I get to thinking that it is very EGO oriented to post my mental meanderings. So, I get shy.

My almost forty year old son thinks that I ought to write about those things that would ring as being ‘salacious’. Sexy. He thinks I need to spice this up.

He also thinks I should write a book about “100 most interesting massages around the world”: I am a massage junkie and always include it while traveling.

My daughter and cousins want me to write about the history of my family.

With a bit of nudge-face prompting, I will start to include some of the ‘family’ historical stories and wait for me to be much more desperate before I start including any  “X” rated tales.

Or, maybe not.

Smiles and happy Memorial Day weekend. I thank all of those men and women and their families who have given of themselves so that I might write whatever I wish, worship however I wish and vote for whomever I wish. That is pretty cool indeed.

Have fun


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mom’s Day, Music and Mimosas

 Mom’s Day, Sunday, May 10th

I have two little gems to share with all the moms, friends, readers and lovers of music.

This first was sent to me by “JUDY2”, my college roomie.... and it’s a creative version of the great
“Lean on Me”..... which we all seem to be doing, even if in soloizing.

This second gift is one I just discovered. I do not comb u-tube or even blogs (I shouldn’t own that one!) or.....but, I came upon this next sweet song. It is an originally written song and brought tears to the audience. This is about life, love, loss and appreciation about the frailty between life and death.
Sort of appropriate too, for this season in our lives.

Had a super sweet Mommy’s Day. Carlyle brought me breakfast in bed! Really really good eggs Benedict, a Mimosa and bacon! I substituted BED for breakfast in the courtyard in safe distance from my baby girl. Food and Flowers...with, STARGAZER Lillies as part of the pampering.

Life is good.

Desert was a face-time with Georgie. Living in the Berkshires, he was surrounded by flurries of snow. In May!

My grand finale was a visit from “my first born” Astrid, and all the boys in her life. I am “GRANDY”, and love having that ‘kid’ energy infused at home. It is a true circle for me to have the grand-kids enjoy the same home that my kids grew up in. The continuity is beautiful and bountiful.

I appreciate all of you who stop in....

Thursday, May 7, 2020

HIPPA rules

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Thursday, May 7th....

I’ve been a lazy girl in terms of verbosity. But, I’ve been skee-daddling across the earth’s plain.

Translation of skee-saddling? Its meaning, in this season of SOLOizing: getting a much needed CRACK to my back and sweet little right foot which has been the object of much abuse.

I have been scrunched up and hunched over, creating a more ‘compact’ version of me. I need to find the space in my body- stretch, motivate, and CRACK! Such heaven from something that seems like an automatic nail gun. Going to my CRACK DOCTOR is like having my body FEEL like the sun rising.

It’s a beautiful thing. He helps give me back my body. It’s a most wonderful gift.

Along the way and through the days, I have visited with GioGio. (Pronounced “Jo Jo”. She’s Italian and her real ITALIAN name is Giovanna. Prounced “Jo-vahn-nah”)

It is difficult for me to visit just to visit, as I want to be productive. I am a ‘little work horse’ when it comes to house packing and organizing. I must admit that my WHIRLING DERVISH rush of energy gets GioGio a bit nervous. She is a Southern Italian. Southerners in ALL northern countries move slower than their northern counterparts. I think it has to do with the science of molecules. ALL things, including CELLS become more fluid in warmer temps. A relaxed kinda warm.

I must and want to be sensitive to her comfort level, as it is all about being a support for GioGio. My purpose is not to get her nervous. So, all work sessions begin in the front porch.

I pour a lemonade and vodka. NO ice. I bring along a pack of the skinniest, longest and lightest cigarettes I can find. Today’s brand is a pink Capri. We sit. We reminisce. About Ira. About my wedding with George V. Mostly, I enjoy listening to GioGio’s stories. As she spins her memories, there is a. Twinkle in her eyes. Her face is relaxed and there is a slight smile that graces her face.
There is no make-up. She’s in darling p.j’s. And, she radiates. It is a poignant time to share.

She smiles... but, she also says that she never giggles. I thought about it. I laugh out loud at myself and what a flaming dork I can be. How do you think I amuse myself when I normally only have
Myself to amuse me. I can find the ‘amusing’ in the most mundane.

GioGio does not have a vodka and lemonade. HIPPA requires me not to reveal her diversions.

This week’s work required that we repack her armoire after it had been moved to another wall.
Within 45 minutes, we transformed her living room from being chockerblock filled with glasses- champagne, wine, water and every kind of cordial, brandy and martini flutes as well, to a SPACE
Where GioGio could relax on her newly placed sofas.

