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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

American comforts: Ceiling fans and Press 'n Seal

Mercoledi, Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today is my father's 93rd birthday. Wow! His mom lived to be 94 and his brother to be 92. So, on one side of my family: I have long living genes. Hmmm.

Today, Carlyle and her 'fellow' Casey depart for Italy. It will be good to have some of my kidlets with me, as this is a home meant to be shared with family. It was always the focus.

Last evening, as the sun set: what had been green looking mountains turned rocky colored gray and coral, reflecting the sun as it traversed the lake. The day was a kaleidoscope of colors: a day's worth of rainbows shining in front of me to feast on. Today, it is crisp, breezy, cool, not hot, and blue. A shade less bright than yesterday- but that is the color palate of the lake after a storm.

I am writing down all the picodillos of my home. I am writing instructions on how everything works: and paste them on the appliances, so that when I arrive next year, I will know what a circle means as opposed to a plus sign on an appliance. It is a learning curve each year, as things work differently and its signage is different. Little sticky notes will be EVERYWHERE. Tiny, little cut up pieces of paper taped to appliances. In all variety of sticky note colors! Signs that Judy lives here. I must say, it is a tedious process for a gal with a short attention span.

Ceiling fans are going up in the PENTHOUSE Mansardo apartment with its angled roofline ceilings. A specially designed pole to have the ceiling fans hang correctly was made. A lot of work, actually. It will make a difference, as heat rises: in keeping the Penthouse cooler in the summertime, and more user-friendly for those of us who are acclimated to air conditioning. Little 'Americana' comforts for the Americans living here.

Like "Press and Seal"! That arrives tomorrow on the flight with the kids.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for visiting today.


1 comment:

  1. That’s great. The ceiling fan will function as insulation to the penthouse’s roofline during the summer. With the temperatures rising, it’s about time we think of an energy efficient strategy to prevent our electricity bills from skyrocketing. Staci @
