Sunday, December 29, 2013
It is a gloomy Sarasota day which means NO SUNSHINE. Awakened to the pitter patter of raindrops, which appear like large globules of teardrops. I like keeping curtains and blinds open to I can see the color of a new day begin. I like the sense of a 'living clock', as we spin around our globe. I could see the treetops wrestling in the breeze and it felt like winter, Sarasota style.
I was fortunate to get GioGio to come with me to visit my Dad in the nursing home. She has always scoffed at the concept, so she must have been very bored this morning! It was much nicer with her along. She is a good looking woman, under 90: and so, having a visit from a younger chippy- had to make my Dad a happier man today. We stopped to get him a chocolate milk shake from Checker's: and added two double fish sandwiches and their crispy fries as a lunch for GioGio and I. It was her first trip to a Checker's and she was astonished that there was no 'indoor' dining in this fast food. In fact, it was a bit unsettling for her: as there was no FRONT DOOR to enter. It was like a stationary food truck.
I then joined Astrid and Fin at the Mall. She wanted 'out of her house'.... and the mall is a safe place for a 1 1/2 year old to run wild with delight! I could watch him, and she could actually shop. Now, what a concept that is! I can watch him. But, I can barely LIFT him. He is a LOAD. One chunky, lovable baby boy. With tiny blond whispy ringlets at the ends of his hair and a perpetual smile on his face.... unless of course, he wants to eat. If denied, he has the largest immediate pout... making it a definitive line between being happy and NOT. Communication on this level is just as clear as can be. And, it is funny because that was the way he was when he was in utero: Astrid HAD to eat. Lots and Often. But, only when pregnant with Fin. So, he was already announcing his personality way before his arrival.
I am now going to join some dear friends: My psychologist girlfriend, Mary and her sister. We are having a Christmas dinner as I haven't seen her since my birthday on November 5th! Silly us. We are going to a new restaurant. My idea. My choice. It is called "The White Buffalo" and is a cowboy/ cowgirl bar and restaurant with line dancing and the whole country eatin' type menu. I understand that if I am 'taken' with this..... there are complimentary line dancing lessons every Monday evening! Might even become my new weight loss exercise program.... as there MUST be more men at the White Buffalo than aqua-arobics at the YMCA.
It is coming time to retire the Christmas ornaments hung with care. This is the anti-climactic part of the holiday, like unpacking the suitcase. It is the other end of anticipation.
It feels good to write again... and thanks, as always- for visiting.
Smiles and warmth
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Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
"Saving Mr. Banks" and Sushi: what a Saturday!
Friday, December 27, 2013
It has been more than a week since i have written. we were 'cleaning up' at Carlyle's house for the holidays, which included putting my computer into the closet as it had been the centerpiece of the dining room. Now the dining room looks like a dining room, with a holiday centerpiece defining its new role. In the spirit of christmas, it is welcoming and festive.
Yet, in the spirit of blogging….. it is cumbersome and not 'user friendly' to have the computer in the closet. Blogging on my smart phone seemed all too tedious, and so i have waited to use my daughter's office. I am trying to lighten my footprint, as i am easing my way out of her abode and towards mine.
Christmas without both of my kids doesn't really seem like christmas... as it is the magic and wonder seen in your kids' eyes that indeed makes the holiday special.
Saturday, Dec 28, 2013
I can finally use my computer. Yesterday, I couldn't make any capitol letters and everything was a bit sketchy. Today, it is working fine. It is neither moody or unreliable, making it a perfect computer to begin writing again.
I will write about Christmas..... but, later.
I have been in a solitary mood. I am not feeling sociable in the most sociable of seasons. I am antsy to nest again in my own home. Yesterday morning I took myself to the movies. I saw "Saving Mr. Banks". I adore Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson who are both stellar actors of very different acticing schools. The obvious story is of the making of Mary Poppins into a movie. The real and more riveting under-story is the eventual discovery that Mary Poppins was in fact quite autobiographical. It is the tender and tenacious unraveling of that observation which makes this a film worthy of seeing.
This morning, I took my min-pin into town to have a 'spa' day- i.e.: nails clipped. En route, we walked the Saturday morning Farmer's Market. It was the first time I took my "Curry" out for a promenade, and I rather enjoyed it. He was easy and in a new world of scents, which made him quite a happy puppy.... and being 7 lbs and RED haired, makes him all too cute. He was the recipient of folks taking his photo, of babies touching him, of other dogs circling and smelling him.... he was in scentual- heaven.
I ate a lemon & sugar crepe at the street fair. Yum.... Followed by a BRAT with onions & peppers (less yum). I was really getting into the TRUCK food mentality today. Last night: Carlyle, her buds and I went to a FOOD TRUCK parked in a deserted mall parking lot and dined on $2 TACOS. I don't even like taco's, but these were FAB. And even more so because they were a kitschy Mexican "such a deal" kind of dining experience.
My daughter wants to have food trucks. I sort of 'get it'. now.
I had to get out into the world finally. It is a Saturday night. I took myself to a Sushi Bar. It is perfect for a solo lady. You can watch the sushi being made. You can 'pick' at your food with your sticks. It is great. The people watching superb.... and with a large hot saki: everything is smooth.
I am excited to have a working computer and to start to become verbal again. I miss it and miss you.
Happy Sunday.... and will be back at ya, soon.
It has been more than a week since i have written. we were 'cleaning up' at Carlyle's house for the holidays, which included putting my computer into the closet as it had been the centerpiece of the dining room. Now the dining room looks like a dining room, with a holiday centerpiece defining its new role. In the spirit of christmas, it is welcoming and festive.
Yet, in the spirit of blogging….. it is cumbersome and not 'user friendly' to have the computer in the closet. Blogging on my smart phone seemed all too tedious, and so i have waited to use my daughter's office. I am trying to lighten my footprint, as i am easing my way out of her abode and towards mine.
Christmas without both of my kids doesn't really seem like christmas... as it is the magic and wonder seen in your kids' eyes that indeed makes the holiday special.
Saturday, Dec 28, 2013
I can finally use my computer. Yesterday, I couldn't make any capitol letters and everything was a bit sketchy. Today, it is working fine. It is neither moody or unreliable, making it a perfect computer to begin writing again.
I will write about Christmas..... but, later.
I have been in a solitary mood. I am not feeling sociable in the most sociable of seasons. I am antsy to nest again in my own home. Yesterday morning I took myself to the movies. I saw "Saving Mr. Banks". I adore Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson who are both stellar actors of very different acticing schools. The obvious story is of the making of Mary Poppins into a movie. The real and more riveting under-story is the eventual discovery that Mary Poppins was in fact quite autobiographical. It is the tender and tenacious unraveling of that observation which makes this a film worthy of seeing.