Calm. GioGio seeks Calm.

Lastly, GioGio found her two favorite paintings that were nesting in various bedrooms and she put
Them in her living and dining rooms. It is stunning how much ‘lighter’  the space felt when adorned with different art.

It’s great to see GioGio make her home, hers.

I also had my grand-baby boys and their mom and dad to visit. It was sooooo cute. They are 10 and 6. They love to fish in the back dock on the canal.

The boys “Pip” and “Fin” love to jump in my backyard poolette/ jacuzzi. Bubbles bubbling signifies fun! This is a home made for kids of all ages to enjoy and laugh and giggle.

Dad and the boys went to the beach, as it is now open. Their dog, Safari- a Rhodesian ridgeback hung out on the back deck in the warm sunlight. And Astrid and I talked as girls as always able and willing to do.

It’d been a long time that we had to share what we were doing and feeling. It was good and all at SIX FEET away.

Finally. No more poison ivy. (Very little) No more brown recluse spider bites. And today: I go to the dermatologist!

Cheers and thanks for visiting my life in semi-soloizingville.


Please share with anyone you think might enjoy. I really appreciate you!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Cleaning Closets while the beach comes alive

Saturday, May 2nd 2020

Florida opens up slowly. A few more cars.

Siesta Beach is alight with humanity happily walking along the sidewalk en route to the Beach. It’s refreshing.

Went to my friend Gio GIO’s. I helped her fold and stack up her husband’s clothes in bags. To give away. Or, to keep. Changing and freeing up the energy in a room which she will embrace when her time is right. It was sweet and touching to see her caress each shirt. Each pair of pants. She remembered where she would have purchased a particular shirt or for what occasion Ira would have worn it. It was Poignant and caring.

It should be noted that there was not one dirty anything in the closet. Every shirt was slickly ironed to that crisp perfection that always looks fetching on men. That particular brand of caring is so Gio Gio, a predictable Italian wife, mom and daughter. There were a lot of hours of ironing in that closet. I was impressed! The last items to go into bags were the shoes. Reluctantly. Very reluctantly, beautifully tasseled loafers and topsiders filled several bags with many pairs stored with ‘wooden shoe trees’.

I felt privileged to be there.  Gio Gio kept a dozen great shirts and sweaters of her husband. She will look darling in them and she will feel enveloped by and with him.

Life is good.


May Day. May Day.

May Day 2020

Ring a round the Rosie, a pocketful of posies.

Ashes. Ashes. We all fall down!

May Day. 1955. Munsey Park School. Manhasset.

Long Island. New York.

Outside in the playground. Sun. Spring. Warmth beaming down.
A large Pole with a rainbow of colored ribbons streaming from being attached to the tippy top of the pole. Each little kindergartener grabbing a color, circling the pole. Laughter. Innocence. Joy. Simple pleasures shared as a class.

It is almost 65 years later and I just now thought of how stupid the sounds of those words are. I know I am a slow learner. It is amazing how we learn things which become almost cellular ... without ever thinking of their meaning.

For me: another such saying is “It is as cute as a button!”

Are buttons cute?


The first of May. May Day. The fifties.

It was a great era in which to blossom.

Friday. Florida begins budding Open. Yet, Not for us sextagenarians.

Poison Ivy is still plaguing my surfaces and My foot is still sensitive since My fall into fish pond. Of course I am compensating. That ONLY means that my LEFT femur bone hurts with a nerve which feels like a Lightning bolt that sears through me. I might call that a bit of a ‘glitch’.

Wishing for you a Gltichless day, with a smile


Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Tuesday, April 28th

I felt almost ‘normal’ yesterday. I got dressed! (Bra NOT included). But, I was dressed!

Had a fabulous chiropractic CRACK.... (NOT exactly CRACK)..... like a wonderful gun, drumming its beat down my back and my “angel wings”. Left the office, floating.

Not literally. Yet: in the bounty of my imagination, I floated!

I then went to visit Gio Gio. I went to see the fruits of my frenetic furniture moving from the other day. It was refreshing to know that Gio Gio was ‘happy’ with the new spaces redesigned.

Best, we went for a walk. Gio Gio lives in a great neighborhood. In the center of Sarasota. On the Creek.... a wide beautiful piece of the world. The neighborhood is old, signifying a time when LAND and SPACE had grace. There was an ‘old time’ value in taking a deep breath and being able to walk around the yard, and not hear what is being said inside your neighbor’s house. A sense of privacy OUTSIDE had value... way back 50 years ago. Now, privacy is valued by the space INSIDE the home, making land a long ago valued commodity.

