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Thursday, October 24, 2013

My life in objects

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Joyfully, Judy's visit was ordained by the universe as being the emotional medicine that I needed. I was feeling overwhelmed... with a simple, yet daunting task. I didn't exactly know what it would entail: but, I knew it was a BIGGY. Another time I felt that overwhelmed was when George V  had his accident and subsequently died. I knew without knowing WHY: that I was in 'over my head'.

Well, not as bad as that. But- something resembling that. I started the cleanup with a group of helpers.
After a week, I am still 'in the kitchen'.... (I have 90 kitchen doorknobs..... which means I have a lot of flaming storage space and 27 years to have filled it)

First: everything...... EVERYTHING: every hanger, every dish, every towel, shower curtain, etc... must be CLEANED and dry. Then, I am separating them into 3 glorious piles of: what will go back into the house ( which are things NOT important to me.)..... another pile of "give away", and a pile to go into storage for my next home when ever and where ever that may be ( which are ALLL things IMPORTANT, SENTIMENTAL or VALUABLE ). Of course, I have a 30 yard dumpster for all things not making the top 3)

It is another interesting journey I am taking right in my own home. It is a lifetime of memories. After all: I designed every inch of my home and did it so that every inch was used effectively for storage. But, there is NEVER ENOUGH. You fill it to capacity- small or large. I also bought or received as a gift every item in my home. I know each THING intimately: when I adopted it, why it spoke to me..... usually, because it put a 'smile' on my face. I have finally come to realize at almost 63: I don't have to purchase all items which make me GRIN..... it is enough to smile in the shop! This is my purging side finally speaking.

I get to touch, AGAIN everything in my home. Most well used. Some- not much... like a left handed ceramic ladle I bought 30 years ago for my now deceased husband. I don't think he ever used it. So... bye-bye, adios, and ciao to cool and never utilized ladle, among all. For all those sentimental and important items which will go into storage: I am kissing them to sleep. Not a good bye, but a good night. What a delight it will be to see what I considered DEAR TO ME, when I open my boxes. It will be an interesting and sweet process: much like a Christmas, without the tree.

I must say however, that I am physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Just SPENT. Much the way I felt both when I moved TWO houses in Great Barrington this past December. Much the way I felt when I moved TWO houses in Menaggio, Italy this past spring. It feels like groundhog day.

I will remove all photos from the home, like in Italy. I am starting to depersonalize it. When I move back inside after the SANITATION cleaning ( my home will NEVEr BE CLEANER!) it will not look exactly like MY HOME. It will have my THINGS... but, it will NOT be MY HOME. I know that I will be surprised at the end on how much I enjoy the SPACE of the home without the plethora of THINGS .... new season, new comfort level, new needs, new eyes. But, and this is an important BUT: I will have already moved out, so the emotional attachment has already been severed to my 40 year old home of mine.

To date: I have emptied out, except ( and this is a BIGGY) the things hanging on the walls.

-90% of clothes. NONE of the shoes, as they need mucho attention and none of the HATS. I am thinking I am too old for my large brimmed hat stage.

 I washed my Gucci, Fendi, Isabella Fiori, Moschino handbags in the washer. I put a Sheepskin Vest in the washer. I figure this: it all needs to be cleaned. It is ALREADY LOST. So, if it survives the washing machine or dishwasher.... it lives another day!

-all 4 bathrooms

-family room


-Dining room

-Some of the 40' of Hallway with bookshelves.

-ALL linens, towels, CLOTHES (90% of them, which means NOT the dressy clothes or St. Johns)
 have been removed and are being washed

For the first week, I am impressed. Lots more weeks to go and lots more minutiae.

MY ULTIMATE GOAL: is to pare down to what is most important that will fit on top of the dresser drawer in the nursing home. That will be my world. So, I ask myself- what will those THINGS be?

Astrid comes to help today. It is always more fun with her. Yeah.


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