This morning, I took my min-pin into town to have a 'spa' day- i.e.: nails clipped. En route, we walked the Saturday morning Farmer's Market. It was the first time I took my "Curry" out for a promenade, and I rather enjoyed it. He was easy and in a new world of scents, which made him quite a happy puppy.... and being 7 lbs and RED haired, makes him all too cute. He was the recipient of folks taking his photo, of babies touching him, of other dogs circling and smelling him.... he was in scentual- heaven.
I ate a lemon & sugar crepe at the street fair. Yum.... Followed by a BRAT with onions & peppers (less yum). I was really getting into the TRUCK food mentality today. Last night: Carlyle, her buds and I went to a FOOD TRUCK parked in a deserted mall parking lot and dined on $2 TACOS. I don't even like taco's, but these were FAB. And even more so because they were a kitschy Mexican "such a deal" kind of dining experience.
My daughter wants to have food trucks. I sort of 'get it'. now.
I had to get out into the world finally. It is a Saturday night. I took myself to a Sushi Bar. It is perfect for a solo lady. You can watch the sushi being made. You can 'pick' at your food with your sticks. It is great. The people watching superb.... and with a large hot saki: everything is smooth.
I am excited to have a working computer and to start to become verbal again. I miss it and miss you.
Happy Sunday.... and will be back at ya, soon.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
The Catch 22 of finding a literary agent. My new challenge.
Jovedi, Thursday, Dec 19, 2013
Good day,
I woke up this morning to an email in response to a Query letter sent yesterday.
It was a sincerely nice letter of non-interest. And, I started to feel myself sink. It felt like a liquid, making my body feel like crumbling in defeat. And then as quickly as the email arrived and the subsequent feeling started taking hold: I stopped it in its tracks.
I can't change the goal posts in the middle of the game to suit me. When I send out a QUERY letter asking for an agent to love my manuscript... and to sell it- I do it with the knowledge beforehand that I can get only one of two reactions: a YES or a NO. By virtue of the process, the 'NO's are more prevalent.
The other concept I keep reminding myself of is this.... It took Leon Uris 21 rejections before the 22nd Query resulted in a YES: making it possible for us to read "Catch-22". It took many more rejections than that before the voice of John Grisham could be heard on the pages of his book. So, I am choosing to look at this last 'no thank you'..... as ONE REJECTION closer to ACCEPTANCE. I am one step closer to my goal.
And, I have been told that this is the hard part. I have no reason NOT to believe what I am told, and so.... why should it be easy? Being hard is not intimidating, because it is NOT the same as IMPOSSIBLE.
The one comment that keeps resonating from this last agent email is this ~ I lack a national platform, which would make it almost impossible for HER to sell it to a publisher.
Now, that is a CATCH 22. I love how that 'phrase' became part of the American lexicon. I Can't get an agent because I have no national platform. If I WERE to be represented and published, of course I would then have the potential for a national platform.
Or? In what other ways might I get a national platform? I could become a reality star. Not likely.
Oh, I could perhaps have the chance to grow a national platform from this blog. I haven't a clue on how many page views I would need to catch the attention of being worthy of 'having a national platform'..... I understand that it was the daily blog that created the impetus for Julie & Julia. So, that is today's inspiration ~ get my loyal readers or browsers to get one more person to also take a peek at it..... that would be a good start. And one I could use.
I need you and your support to spread the word on my behalf.
Really: on behalf of the story I have written about my husband's passing.... and my life as a single and still sometimes confused mom.
Thanks as always for visiting.
Smiles.... and warmth
Good day,
I woke up this morning to an email in response to a Query letter sent yesterday.
It was a sincerely nice letter of non-interest. And, I started to feel myself sink. It felt like a liquid, making my body feel like crumbling in defeat. And then as quickly as the email arrived and the subsequent feeling started taking hold: I stopped it in its tracks.
I can't change the goal posts in the middle of the game to suit me. When I send out a QUERY letter asking for an agent to love my manuscript... and to sell it- I do it with the knowledge beforehand that I can get only one of two reactions: a YES or a NO. By virtue of the process, the 'NO's are more prevalent.
The other concept I keep reminding myself of is this.... It took Leon Uris 21 rejections before the 22nd Query resulted in a YES: making it possible for us to read "Catch-22". It took many more rejections than that before the voice of John Grisham could be heard on the pages of his book. So, I am choosing to look at this last 'no thank you'..... as ONE REJECTION closer to ACCEPTANCE. I am one step closer to my goal.
And, I have been told that this is the hard part. I have no reason NOT to believe what I am told, and so.... why should it be easy? Being hard is not intimidating, because it is NOT the same as IMPOSSIBLE.
The one comment that keeps resonating from this last agent email is this ~ I lack a national platform, which would make it almost impossible for HER to sell it to a publisher.
Now, that is a CATCH 22. I love how that 'phrase' became part of the American lexicon. I Can't get an agent because I have no national platform. If I WERE to be represented and published, of course I would then have the potential for a national platform.
Or? In what other ways might I get a national platform? I could become a reality star. Not likely.
Oh, I could perhaps have the chance to grow a national platform from this blog. I haven't a clue on how many page views I would need to catch the attention of being worthy of 'having a national platform'..... I understand that it was the daily blog that created the impetus for Julie & Julia. So, that is today's inspiration ~ get my loyal readers or browsers to get one more person to also take a peek at it..... that would be a good start. And one I could use.
I need you and your support to spread the word on my behalf.
Really: on behalf of the story I have written about my husband's passing.... and my life as a single and still sometimes confused mom.
Thanks as always for visiting.
Smiles.... and warmth
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Gooey DATES, Oozing MUSHROOMS, and a Massage
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
I have my windows open to cool yet brisk air and it feels renewing. I must admit that I am a SUN gal. I can not get used to waking up while it is still dark outside.... and conversely at the other end of the day: I feel as if it is midnight when it is only 8pm: as it has been dark for over four hours!
My biological clock is caddywhompus. But.... my midgey Christmas tree all aglow makes me happy.
Yesterday, I went over to my friend Giovanna's house. I love Gio Gio. She is one of the most neurotic gals I know in a most endearingly sweet way. I speak with her every morning. It is our wake up call, so to speak. I am glad: this way, someone, one day....will know when I have dropped dead in my house. Otherwise, who knows? I could go from being MS. Ysatis (by Givenchy) to MS. Stankydeadpants. She is like the old fashioned 'hall monitors'- making sure I don't play hooky from the school of life.
At any rate, Gio Gio and I did the last museum event together. She was the CHAIR. I was her slave. She was in Sarasota. I was in Italy. So, she could say whatever she wanted for a few months: I was none the wiser. She is the one who told everyone I was the Co-Chair, and everyone believed her. She has that kind of face and demeanor: sweet and innocent. That is how I got hooked into that job, without having been asked and without having said 'yes'.