We walked on streets I have never been to. I have lived in Sarasota for 48 years, and I was on an ‘adventure’ on foot. Gio Gio said “Hi” to neighbors and chatted them up. She is so “Italian” friendly.

We visited a huge property where the owner invited us to her backyard.

There were stag horn ferns that were 100 years old and impressively enormous. The property sloped down gracefully to the CREEK as we ambled along the wooden walkway.

It was a paradise. It was a treasure. I felt blessed to have been invited in to see this lovingly tended home and enormous garden.

A simple stroll. And, a gem. A friend. Good conversation. Sunshine. Breeze. And welcoming neighbors.

Life at its basic best. Six feet apart.

Warmth, smiles,

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Energy spreads its colorful wings.

Sunday Sunday. April 26th,

My all time favorite television show each week is CBS Sunday Morning. It is ‘mind candy’ in a most creative variety of topics. Loved the segment with Julie Andrews! Of course. I have always adored Julie Andrews.

Since I was 9 years old. Julie Andrews was 20. It was my 9th Birthday. Third row orchestra seats, smack dab in the center. My very first Broadway show ... which would become an addiction. My sweet red headed mom and my oldest girlfriend, Laurie!

“My Fair Lady”.... a story of transformation, optimism, potential all wrapped up with Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews. Pure Magic.

The following year, the team of Mom and Laurie and I went again to Broadway for my 10th Birthday.
There.... we saw Richard Burton, Julie Andrews and Robert Goulet in “Camelot”.

Sixty years later, when I turned sextagenarian plus nine (the FUNNEST NUMBER in number system)....I went to see Julie Andrews at Van Wezel with her daughter, Emma. I felt as if I was blessed to have lived an entire circle, enchanted by Julie.

In this interview on CBS Sunday Morning, Emma Commented that she learned from her Mom, “Julie Andrews” was :

When unsure, stand in the silence”.  

I am ‘swimming’ In that thought, and am embracing it. It goes to the idea of ‘living with intention’.

That is a lesson I have struggled a lifetime to learn.

The other sentiment offered was by Julie Andrews. This is a sentiment I say to myself and it resonates with me. Julie said that as a young girl in WWII, her mom and aunt would always say “There is a beginning, a middle and an ending to everything.”

That is all so True.

The love, rapport, and respect that Julie and her daughter share is one to be revered. It’s a beautiful thing to see.... on the television screen or on stage. That warmth pours over the audience and is inspiring.

Yesterday, I jumped out of bed. I went over to Gio GIO’s home.

Early .....

I arrived and together we moved her dining and living room and took down paintings she didn’t like. She is ‘nesting’, and creating HER own energy in her home after just becoming a widow. She is stretching her new SOLO wings in her home. Her space.

It felt great to get her moving and looking forward.

It is okay if she wants to move everything back to where it was: but, it shook up the ENERGY of her home..... creating new air. And with that, the idea of new possibilities of life, alone with ONLY herself to answer and account to. A breath of renewed life indeed. Not as a daughter. Not as a wife.

But, As an independent solo adult.

I also advised GioGio to surround herself with her FAVORITE color. The choice of color doesn’t need to make sense. It doesn’t need to go with ‘anything’. COLOR is ENERGY. Whatever color embraces her and makes her happy.... because it is about radiating energy, is the color she should choose and cozy up to in her home.

After a morning of creative furniture arranging...I left before noon and drove directly to McDonald’s!
I was ravenous. I was a BIG MAC ravenous.

It was a feast. I was happy!

Warmth and smiles

Friday, April 24, 2020

New Trend in House Warming Gifts.

Friday, April 24th....

It is a dark and tropically stormy day with the breeze lashing wind through the palm fronds. Grey. Wet and with the noise that leaves make as they dance among their branches. It is a dark and sad day. A bit depressing as we are so acclimated to Sun, Sunlight and Bright light.

Spent last evening with my dear friends, the Dee Tomatoes! They have an old Florida stucco home with a sweeping view of the Bay, the St. Armands Bridge, the Sarasota City Scape and .... a beautiful coral sunset. Sitting out on the Bay last evening, we ‘sipped pommagranate cosmos’ as we were AWE struck as we watched manatees mating. Splashing. Being seemingly playful . I can’t say how MS. Manatee felt. Dolphin swam by easily floating through the waters.

The Voyeurs were only the humans as we were riveted with the humping, bumping by the sandbar.
The entire thing was Pure delight. Witnesses life in action is a beautiful thing.

As a ‘Thank You’ for dinner gift I opted for a NEW SOLOIZING ERA “Happy Home present”.
Nope. Not wine.
Nope. Not cocktail napkins.
Nope. No flowers.
Nope. Not desert.

