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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cable comes home, an old man and his radio, and Mangia more

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It is a cool day.... under the haze of clouds, it is refreshing and crisp. A gentle wisp of air caressing your face.

I finally got CABLE television yesterday. That may not seem like a halleluah moment, and yet- it took 2 1/2 months to get it done! And, probably 45 telephone calls, faxes and scans. What is silly is this: I already have an account with the CABLE company for my upstairs apartment! Why would they let me have ONE box, and not TWO? It was cultural inefficiency at its finest and counter intuitive to doing good business. But, it is not earth shattering either. It is just another detail in life.

Last evening we went for a pizza at the restaurant just a 10 second walk from where we live. Everyone in town passes this restaurant, so although it has NO VIEW of the lake, it is chockblock filled with super people watching. And, great pizza. We went with my son's best Italian friend, Jenny and her finanzato (serious boyfriend, not fiance)- Lorenzo. I have known Jenny since she was a teenager, and it is such a pleasure to get to be friends with her as an adult. And, it is nice to be included by them. It is another nice circle in life. The boys ate MISSOLTIN: a local fish specialty. Dried and covered in olive oil, it is a very FISHY DISHY. Yuck for my wimpy palate.
I had a salad, as I need to lighten that pasta load which permeates every meal. And, if you dine with an Italian and DO NOT eat: you will hear "MANGIA. MANGIA" until you stick something in your mouth. It is not an insult if you don't eat. But, they derive pure pleasure from having you eat. So, by NOT eating- somehow you are denying Italians PLEASURE. That is just not the goal of happy social outing alla italy. So, you MANGIA yourself into a pasta coma.

I am sitting in the kitchen this morning, windows and doors wide open and I listen to a BAD portable radio from across the street. Each morning, this very old man sits on his balcony with his radio blaring, because he is hard of hearing. Static reigns. He sits in his sleeveless T-Shirt, back against the house as he looks forward and into the street, and enjoys his radio. It is his morning pleasure, although I found it amusing to hear "James Brown" blaring a song on his station.

The sun is beginning to ferret its way through the clouds, letting in rays of light.

Have a wonderful Sunday.... and please keep visiting.



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