Going back to yesterday: I went over to Gio's to help her prepare for a party she is giving to THANK the staff and volunteers from the event. She needed a 'chopper'. I did say 'yes' to being to chopper schiava (slave). No chopping.... but lots of stuffing. I inserted, stuffed, slid, poked my fingers continually into a gooey date with an almond. I don't want to get naughty- but it felt a little obscene to be : finding the opening, poking my finger, fitting an almond inside- a soft, warm, wet and gooey INSIDE. I almost felt like I was violating that little date- it just didn't seem right.
Wrapped in crisp bacon.... however, the whole thing TASTED right!
Then, Gio made stuffed mushrooms. She made the stuffing which was dry and not exciting. So, I decided to do what I do best: CONCOCT. I am a grand concocter. Not a cook. Not a chef. A concoctor. I lined the mushrooms with whipped cream cheese and added gobs of parsley to the stuffing. After scooping stuffing inside the mushroom, I topped it off with a DAB of cream cheese and added a bit of cherry tomato on top! It looked like a macaroon! And when the cream cheese melts.... after heating, it ought to be OOZing with delight.
The fete is this evening. At Gio's home. With her glorious touches, taste and Italian culinary wizardry.
I have a massage today. It is with a new gal, and I welcome the touch, the time and hopefully the healing pounding for this worn and tired feeling sexagenarian.
Afterwards.... and because I have already purchased PLUG IN good smells which are creating a bountifully aroma filled car: I will go to my home and spread the GOOD SCENTS, like fairy dust.
Happy Wednesday, and have a big smile from me
With warmth
I have my windows open to cool yet brisk air and it feels renewing. I must admit that I am a SUN gal. I can not get used to waking up while it is still dark outside.... and conversely at the other end of the day: I feel as if it is midnight when it is only 8pm: as it has been dark for over four hours!
My biological clock is caddywhompus. But.... my midgey Christmas tree all aglow makes me happy.
Yesterday, I went over to my friend Giovanna's house. I love Gio Gio. She is one of the most neurotic gals I know in a most endearingly sweet way. I speak with her every morning. It is our wake up call, so to speak. I am glad: this way, someone, one day....will know when I have dropped dead in my house. Otherwise, who knows? I could go from being MS. Ysatis (by Givenchy) to MS. Stankydeadpants. She is like the old fashioned 'hall monitors'- making sure I don't play hooky from the school of life.
At any rate, Gio Gio and I did the last museum event together. She was the CHAIR. I was her slave. She was in Sarasota. I was in Italy. So, she could say whatever she wanted for a few months: I was none the wiser. She is the one who told everyone I was the Co-Chair, and everyone believed her. She has that kind of face and demeanor: sweet and innocent. That is how I got hooked into that job, without having been asked and without having said 'yes'.
Going back to yesterday: I went over to Gio's to help her prepare for a party she is giving to THANK the staff and volunteers from the event. She needed a 'chopper'. I did say 'yes' to being to chopper schiava (slave). No chopping.... but lots of stuffing. I inserted, stuffed, slid, poked my fingers continually into a gooey date with an almond. I don't want to get naughty- but it felt a little obscene to be : finding the opening, poking my finger, fitting an almond inside- a soft, warm, wet and gooey INSIDE. I almost felt like I was violating that little date- it just didn't seem right.
Wrapped in crisp bacon.... however, the whole thing TASTED right!
Then, Gio made stuffed mushrooms. She made the stuffing which was dry and not exciting. So, I decided to do what I do best: CONCOCT. I am a grand concocter. Not a cook. Not a chef. A concoctor. I lined the mushrooms with whipped cream cheese and added gobs of parsley to the stuffing. After scooping stuffing inside the mushroom, I topped it off with a DAB of cream cheese and added a bit of cherry tomato on top! It looked like a macaroon! And when the cream cheese melts.... after heating, it ought to be OOZing with delight.
The fete is this evening. At Gio's home. With her glorious touches, taste and Italian culinary wizardry.
I have a massage today. It is with a new gal, and I welcome the touch, the time and hopefully the healing pounding for this worn and tired feeling sexagenarian.
Afterwards.... and because I have already purchased PLUG IN good smells which are creating a bountifully aroma filled car: I will go to my home and spread the GOOD SCENTS, like fairy dust.
Happy Wednesday, and have a big smile from me
With warmth
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Christmastime, Febreeze and my HEPA VAC! Oh what a holiday.
Tuesday, Dec. 17th, 2013
It is a week till Christmas Eve.,
How different these past two holidays have been: all due to MOVING. Last year, I was with George and missed Carlyle for the first Christmas. This year I am with Carlyle and will miss George for the first Christmas.
It is NOT the same when all my babies aren't surrounding me at the holidays. I feel a wanting. A lack. Like a part of me is missing.
At any rate- I am still loving my midgey christmas tree-ette.
I have officially bought out (or TRIED to) Febreeze 2 in 1/ plug in deoderizers for my Siesta Key house. I figured I had to buy ONE brand, or I would go crazy figuring out which one went where....Don't need any other additional idea to help me go any crazier than I might possibly be right this very moment.
I want to smell LAVENDER throughout. Also bought lots of DAMP-RID.... to soak up any excess moisture. These are all superficial fixes to placate my desire to feel as if my home is 'moving forward' in the 'clear air' department. My HEPA industrial vacuum arrives this week: so, the hygenic part of cleaning up particles and particulents begin! I figured that I could move in without some of the floors and without one dry-wall, if necessary, as long as it is 'healthy' and CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.
This afternoon, we pull up carpets in my daughter's house to lay CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN bamboo floors in her home, as well. So, I will again be a displaced person... this time, not from the house, but from my bedroom of refuge.
More garbage bags to fill: to empty my bedroom. Ayy yay yay.
These tasks make staring at my midgey tree: oh.... so delightful.
Hope yours is a super Tuesday, with a big grin.......
Warmth, as always
It is a week till Christmas Eve.,
How different these past two holidays have been: all due to MOVING. Last year, I was with George and missed Carlyle for the first Christmas. This year I am with Carlyle and will miss George for the first Christmas.
It is NOT the same when all my babies aren't surrounding me at the holidays. I feel a wanting. A lack. Like a part of me is missing.
At any rate- I am still loving my midgey christmas tree-ette.
I have officially bought out (or TRIED to) Febreeze 2 in 1/ plug in deoderizers for my Siesta Key house. I figured I had to buy ONE brand, or I would go crazy figuring out which one went where....Don't need any other additional idea to help me go any crazier than I might possibly be right this very moment.