Yep: I wrapped up and gifted my friends .... a ROLL of TOILET PAPER!

I’ve been thinking about all of the different  ways we will change to live differently after this Coronavirus . One thing may be : bringing ‘cool face masks’, or ‘roll of paper towels’, or  jugs of
Hand Sanitizers

We will walk through doorways with Sunlight streaming through. All hand rails in public spaces will spew ultra violet light. I haven’t a clue. I just know that our public spaces will be transformed. Perhaps floors will be designed with GRIDS in mind so that the public can easily go through life knowing about social distancing.

There will be a new cultural revolution of behavior and it will be interesting to see how it unfolds.

Dinner was delicious. BBQ chicken. Sonny’s BBQ baked beans. Music streaming from the outdoor speakers and such wonderful friends. Easy conversation. Laughter. Mutual adoration. All of these with the backdrop of Sarasota’s night sky, make life precious. And appreciated.

Happy Friday and hope that yours is a super duper week-end.

Warmth, smiles

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Useful Boobs!

Thursday, April 23 2019

Spoke with Carlo and Pinucia (Pee noo Chah). My overseaers for Italy. They say it has been soooo sad. When shops are closed, there are huge metal fences or doors covering the windows. It is depressing and seems ‘dead’. So, the village of Menaggio has been “Trieste” sad.

The village is starting to “wake up” May 4th..... and my guess is that the Italians will be so desperate to live life again that they will be great full to all those who gather within social distancing. For those of your who have been able to take a DEEP breath..... and jump into visiting Italy this summer, I am thinking that DEFINITELY by July, all is FINE. Perhaps way before then. Fingers crossed. Probably before then. We will see.

It is a difficult ask culturally in Italy, when everyone says hi with a “BACI BACI”  (kiss kiss) : an up close and personal cheek kissing sweet time... to think how they will change that centuries old ritual. It is what makes folks feel close.

Wonder what the new cultural norm will be as I love that their personal space was more than two arm lengths away.

I was socialLy active yesterday. Nothing that was ‘riveting’.

I say that only from the perspective of almost having not left my home in MONTHS!

I started at eight in the morning with a hearing test. I haven’t had a hearing test in thirty five years. I decided that, as a Sextengenarian and with a louder television volume blaring: it was a good thought. I had the test. I was in a hearing corregated BOX with a rusty doorknob from 40 years ago. I know that because it looked like the ones I would take Carlyle to as a baby when she didn’t hear nor speak.

I had a clicker. Like the clicker in the eye office to click when you see the DOT floating in front of your eyes in that machine cube.

In this boothe, I had to click when I heard a sound. I clicked. Clicked. Clicked. Then...... dead silence.
Hmmm. So, I don’t know what the test results will say. But, I can say that there were all too long
Silences between my clicks.

Part of me wanted to click during long silences just to. ‘Pretend’ I heard something. Then I said to myself “Judy, don’t be such an asshole”. You don’t want to pass just to pass. You want to know how well or not well I am hearing.

My grandmother. My dad. They were completely deaf without hearing aid or in the case of my dad : a cochlear implant. My cousin has had a hearing aid since she was 40. So, I know it may be part of my
Future maturing process.

When I was a teenager and my grandmother was in her 70’s..... and we would travel. I could do whatever I wanted at night as loudly as I wanted once she took her hearing aids off. She was four feet ten inches and her ‘receiver’ were big amplifiers that she hid in her bra. There was a wire that would go into her ears. So, if you wanted to talk with her, you had to bend down to her breasts , which as a lady 4 feet 10 inches were very low, requiring  a deep bend and talk to her boobs where her receivers were stored, and scream. It was funny. When she used the phone: she would put the receiver to her BOssom, where her receiver was. Not her ear! Folks would try to grab the phone from her to teach her that she should put it to her ear and not her chest.

I always smiled.

Too cute.Everything went into her boob. Her receivers. Her linen tissues.

That is probably why I keep my entire purse in my boobs: camera, money! Things of legends!

More to come.

Happy Thursday.
Finished binge watching three seasons of OZARK. Wow. I always miss the characters, so I feel as if my houseguests have just departed! I felt that way after binge watching Downton Abbey. I had Downton Abbey withdrawal!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hollywood Squares and Virtual Happiness

Tuesday, April 21st.

Still, there is a wee penguin waddle from a still sore foot....

Still, there are pinky red blotches which ITCH like crazy.

Yet gone are the huge iguana pumps populating my skin with active poison Ivy.

I am improving in the right direction AND I am glad I am hidden off in SOLOland, so that I am the only privileged voyeur of my iguana body and penguin waddle!

