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Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

This morning was as exhilarating and perfect as a day could be. I did something today that I have been wanting to do for eons. I went paragliding! I found the perfect friends to do it with, which makes it even more precious.

We started in a converted 1987 van which my two young Swiss friends are using to travel through Europe this summer. Inside there was Micha's hand-glider, a bed, a trapeze, a refrigerator, a bed, a guitar and the ease of youth. Anna Julia sat in back on the floor, as Micha drove us north along Lake Como to the end of the lake - a town called 'Gera Lario'.

Here, we met the hand-gliding crew on the lakeside which would be our landing field. Fabio looked every inch a 'Fabio' in the imaginations of American women who read romance novels. He had dishelved hair, a rugged and handsome face and a glint in his eye, a daredevil grin that exuded confidence. He smoked a vanilla scented electronic cigarette as he drove the gang up the mountain.

Micha prepared his own hand-glider, as he is a pilot. Pascal took Ann Julia and I had Fabio as my guide.
We walked to this glorious hill with wildflowers and lots of cow paddies. We were 1300 meters high overlooking Lake Como and above the tree line. Life doesn't get much better than that. The day had a slight haze, with crisp breezes and a bright blue sky. Some clouds wafted in the distance.

I put on the gear which is a seat strapped to your legs and torso. I was instructed to run when directed and to lift my knees when I longer felt the ground beneath my feat. I ran and felt as if I was going to trip head first down the mountain, as just then: we were pulled off the ground and into the cool and windy feeling air. No noise except my giggles of delight along with the sound of the breeze. It was as exciting as it was calming.

A thrill of being alive. Today.

We flew for about 20 minutes, allowing me to steer the hand-glider. We rocked left and right as if on a sideways swing. Each swing caused a swelling in my soul and I felt light with joy. We did a spiral, which seems like being in the center of a gentle tornado. And, we floated. Over the mountains. Over the lake. Over the boats carrying wake boarders. And, then.... ever so gently, with a few steps, we were again land bound.
Sweetly and with a sense of having been a bird for just a minute.

Driving home and back to Menaggio....along the old curvy and narrow roads, we were all satisfied. Satiated and happy.

Indeed, it is a good day to be alive.

1 comment:

  1. Judy, good for you! You make hand gliding sound so effortless and relaxing. Seems like something I would like to do some day. Thank you, Betsy