I want to smell LAVENDER throughout. Also bought lots of DAMP-RID.... to soak up any excess moisture. These are all superficial fixes to placate my desire to feel as if my home is 'moving forward' in the 'clear air' department. My HEPA industrial vacuum arrives this week: so, the hygenic part of cleaning up particles and particulents begin! I figured that I could move in without some of the floors and without one dry-wall, if necessary, as long as it is 'healthy' and CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.
This afternoon, we pull up carpets in my daughter's house to lay CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN bamboo floors in her home, as well. So, I will again be a displaced person... this time, not from the house, but from my bedroom of refuge.
More garbage bags to fill: to empty my bedroom. Ayy yay yay.
These tasks make staring at my midgey tree: oh.... so delightful.
Hope yours is a super Tuesday, with a big grin.......
Warmth, as always
Monday, December 16, 2013
Pineapple Martini, Bushy brows and a Christmas wish to be home.
Lunedi, Monday, December 16, 2013
Good Monday Morning,
A year ago I was in Great Barrington, Massachusetts with my son. MOVING him. I moved my son out of his rental and into his first home. Pretty straightforward. Except. Except George bought his home from a dead man who hadn't planned on selling his home or dying. This poor dude died while he was on a trip to Paris. He choked to death. On escargot!
Never could trust those slippery little suckers, called snails!
At any rate, a year ago...... had me moving OUT of TWO houses, and INTO ONE.
That was the START of a year of MOVING. I moved THREE TIMES this spring, in ITALY. And, THE MOVING continues, still.
My psychologist friend would always advise me "Judy, if you are going to do or feel SOMETHING: swim in it". Based upon that, I am SWIMMING in moving.
I had a delightful time at the college Graduation party. He is such a nice young man. He is the middle of three boys...and the family is so spectacularly close and warm. It is pure pleasure to be in the fold of a good, nice family. He wants to be a doctor. I got him a reference book that I have given each of my kids: "Taber's Medical Reference". A Green book with all kinds of medical terms, etc... The mom of these boys is a superior cook and hostess. We were served Roy's Martinis with pineapple as the cocktail of choice.
I am supposed to have my eyebrows tweezed this morning along with my daughter: a kinda mom-daughter bonding time. She was up till sunrise having a little fete with her friends.... so, there is no stirring from that neck of the woods. I am a bit disinclined to be the one to awaken the sleeping princess.
I am loving my midget Christmas tree. It makes me happy. I have figured out what I am getting my daughter's live-in boyfriend for Christmas: a lawnmower! A little push one. HINT HINT. So, it will fit into his car and he can see if it also works well on Siesta Key. Hehehehehe. Hey, otherwise, he could be getting a CD of Heather Headley! We'll see if I actually go through with it, as it is kinda like giving SOCKS as a gift, except with a big motor and blower.
I am having a Christmas fantasy: to be in my home by then.
wish me luck. I intend to send another Query today. wish me luck luck. please please.
Smiles and warmth,
Good Monday Morning,
A year ago I was in Great Barrington, Massachusetts with my son. MOVING him. I moved my son out of his rental and into his first home. Pretty straightforward. Except. Except George bought his home from a dead man who hadn't planned on selling his home or dying. This poor dude died while he was on a trip to Paris. He choked to death. On escargot!
Never could trust those slippery little suckers, called snails!
At any rate, a year ago...... had me moving OUT of TWO houses, and INTO ONE.
That was the START of a year of MOVING. I moved THREE TIMES this spring, in ITALY. And, THE MOVING continues, still.
My psychologist friend would always advise me "Judy, if you are going to do or feel SOMETHING: swim in it". Based upon that, I am SWIMMING in moving.
I had a delightful time at the college Graduation party. He is such a nice young man. He is the middle of three boys...and the family is so spectacularly close and warm. It is pure pleasure to be in the fold of a good, nice family. He wants to be a doctor. I got him a reference book that I have given each of my kids: "Taber's Medical Reference". A Green book with all kinds of medical terms, etc... The mom of these boys is a superior cook and hostess. We were served Roy's Martinis with pineapple as the cocktail of choice.
I am supposed to have my eyebrows tweezed this morning along with my daughter: a kinda mom-daughter bonding time. She was up till sunrise having a little fete with her friends.... so, there is no stirring from that neck of the woods. I am a bit disinclined to be the one to awaken the sleeping princess.
I am loving my midget Christmas tree. It makes me happy. I have figured out what I am getting my daughter's live-in boyfriend for Christmas: a lawnmower! A little push one. HINT HINT. So, it will fit into his car and he can see if it also works well on Siesta Key. Hehehehehe. Hey, otherwise, he could be getting a CD of Heather Headley! We'll see if I actually go through with it, as it is kinda like giving SOCKS as a gift, except with a big motor and blower.
I am having a Christmas fantasy: to be in my home by then.
wish me luck. I intend to send another Query today. wish me luck luck. please please.
Smiles and warmth,
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Somewhere over the Rainbow is my midget Christmas Tree
Sunday, Dec 15, 2013
The master day of rest ~
Had a glorious day yesterday...decorating the midget Christmas Tree. Bought 300 lights in rainbow colors and unwrapped the special box of Family Christmas Ornaments I had made and collected for Carlyle all of her life. Lots of ornaments made of lucite and etched with the growing faces of each child from 3 decades of Christmas cards sent. For years, she would scoff at those ornaments, and today just as she was departing for work, her eye caught a picture on the tree from 1990 and she exclaimed : "Look at that!" It was worth the scoffing, the eyeball rolling and the saving of a lifetime of ornaments, just to see the delight on her face this morning.
The tree is 3 feet and is simply magical! After all, that is part of the essence of the holiday season... I can loose myself as I look at the lights and ornaments.... I am transported to a nice warm and comfy place of peace.
Last night I was swept off in the brand new chariot of my friend LeeLee- in her new Porsche. This has been my week for swishy rides: first the Bentley.... now the Porsche. The best thing is the smell of all new cars. No matter what the brand: it is like a new baby. All newborns around the world smell the same. So, also.... is the scent of a new Chariot.
We went to see Andrea Bocelli. He sang "Ave Maria" which melted my little heart and soul. Or, made it soar. He sang "Love me Tender"- an Elvis classic. He is not an animated singer, but there is something sweet about his voice. He had some ladies singing with him who overpowered him, and distracted from enjoying him. But, there was ONE lady.... who sang with Andrea Bocelli who swept me off my feet into ovation. Her name is Heather Headley and her rendition of "SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW" was brilliant and had my flying. I also adore Eva Cassidy's version of the song. And yet...Heather's voice melded and soared alongside Andrea, and had me mesmerized. There were 6 standing ovations. It was just grand!