A highlight? Another CYBER PARTAY with the “Birthday Girl Group”.

I primped and preened. When translated, it means I showered and shampooed.

I was clean and suitable for Socializing. I had to laugh at myself, as being clean has no bearing on
Virtual visiting!.

Then, I found it amusing that I donned a wrinkled shirt without the ‘said’ bra as the poison Ivy has taken up nesting on the undersides of my boobs!That poison ivy is like a creeping vine, growing up and around my body.

Clean and wrinkled! I laughed at myself because I had it all backwards. My partay-Ing girlfriends couldn’t see my “CLEANliness” and they could absolutely could see my “wrinkli-ness’

Maker’s Mark Bourbon gone, I created a vodka, lemonade with Lime. No ice. And, I found a box of “Misty” cigarettes. At this part-ay, I could be really bad and smoke and drink and socialize from my backyard.

Zoom. And Capo Carla. A potent combination! And voila!!!!!!!

Gio Gio, Beth, Carla, Laura, Ally and Chris all lit up our SCREEN, looking like “THE BRADY BUNCH”  or “HOLLYWOOD SQUARES”! It was a delight.

The BESTEST part of this cyber visit was the dynamic of being able to talk to everyone at one sitting. When we meet, we have a long table for us, allowing us to socialize only with the gals seated on either side or in front. IN real LIFE, even though we are ‘together’, the social banter is more limited to where one sits. VIRTUAL socializing is more ‘fluid’ for being inclusive of everyone together. That part was kinda cool.

Most of us are all sextagenarians and have known each other since all of our kids went to the same elementary school- Out of Door Academy on little Siesta Key. Most were all moms who were active with the school’s fund-raising. It’s a beauteous thing to have maintained that comeraderie. We’ve been parents watching all of our kids grow up, making everyone’s kids my own, too.

What did we chatter about? Yikes. It was curious to hear what folks were doing - from the mundane of organizing home, to having a spouse become a ‘color specializing beautician’, to buying a car on line! How colorful all of us are! It is a kaleidoscope of coping skills.

Zoom Zoom Zoom.  Hope that there are more Capo Carla Birthday Girl Partay times in our future.

The sun is shining and signifies that It is a good day to be alive.

Warmth and smiles,
Judy Veale

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I am such a SOLOizing social butterfly!!

Sunday, April 16th.....


After many moons alone as a devout NIGHTIE as opposed to Pajama kinda gal, I actually got ‘dressed up’ for my virtual happy hour date with my friends. Don’t get overly imaginative about my appearance.

A dressed up look only implies- clothes.

No ‘gussy-up’ business.

No make-up (I never wear it. But let me be very clear-facial imperfections seem to be glorified on the screen)


Yet, DRESSED! A definite move in the direction called ‘socialized behavior’.

I even had a ‘date’ on the calendar for this cyber event. My calendar has lots of ‘white space’.
This is a delight change.

With the last of my Maker’s Mark Bourbon & Lemonade in hand (NO ICE), I lounged in my back garden and connected with John and Meg.

John is my husband’s oldest boyhood friend. I love John. I always loved to watch John and my husband George V - banter together. There was always such ‘playfulness’ and ‘affection’ that was a gift for them and for me as I watched such a beautiful friendship. John is one of the few friends of my husband who has always ‘welcomed’ me and embraced me. I know it is out of loyalty to George V. And I also know it is because he values my ‘quirkiness’, my ‘straightforwardness’ (nicely stated. Blunt might be a more appropriate word description), my sense of humor and my banter... as well as because we loved the same George V.

Meg is his partner. She is soooooo nice. She is “cute as a button”, as my mom used to say. She is tiny. Soft, bright. She adores John. Anyone who loves my friend is my friend. Meg is bold in her quiet way and I admire that.

At any rate, as the I-Pad screen came to life with John and Meg.... they were seated side by side at their dining room table. Perfectly reasonable, I must say.

YET, they looked like they were being ‘interviewed at a deposition’ as they sat straight up on the dining room chairs. They only give-away that this setting was not at a ‘deposition’ was that Meg had a little bowl just out of the screen shot with Guacamole and chips. I would see her cheeks inflate every once in awhile and it made my hungry.

Those bowls were NOT  set up in between John and Meg!. Nope, just off screen, next to Meg. Now that I think of it, I think it’s funny.

They were socializing from Aurora, just east of Cleveland. I say that because I had to learn quickly upon marrying an East Clevelander, that there are two Cleveland’s: WEST side and EAST side and there Is an invisible line defining the two. As a New Yorker, I had no clue. But, I learned.

