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Monday, August 12, 2013

Fuocchi Artificiale and people watching

Lunedi, Monday, August 12, 2013

Fer Agosto is August 15th: national day to begin summer holidays for Italians. For those seeking bargains in Milan, this is THE TIME- before FER AGOSTO.

The days have been sunny and with the greatest of slight breezes, as NOT to knock the windows about. Last evening, were the FUOCHI ARTIFICIALE: artificial fire- or fireworks. Each town along the lake has a FESTA with fireworks for one evening during the summer.... to bring folks to town.

Set up along the lake in front of my apartment, I have never seen the fireworks barges set to "GO". It was fascinating, how orderly and pre arranged each firework was on the barge. The fireworks were set to music, including ALLELUJAH.... We went to a local hotel and had great seats for the evening. Had great seats at my home, too. Thought we were 'invited': meaning- TREATED, but as it turned out, only the after dinner drink was included. It was the most expensive AWFUL meal I have ever had. So much for understanding "INVITO per la cena" , translated "You are invited to dinner". Nonetheless, it was a lovely evening, with great company and scenery. Afterwards, we went to the "Chic and Freak" where ONLY MEN seem to gather. ITALIAN MEN. They sit and watch folks- particularly, the LADY folks,  as they walk by, unnoticed by the voyeur Italians. It is a sport, of sorts. Harmless. Yet, so 'cliche' in a way. The men gather in a large circle, ever expanding when a new man arrives. Some talk. Some play with their telephones and never say a word. It is the old world replacement of watching t.v. after dinner. I love the fact that the MEN gather. Not the women, although they will be invited if they pass by. It means that ITALIAN MEN BOND, over talk and the table. And, a drink or two. And, some.... even over a puff or two. Many smoke. They do this EVERY NIGHT in the summertime. Good for these men, who TALK and support each other. Single men and married men. ...... but, as all men go hunting "they WATCH" and pay attention to what passes their vista.

A day of watching t.v. with Carlyle and Casey. A luncheon out at a new informal spot, which was also mediocre. But, then again: the company and surroundings were grand.

Tomorrow is another day in wonderland. And, I am so happy to be sharing this with my kids.


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