I found my Christmas gifts for all my dear friends who don't need THINGS: I am giving them Heather Headley. I am giving the gift of soaring ... but through music.
This evening I will join in a college graduation party for the son of dear friends. How cool it is to see our collective children.... the village we have chosen: grow and do well. It is a community cheer, this evening. That is powerful.... from generation to generation.
Happy Sunday, and hope a rainbow shines over your world today.
Grazie per visitarme. Thanks for visiting, as always with a smile,
The master day of rest ~
Had a glorious day yesterday...decorating the midget Christmas Tree. Bought 300 lights in rainbow colors and unwrapped the special box of Family Christmas Ornaments I had made and collected for Carlyle all of her life. Lots of ornaments made of lucite and etched with the growing faces of each child from 3 decades of Christmas cards sent. For years, she would scoff at those ornaments, and today just as she was departing for work, her eye caught a picture on the tree from 1990 and she exclaimed : "Look at that!" It was worth the scoffing, the eyeball rolling and the saving of a lifetime of ornaments, just to see the delight on her face this morning.
The tree is 3 feet and is simply magical! After all, that is part of the essence of the holiday season... I can loose myself as I look at the lights and ornaments.... I am transported to a nice warm and comfy place of peace.
Last night I was swept off in the brand new chariot of my friend LeeLee- in her new Porsche. This has been my week for swishy rides: first the Bentley.... now the Porsche. The best thing is the smell of all new cars. No matter what the brand: it is like a new baby. All newborns around the world smell the same. So, also.... is the scent of a new Chariot.
We went to see Andrea Bocelli. He sang "Ave Maria" which melted my little heart and soul. Or, made it soar. He sang "Love me Tender"- an Elvis classic. He is not an animated singer, but there is something sweet about his voice. He had some ladies singing with him who overpowered him, and distracted from enjoying him. But, there was ONE lady.... who sang with Andrea Bocelli who swept me off my feet into ovation. Her name is Heather Headley and her rendition of "SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW" was brilliant and had my flying. I also adore Eva Cassidy's version of the song. And yet...Heather's voice melded and soared alongside Andrea, and had me mesmerized. There were 6 standing ovations. It was just grand!
I found my Christmas gifts for all my dear friends who don't need THINGS: I am giving them Heather Headley. I am giving the gift of soaring ... but through music.
This evening I will join in a college graduation party for the son of dear friends. How cool it is to see our collective children.... the village we have chosen: grow and do well. It is a community cheer, this evening. That is powerful.... from generation to generation.
Happy Sunday, and hope a rainbow shines over your world today.
Grazie per visitarme. Thanks for visiting, as always with a smile,
Saturday, December 14, 2013
PHILOMENA, Feeding the homeless, and BOCELLI
Saturday, Dec 14, 2013
Good morning from a beautiful Sunny Sarasota,
Had a lover-ly day yesterday..... beginning with lingonberry crepes at IHOP with the grown daughter of a friend. She is an architect and just moved back into town with her young family. I have known her since she was a baby, as her folks lived down the street on Siesta Key... Live on a Circle, and love how life constantly comes full circle.
Took a fabulous SIESTA. Even if I am not living at my home on SIESTA key: I can still pretend I am obedient to its name.
I went to the MALL. First to the movies. Then: holiday look-see. I saw an incredible film with the incomparable Judi Dench, with closeups galore- and I was mesmerized. Of course, I sat in the front row, so every pore in Judi's face was UP CLOSE and quite personal from my vantage point. It felt like I could even pick her nose, if needed.
I saw PHILOMENA. It was an artfully constructed story, with a sweet sense of humor between an 'old' lady and a reporter. The film begins on the 50th Birthday of a son who was stolen from Philomena when he was 4. It is a true story of an era in the 50's where, (in this case Irish) unwed mothers were sent to a Catholic Home where they worked for four years, after giving birth as payment AND, where the Church sold their babies to the highest bidding American Catholic families for adoption. Philomena had kept her lost son a secret until his 50th birthday. That unveiling of her truth leads her to a journey to find her son in America. Along with her is a writer whose magazine is footing the expense in exchange for a human interest story. The movie reminds me of me on the OPPOSITE side of the story.
Philomena only wanted one question answered from him : "Did he ever think of her, and of his original Ireland?" She also wanted to be sure he didn't grow up homeless. How that answer is unveiled to her is the beauty and gem: the heart of the story. It is about 'going home': it is that CIRCLE of LIFE again. Philomena discovers her son was GAY in her journey. She says in the movie that she had always known it, even as a baby boy. My son is gay. I have known it since he was just 18 months old.
I know that had I been adopted, given my personality and curiosity: I would have been hell bent in finding my birth mom. As the adopted mom, I would be hell-bent- if it were MY journey. But, it is not. That road belongs to each of my children should they ever chose to go down it.
I have often wanted and wandered about my children's biological moms. I know that on each of my children's birthdays: they have another woman whose life on that day must be consumed with thoughts of the baby relinquished. Of my son and daughter: and I love those woman. The gifts I was given is most unimaginable. I have always wanted to meet them and say "THANK YOU", though words are not the important part of the equation. It is BEING so grateful that is important.
Wouldn't it be amazing if either of my children's biological mothers read this blog? Hmmm. My son's birthday is August 2, 1985. My daughter's is TAX DAY, April 1`5, 1985. Stranger things have happened. But, not to me in the past week.
Today I offered to help feed the homeless at Payne Park with my friend LeeLee. I await her marching instructions. Then, this evening- the "GIRLS" are off to an evening with ANDREA BOCELLI in Tampa. I could use some ITALIANO infusion. I have seen Andrea before. Of course his voice is dreamy. He is not, of course - very animated on the stage..... the the show is not a SHOW exactly. It is a concert type show. I am blessed this evening to be a part of it, as I could use some soulful singing in my life. And the girls: these are GREAT WOMEN.
Hope yours is a full Saturday. And, here is a big GRIN for you and your loyalty,
Good morning from a beautiful Sunny Sarasota,
Had a lover-ly day yesterday..... beginning with lingonberry crepes at IHOP with the grown daughter of a friend. She is an architect and just moved back into town with her young family. I have known her since she was a baby, as her folks lived down the street on Siesta Key... Live on a Circle, and love how life constantly comes full circle.
Took a fabulous SIESTA. Even if I am not living at my home on SIESTA key: I can still pretend I am obedient to its name.
I went to the MALL. First to the movies. Then: holiday look-see. I saw an incredible film with the incomparable Judi Dench, with closeups galore- and I was mesmerized. Of course, I sat in the front row, so every pore in Judi's face was UP CLOSE and quite personal from my vantage point. It felt like I could even pick her nose, if needed.