By the way: My two kids, George VI and Carlyle are both adopted and both biological families come from Aurora, Ohio. That is a very weird since we live in Sarasota. I kinda like the serendipity of different circumstances that brought that detail together.

Getting back to my FIRST SOLOizing socializing.

It was fun. I got all sorts of good ‘binging’ programs. The first was a recommendation that I had heard from lots of folks in the past few weeks : OZARK. Okay. I am now addicted. Only on season one. Lots more to come. The next one on their list: Killing Eva with Sandra Oh.

Netflix is a cheaper diversion that pretend shopping, poison ivy, grub-hub, dating & dog rescue sites.

Actually, I just had an inspiration: A NEW perfect dating site: dating by dog...... Owner optional.
On the  site you feature the Dog photo on front.
Optional Other pix of owner.
Description optional of DOG in the words of the owner.

So is today’s idea. “DOGS AND DATES” or.... should it be “DATES AND DOGS”?

By the way: that Global concert last night was incredible. I loved “It’s a wonderful Life” duet and the Sam Smith duet .... and that last song with Lady Gaga, etc.... Great incredible music experience: To hear the artists WITHOUT their sound effects and the ‘entire’ arrangements was raw and it resonated in a pure way that touched me. They raised lots of money.

People are good. It is refreshing to see it and FEEL it.

Smiles and happy Sunday. I love CBS SUNDAY Morning. It is my favorite show on T.V. Hope you
  Enjoyed it too. If not... turn it on next Sunday. 9am-10:30am with Jane Pauley, host.


Friday, April 17, 2020

Life in Suspension as a BLOB

Day after Carlyle’s Birthday.

Had a bit too too of Maker’s Mark Bourbon and Lemonade.

Today, life in suspension could be described as that of a BLOB. Sort of the type of Blob seen on the UGLY mucinex commercial. But, not gross like ‘hockers’.....I mean: malleable. Slow. Low low energy. Does no harm. Fluffy shadow.

Or slush in the snow and ice......melting together: squishy. That is pure joy.

Weather is beauteous. I am glad to be alive today.

Warmth, smiles,

PS: CARLYLE brough FENDEL for my poison ivy..... by recommendation of my high school classmates. They are so ‘on the money’......

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Carlye’s 35th Birthday at HOME

Normal Tax Day
My Daughter’s 35th birthday.

Hi there from cyberland.....

I just had a wonderful evening with my baby girl, Carlyle. She is 35 today.

Lest it not be noticed and appreciated, my daughter dawned a lovely top, beautiful belt and cool shoes.... much to the notice and heart felt soul of her mommy.

It was a BIG deal. My CARLYLE looked beautiful.  Yeah. I love the gift she gave me by looking intentionally nice. NOT overdoing anything, to be sure.

She has grown intro a sweet lady.

She arrived with a gourmet ‘take out’ dinner of the most sensuous Caesare salad, escargot, potato leek soup, chicken cordon blue, yummy lamb chomps and the finale...... chocolate & cashew desert and a crepe Brûlée

Include candles and look-see talking with Georgie, the big BROTHER. He is so cute and soooooo
Adoring of his little sister. Way, before she was born, he was praying for her. It is such a beautiful thing to see between the two of them.

AND, a cool phone visit with Uncle Rob, and the family. Fun, funny, and pure adoration and love.

It is more than I could ever have thought would fill my heart.

Yum Yum. Outside 4 feet apart. Perfect with candles, and bourbon and white claw..... for me and for birthday girl. Great grub in the outside/interior courtyard that she grew up with: first as a kid’s playground.....then, as a ‘smoking section’ for the ‘bad kids’.... of which there were plenty.

And through my first grand son’s playground.... yet a generation from which it began...... back till tonight as the 35th birthday of my baby girl.

‘A generation Plus’ in this space after 45 year of calling this ‘home’

How beauteous is the circle of life that continues with joy

Smiles, warmth

Poison Ivy and itching is my GREAT CHALLENGE as it terrorizes me. I HATE TO ITCH.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Pinky hued Jackson Pollock

Tuesday, April 14th......

Okay..... this “Jungle Judy” resigns.

I have learned my lesson: I may be a ‘slow learner’, but I have always said that “God Loves the Slow Learner, as much as He Loves the Fast Learner”.  It was ‘always my personal SAVE’.... when I just didn’t have the attention span to actual do the due dilligence.

That being said, and after staying home...... I have

A) Slit my arm with my saw-toothed curvy saw

B) Had a reoccurance of my Brown Recluse Spider Bite..... creating a “Half Blowfish Face” appearance

C) Fallen into the Fish Pond, spraining my foot..... compelling me to travel my house on top of my roller office chair

And now, for today’s piece de resistance!