I saw PHILOMENA. It was an artfully constructed story, with a sweet sense of humor between an 'old' lady and a reporter. The film begins on the 50th Birthday of a son who was stolen from Philomena when he was 4. It is a true story of an era in the 50's where, (in this case Irish) unwed mothers were sent to a Catholic Home where they worked for four years, after giving birth as payment AND, where the Church sold their babies to the highest bidding American Catholic families for adoption. Philomena had kept her lost son a secret until his 50th birthday. That unveiling of her truth leads her to a journey to find her son in America. Along with her is a writer whose magazine is footing the expense in exchange for a human interest story. The movie reminds me of me on the OPPOSITE side of the story.
Philomena only wanted one question answered from him : "Did he ever think of her, and of his original Ireland?" She also wanted to be sure he didn't grow up homeless. How that answer is unveiled to her is the beauty and gem: the heart of the story. It is about 'going home': it is that CIRCLE of LIFE again. Philomena discovers her son was GAY in her journey. She says in the movie that she had always known it, even as a baby boy. My son is gay. I have known it since he was just 18 months old.
I know that had I been adopted, given my personality and curiosity: I would have been hell bent in finding my birth mom. As the adopted mom, I would be hell-bent- if it were MY journey. But, it is not. That road belongs to each of my children should they ever chose to go down it.
I have often wanted and wandered about my children's biological moms. I know that on each of my children's birthdays: they have another woman whose life on that day must be consumed with thoughts of the baby relinquished. Of my son and daughter: and I love those woman. The gifts I was given is most unimaginable. I have always wanted to meet them and say "THANK YOU", though words are not the important part of the equation. It is BEING so grateful that is important.
Wouldn't it be amazing if either of my children's biological mothers read this blog? Hmmm. My son's birthday is August 2, 1985. My daughter's is TAX DAY, April 1`5, 1985. Stranger things have happened. But, not to me in the past week.
Today I offered to help feed the homeless at Payne Park with my friend LeeLee. I await her marching instructions. Then, this evening- the "GIRLS" are off to an evening with ANDREA BOCELLI in Tampa. I could use some ITALIANO infusion. I have seen Andrea before. Of course his voice is dreamy. He is not, of course - very animated on the stage..... the the show is not a SHOW exactly. It is a concert type show. I am blessed this evening to be a part of it, as I could use some soulful singing in my life. And the girls: these are GREAT WOMEN.
Hope yours is a full Saturday. And, here is a big GRIN for you and your loyalty,
Friday, December 13, 2013
Friday, Dec 13, 2013
Yesterday was a full day.
Had the most delicious, lunch in a funky place.... antiques and family treasures of the owner and chef. Coffee with a plentiful portion of home-made marshmallows... and a super soup of veggies and
coconut. They even serve a soup with parmesan cheese ice cream!
Saw the Dallas Buyers Club at the Art cinema in town. Starring Mathew McConehy, as an emaciated man living with aids: it is haunting, still. My girl friend and I were exhausted by the time we came out of the movie, as it took a lot of energy out of us.
It is the story of the beginning of Aids in the US. The desperation. The innuendoes. The pain. The misunderstanding. The alienation. The politics of drugs and medicine.
Then... a most fascinating evening with the LEMUR Conservation Foundation first fundraiser. There were mostly 'new to me' folks, which is refreshing. There was a gal I just met whose kids now live in Manhassett! My life in reverse. This new gal friend also goes to my favorite hotel in the world "Il San Pietro" in Positano, Italy.... every year. Between those two things- you gotta know we had a 'sympatico' New York repartee going on.
That was a kick.
Then, I ran into this lady, whose name I didn't catch. She knew me immediately. I could tell she was quite the character- had tons of spunk.... and was a woman with conviction. Active in the MUSICA series in town... she started talking to me. She talked about my son's 18th birthday in Italy, about my husband dying in Italy... it was both a bit 'spooky' and yet in a small town: normal. It was humbling.
And, it was very reassuring.... in that on some unknown level "I belong" to a larger community and consciousness. And, likewise the community belongs to me, too. She made me felt important, by her knowing about me.
Along the way, I managed to sit at the head table with the CHAIR of the event... and my table mate was another DEAR old friend of mine. I never ever get a chance to have dinner with her: and voila! Lemurisciously, I was allowed a dinner with someone I admire, adore and like. How cool was that for me? Super wonderful.
And, if that wasn't enough..... the table mate on the other side of me happened to be one of my all time favorite actresses: Blair Brown. I went to Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, MA.. The CHAIR of the event went to Pine Manor College. And, Blair Brown went to Pine Manor College. Now, for a tiny all women's college- that was a pretty cool 'circle' that just happened. Blair Brown was in one of my all time favorite little movies with John Beluschi called "Continental Divide". A sweet romance. Blair promised to take me on a personal walking tour of HY-LINE the next time I am in NEW YORK. I am doing that one! And.... by the way: the very first female PRESIDENT & CEO of the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, is also a Pine Manor graduate!
The last little funny detail from last night was that the CEO of the LEMUR Foundation is named: LEE.
I have corresponded for a couple of years with LEE. I always (for no particular reason) imagined LEE as a man. I always assumed I was writing a man. I was stunned to finally meet LEE and realize that she is a GAL. I found that funny. Where are 'assumptions' come from started to fascinate me.
At any rate: good day to be alive... to learn... to meet new friends along the way, and to spend time with old ones.
Smiles, and thanks for stopping by.
Yesterday was a full day.
Had the most delicious, lunch in a funky place.... antiques and family treasures of the owner and chef. Coffee with a plentiful portion of home-made marshmallows... and a super soup of veggies and
coconut. They even serve a soup with parmesan cheese ice cream!
Saw the Dallas Buyers Club at the Art cinema in town. Starring Mathew McConehy, as an emaciated man living with aids: it is haunting, still. My girl friend and I were exhausted by the time we came out of the movie, as it took a lot of energy out of us.
It is the story of the beginning of Aids in the US. The desperation. The innuendoes. The pain. The misunderstanding. The alienation. The politics of drugs and medicine.
Then... a most fascinating evening with the LEMUR Conservation Foundation first fundraiser. There were mostly 'new to me' folks, which is refreshing. There was a gal I just met whose kids now live in Manhassett! My life in reverse. This new gal friend also goes to my favorite hotel in the world "Il San Pietro" in Positano, Italy.... every year. Between those two things- you gotta know we had a 'sympatico' New York repartee going on.
That was a kick.
Then, I ran into this lady, whose name I didn't catch. She knew me immediately. I could tell she was quite the character- had tons of spunk.... and was a woman with conviction. Active in the MUSICA series in town... she started talking to me. She talked about my son's 18th birthday in Italy, about my husband dying in Italy... it was both a bit 'spooky' and yet in a small town: normal. It was humbling.
And, it was very reassuring.... in that on some unknown level "I belong" to a larger community and consciousness. And, likewise the community belongs to me, too. She made me felt important, by her knowing about me.
Along the way, I managed to sit at the head table with the CHAIR of the event... and my table mate was another DEAR old friend of mine. I never ever get a chance to have dinner with her: and voila! Lemurisciously, I was allowed a dinner with someone I admire, adore and like. How cool was that for me? Super wonderful.
And, if that wasn't enough..... the table mate on the other side of me happened to be one of my all time favorite actresses: Blair Brown. I went to Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, MA.. The CHAIR of the event went to Pine Manor College. And, Blair Brown went to Pine Manor College. Now, for a tiny all women's college- that was a pretty cool 'circle' that just happened. Blair Brown was in one of my all time favorite little movies with John Beluschi called "Continental Divide". A sweet romance. Blair promised to take me on a personal walking tour of HY-LINE the next time I am in NEW YORK. I am doing that one! And.... by the way: the very first female PRESIDENT & CEO of the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, is also a Pine Manor graduate!
The last little funny detail from last night was that the CEO of the LEMUR Foundation is named: LEE.
I have corresponded for a couple of years with LEE. I always (for no particular reason) imagined LEE as a man. I always assumed I was writing a man. I was stunned to finally meet LEE and realize that she is a GAL. I found that funny. Where are 'assumptions' come from started to fascinate me.
At any rate: good day to be alive... to learn... to meet new friends along the way, and to spend time with old ones.
Smiles, and thanks for stopping by.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Coffee-less and Lemur-full
Thursday, Dec 12, 2013
It is early in the a.m. and I am writing this before coffee. So, help us all!
Played hooky yesterday evening from being a totally responsible grown up, as I missed a Trustee assignment from the museum and instead visited a local favorite shop of mine: a store usually filled with things of whimsey. RIGHT up my alley. Nothing purchased, just all kinds of 'looking'.
I then took myself (having forgotten I was invited to a girl's happy hour party) to a new restaurant that has boats buried in the ground, with half of each boat sticking up out of the ground, like a monolith. The entrance to the restaurant is through a large hole in the bow of a larger boat. You enter as if you are being swallowed by the vessel. Walked to the outdoor bar which is on Phillippi was at sunset and it was crowded. Sat at the bar and heard a "hello". I looked up and it was the daughter of dear friends. I have known her since she was born and it was great to have some 'girly time' with her. A super duper added plus to my meanderings.
This is the week of eating at Bob's: Bob's Train and now Bob's Boathouse. I am bobbalisciously filled.
Despite my diversions.... I did manage to send out another QUERY letter to an agent.
Fingers crossed, please! Collective crossing from around the world might be a powerful thing!
It was just great. And... today! I am such a social butterfly. I will meet my dear friend Ann for a bite at the StarKeeper Cafe, finally. And, a movie. We will see the Dallas Buyers Club at the local art cinema. It is painted purple, not unlike my home! I will look for a brick which was bought last year for my birthday for the art cinema. I asked my friends for a brick. I wanted it to read "Now, you can really walk all over me!"...Instead, it has my name. I have never seen where the brick was put: so today I might go on a goose chase for it.
This evening, I am off to a fundraising event as a guest. I am going to an event for "LEMUR Conservation Foundation". First of all, I am amazed that there is a lemur conservation in Florida. Secondly, I have been curious on WHY lemurs? Why not save dying kids or sick animals? I hadn't a clue on why that was so special until I asked. I was dumbfounded ( only as a bit of ignorance might allow) to know that the LEMUR is a primate!. They hold the genetic clue to many things, as they are the first level of primate. Now I am totally fascinated over what I had thought previously was a squirrel type living thing. Who knew? I am just getting educated all the time. Gotta love the things we get the chance to learn along the way.
I bought a Christmas Tree. I went to the Christmas tree place and there were 10 midget trees. That is what I wanted. I got the tallest of the midgets, and the fragrance assails my nostrils and senses to pure pleasure. I feel like I am in an AIR WICK commercial! It is up and awaiting its decorating.
I hope that all well in your life today.... with a big smile and warmth,
It is early in the a.m. and I am writing this before coffee. So, help us all!
Played hooky yesterday evening from being a totally responsible grown up, as I missed a Trustee assignment from the museum and instead visited a local favorite shop of mine: a store usually filled with things of whimsey. RIGHT up my alley. Nothing purchased, just all kinds of 'looking'.
I then took myself (having forgotten I was invited to a girl's happy hour party) to a new restaurant that has boats buried in the ground, with half of each boat sticking up out of the ground, like a monolith. The entrance to the restaurant is through a large hole in the bow of a larger boat. You enter as if you are being swallowed by the vessel. Walked to the outdoor bar which is on Phillippi was at sunset and it was crowded. Sat at the bar and heard a "hello". I looked up and it was the daughter of dear friends. I have known her since she was born and it was great to have some 'girly time' with her. A super duper added plus to my meanderings.
This is the week of eating at Bob's: Bob's Train and now Bob's Boathouse. I am bobbalisciously filled.
Despite my diversions.... I did manage to send out another QUERY letter to an agent.
Fingers crossed, please! Collective crossing from around the world might be a powerful thing!
It was just great. And... today! I am such a social butterfly. I will meet my dear friend Ann for a bite at the StarKeeper Cafe, finally. And, a movie. We will see the Dallas Buyers Club at the local art cinema. It is painted purple, not unlike my home! I will look for a brick which was bought last year for my birthday for the art cinema. I asked my friends for a brick. I wanted it to read "Now, you can really walk all over me!"...Instead, it has my name. I have never seen where the brick was put: so today I might go on a goose chase for it.
This evening, I am off to a fundraising event as a guest. I am going to an event for "LEMUR Conservation Foundation". First of all, I am amazed that there is a lemur conservation in Florida. Secondly, I have been curious on WHY lemurs? Why not save dying kids or sick animals? I hadn't a clue on why that was so special until I asked. I was dumbfounded ( only as a bit of ignorance might allow) to know that the LEMUR is a primate!. They hold the genetic clue to many things, as they are the first level of primate. Now I am totally fascinated over what I had thought previously was a squirrel type living thing. Who knew? I am just getting educated all the time. Gotta love the things we get the chance to learn along the way.
I bought a Christmas Tree. I went to the Christmas tree place and there were 10 midget trees. That is what I wanted. I got the tallest of the midgets, and the fragrance assails my nostrils and senses to pure pleasure. I feel like I am in an AIR WICK commercial! It is up and awaiting its decorating.
I hope that all well in your life today.... with a big smile and warmth,
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Letting go and moving forward. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2013
I am feeling great this morning.