D) I am chocker-blocked covered with Poison Ivy!

Everywhere except The Who Who.

I am not sure I am moving in the right direction-

From Half Blowfish face to a pinky tinted  Jackson Pollock painting across the canvas of my body....

Now, waddling as I strut, so that I put no weight on my still hurting, bruised foot.

I feel like a DORK. Plain and simple!

Happy SOLOizing to you, in paradise!

Warmth, smiles

Saturday, April 11, 2020

What a difference twenty years will make!

Saturday evening, April 11:

The day sandwiched between Good Friday and Easter.

And yet, another day in suspension.

In suspension on a Sandwiched day, I will leave you with this observation.

Twenty years ago I went to jail for testing positive to smoking Marajuana.


Now, when the world is in calamitous suspension with everything but the necessary OPEN:
  Marajuana Shops are OPEN as it is a medical necessity!

I think that is FUNNY.

Gotta love life!



Staying at home seems more dangerous for me than the alternative!

April 11

Hi there.....

Today, My big “take-away” from my mini-and self inflicted calamities is this:

    It is apparently more dangerous for me to stay home than it is to LEAVE my home.
    The universe STILL is screaming at me to leave the landscaping to the pros.

Hmmmm....Happy Saturday in Suspension.

Smiles, warmth

Dating and Dog sites during SOLO izing

Good Friday,

I left you with my adventure into my cyber world as of late.... lest I forgot some details. As it is in the world of the internet: once I was unfortunately signed up for OUR TIME.... I became the winning recipient of ALL sorts of dating sites! All for the goal of having me sign up. If I was such a DORK to sign up for OUR MUST mean that I am super desperate and in need of: and MEET ITALIAN and BB MEET and Physically fit Singles! I am not Italian. Not that I have anything against Italians, as I have lived in Italy for 30 years.... Physically PFIT Singles? Really. I am physically Pfluffy. So.... I was then curious about what BB MEET could mean. I thought “Better business” meet. No no no no. It is BIG BODIES MEET!


If pretend shopping, pretend dating were not enough of ‘cyber window shopping’ of a diversion....
I went looking for ‘MIN PIN’s. Miniature Pincher dogs. There were two darling ones who were besties and wanted to go to a forever home together....”Schnookum” and “Hallmark”. I fell in love and then had to RUN AWAY and delete the site from my sight.

I have decided that it is too dangerous to stay at home. I was swashbuckling in my back yard: fell into the FISH pond which is only 18” deep! Of course, with saw in my hand. It was only after I finished pruning that I realized that I had sprained my foot. I got my roller office chair to skooche around... a waste basket to hold lots of ice to soak my sore foot ! It took 3 days to be able to put weight on it.
It is still bruised, and so I limp like a little ‘ole waddling’ broad.

While my gait has changed since my Fish pond incident.... and probably while I was swashbuckling and filling my garbage bins..... did I do something to my back. Now I have a searing pain which goes down from my hip to my knee!

Thirty years ago, I was weeding in my back yard. It was the first time I had ever weeded.... and I evidently turned my back incorrectly....and became unable to walk. My daughter was 2 1/2 and I was unable to lift her or to leave my bed. It took me a year of every possible solution to my disability and finally it took surgery. No fusing. It was a beautiful thing.

My lesson thirty years ago was simple. It was the Universe’s way of directing me to NEVER WEED again! Lesson learned.

Alas: 30 years later, and SOLO IZING during Pandemic: I forgot my lesson.... and I put HAND to GARDEN and my body is reflecting my lapse of what had been ‘a lesson learned’.

I have now learned it.
No gardening
No swashbuckling with my saw
No internet pretend shopping
No MORE dating sites
No looking at puppies while SOLO IZING

So, what have I learned? After far too many friends talking about it, I watched the first three episodes of Tiger King.

It makes life in suspension seem NORMAL in comparison to a normal day in the life of those characters.

The moral of this story: My ability to life towards DORKDORM, hasn’t changed course.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Diversion a la internet pretend shopping

April 7th....

I have spent more time than normal on the internet. I don’t normally shop on the web, look at facebook... Shopping? I filled lots of carts. Didn’t buy anything. I shopped for an air fryers, housewares, Chico’s, Coats... all kinds of things. Given my short attention span, it didn’t take very much time to fill up my fantasy shopping bags. All items remaining in that ‘limbo’ space between make-believe and dress up and paying for those carts.

Moving on from those sites and as a travel junkie...I went onto travel sites.

I am planning a trip to the aurora borealis... and wanted added the fluff of additional destinations to what is yet ‘my pretend itinerary’ . My college roomie and I will lead the charge to a geodesic dome glass hotel where you can watch the lights dance across the sky in the warmth of being INSIDE, in bed..... not shivering, just marveling.... with my kids and my Italian sister are those making part of our traveling family.

Travel is one of those things that capture my attention and can occupy gobs of time, as I seek out the ‘out of the way’, the unique, the beauty in each destination. I love going off the beaten path, as those routes are normally the most memorable and impressive. For instance.... in my travel snooping, I found a home in Stockholm with a dungeon...! I’ve never stayed in a place with my own private dungeon. In fact, I have never thought of it before, but it sounds kinda cool. But, it must be centrally located. There will be no suburban dungeons in my traveling future! I’d need a citified dungeon.

So, as you can see... my imaginations were being stimulated. After playing with that project.... as bookings can’t happen until summer for next January. I must invent a new diversion.

So, where do you go after armchair shopping and traveling....  a dating site.

OUR TIME. I figured, I could ‘window shop’.... and KNOW it will not cost me more than $70.

I will admit right up front: it is a sign of desperate SOLO IZING. I hate the site. I am more of a ‘people to people’ kinda person and so find this avenue a bit challenging.

I was once told that “You only advertise what is not selling”.

That is profound. A funny man doesn’t need to tell me he is funny.... he needs to BE FUNNY on his profile. If a man is sweet, he needs to relate a story that reflects his being sweet.

This site is aesthetically unpleasing. It’s confusing and gets me nervous. It has too many little squares and the same men of 20 keep popping up. And.... despite that fact that I said I was interested in a MAN, they keep sending me  “REEVAH “, a girl. Hmmmmm. And then, I found a couple of guys I know on the site. Looking at their profile it was interesting to see how I would have reacted to their profile had I not known them.... and what I really think because I know them.

None of it gives me hope.

So after two days..... and a total of 45 minutes: I wanted to cancel, and it would not let me.

So much for window shopping and armchair ‘dating’.

I believe it is all about chemistry. chemistry is quite personal. Up front. It is. Or it is not.

Hmm.  Stay tuned to see what is next.

More swashbuckling with my saw?!


Friday, April 3, 2020

Filled garbage bins as my Flower arrangement

April third....

I bought a saw. Not a fancy electric saw. But, a saw with style. It will cut through eight inches! It is saw toothed CURVED saw. It wraps itself around my ‘target’... or foliage victim. OR me! I sawed through my skin on my arm ..... egalitarian as I am: on both sides on two separate ‘outings’ on the SAME arm.... I’m fine. I think I’ll have a permanent reminder of my budding landscaping techniques.

I must say that there is a feeling of ‘freeing’ the ALIVE leaves- a space for them to find their sun to survive and thrive as their sibling dead leaves drop to the ground. I feel much like a swash-buckler, a TARZANA Jane kinda gal. It feels powerful. It feels productive. It feels like outdoor exercise! I come back into my home and feel like I need a nap!

But, of course: there is more than merely cutting down dead leaves.

The next step leads me to put my “cuttings’.... into a garbage bin. I must say that stuffing my bountiful cuttings into a bin was like ‘flower arranging’. That is how my mind saw the activity, with the goal of shoving as much as possible inside each bin. My mind is an amusing diversion, as I think each filled garbage bin is a bountiful bouquet of dead palm fronds.... and a thing of ‘beauty’.

Thus: an explanation of my eclectic taste!

It is now FOUR BINS later. I am out of bins! I have a ‘recycle bin’ left.... and a bin with actual home garbage!

Soloizing life requires no more than ONE SOLO garbage bin weekly.

Now it is time to relax.... and to contemplate the rest of life in ‘suspension’.

Smiles, warmth

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fool’s Day 2020!

A perfect day to re-enter my BLOGspace:.... April Fool’s Day- April 1, 2020

Hi there to all those out there in solo-izing in cyberland!

April Fool’s Day.

Quite appropriate name for an typical American Day where the socializing highlight was ordering “Hungry Mike Sub” with GRUBHub and having it dropped on my front door. I felt like I was being a good American citizen, keeping the restaurant business afloat, one SUB at a time!

Lots of good time for mind meandering. My question for today is a perfect one from an “American Studies” major..

Question: What is it about the American Character that buys MORE TOILET PAPER and GUNS in a time of  challenge! There is a great story to this.

GRUBHub aside, I hope you are enjoying your SOLO-izing. I will check back later, gator.

Warmth and smiles. We need all of it, and more.