First of all, the museum has decided to do what is correct with regards to me.
I have been chatting about giving and feeling good about it. I don't need recognition with my name or fan fare. Not even close to that. It isn't accolades that press my 'happy button'. I like a personal thanks for a job well intended- everyone does. A pat on the back. A smile and a hug. I am normal.
Any of us- when we give something of ourselves don't in the end want to feel small, insignificant, and disrespected. And that is where my anger came from. That is just plain painful- as a woman who detests tension and ill will.... and grew up in a household filled with that anxiety, I run from it. We all have a line in the sand: and the museum had gravely crossed it. And, now they are making it OKAY by following up on a commitment made. So, all my anger can dissipate, as it so never served me. And that: means it is a great NEW day.
It is such a brand new day that by 7:00am this morning, I had already sent out one query letter to an agent. That is meaningful because I am back on track to follow my dream - to get my manuscript published. That is also where you blog fans of mine: keep visiting and keep asking others to visit. If I can get a significant following- it might make a difference to a potential agent or publisher. So, if you wish: you make take my hand and walk this journey towards publishing with me. That means we are a TEAM. I am a collective energy person, believing in the power of one and in the power of many combined!
I will send out another query today... and go to my house, which I haven't seen in a couple of days of hiatus. Back on track and moving forward. Gotta love this Tuesday.
Cheers and keep visiting. More to come, I am sure!
A big grin, as ever
I am feeling great this morning.
First of all, the museum has decided to do what is correct with regards to me.
I have been chatting about giving and feeling good about it. I don't need recognition with my name or fan fare. Not even close to that. It isn't accolades that press my 'happy button'. I like a personal thanks for a job well intended- everyone does. A pat on the back. A smile and a hug. I am normal.
Any of us- when we give something of ourselves don't in the end want to feel small, insignificant, and disrespected. And that is where my anger came from. That is just plain painful- as a woman who detests tension and ill will.... and grew up in a household filled with that anxiety, I run from it. We all have a line in the sand: and the museum had gravely crossed it. And, now they are making it OKAY by following up on a commitment made. So, all my anger can dissipate, as it so never served me. And that: means it is a great NEW day.
It is such a brand new day that by 7:00am this morning, I had already sent out one query letter to an agent. That is meaningful because I am back on track to follow my dream - to get my manuscript published. That is also where you blog fans of mine: keep visiting and keep asking others to visit. If I can get a significant following- it might make a difference to a potential agent or publisher. So, if you wish: you make take my hand and walk this journey towards publishing with me. That means we are a TEAM. I am a collective energy person, believing in the power of one and in the power of many combined!
I will send out another query today... and go to my house, which I haven't seen in a couple of days of hiatus. Back on track and moving forward. Gotta love this Tuesday.
Cheers and keep visiting. More to come, I am sure!
A big grin, as ever
Monday, December 9, 2013
Zits, Zen, a Friend, a Train and a MOOSEburger
Monday, Dec 9th, 2013
Hi there....
I shouldn't write while I am feeling down and while my horizons seem so close.
I am starting my week with a full day. A much needed facial. I told the lady that I wanted to weigh less after my visit with her, as I am expecting PORE relief to be plentiful! This lady is a new facial person for me, and spent several years in INDIA. The name of her shop has the word ZEN in it...., so I am hoping to zen out, and be shoveled out along the way.
Then, on my agenda is lunch with my dear girlfriend. We will go to a very sweet outdoor restaurant located in a funky old home and garden in the heart of Sarasota for lunch. Food is great. Nothing matches and it is total charm in the city. And, quite YUM. The name is dreamy: The Star Keeper Cafe.
Zen. Friend. Star Keeper. What a stunning way to begin the week.
Then. Reality. My health insurance dude is coming around. Two more years till Medicare- two more years to hedge my bet against catastrophic illness. I am the same age that my mom was when she became ill. YUCK. Now, I feel antiquated.
Didn't go to Star Keeper. Went instead to Bob's Train Restaurant! What a kick and an adventure. The first part of the adventure was FINDING the restaurant, which is housed on train tracks in OLD TRAIN CARS: one from 1962, 1920, 1947: Including two private train cars belonging to Ringling Brothers Circle of long ago. It is funky. FAB. Hamburger was scrumptious. There were photos of Bill Robinson (Bo Jangles), Van Johnson, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe on an elephant, Emmet Kelly, Flo Ziegfield....and there were tons of trinkets: elevator panel from the old Ringling Tower Hotel in Sarasota, or the PEN used to sell Ringling Bros Circus... These train tracks just happen to be in an area which looks for boding- chain link fence, a dump with two boats and a tractor, and a boxing rink.
Quite SEEDY, and KITSCH to perfection. Had a MOOSE burger: made with mozzarella, onion, olives, special sauce & some other ingredient beginning with the letter "E".
Am feeling lighter today.
Thanks as always for visiting. I appreciate the company. I am amazed that I have lots of pageviews from Malaysia.... So, if someone might share what it is that draws them into my Blog, I would love to know.
Cheers and GRAZIE
and smiles, as always
Hi there....
I shouldn't write while I am feeling down and while my horizons seem so close.
I am starting my week with a full day. A much needed facial. I told the lady that I wanted to weigh less after my visit with her, as I am expecting PORE relief to be plentiful! This lady is a new facial person for me, and spent several years in INDIA. The name of her shop has the word ZEN in it...., so I am hoping to zen out, and be shoveled out along the way.
Then, on my agenda is lunch with my dear girlfriend. We will go to a very sweet outdoor restaurant located in a funky old home and garden in the heart of Sarasota for lunch. Food is great. Nothing matches and it is total charm in the city. And, quite YUM. The name is dreamy: The Star Keeper Cafe.
Zen. Friend. Star Keeper. What a stunning way to begin the week.
Then. Reality. My health insurance dude is coming around. Two more years till Medicare- two more years to hedge my bet against catastrophic illness. I am the same age that my mom was when she became ill. YUCK. Now, I feel antiquated.
Didn't go to Star Keeper. Went instead to Bob's Train Restaurant! What a kick and an adventure. The first part of the adventure was FINDING the restaurant, which is housed on train tracks in OLD TRAIN CARS: one from 1962, 1920, 1947: Including two private train cars belonging to Ringling Brothers Circle of long ago. It is funky. FAB. Hamburger was scrumptious. There were photos of Bill Robinson (Bo Jangles), Van Johnson, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe on an elephant, Emmet Kelly, Flo Ziegfield....and there were tons of trinkets: elevator panel from the old Ringling Tower Hotel in Sarasota, or the PEN used to sell Ringling Bros Circus... These train tracks just happen to be in an area which looks for boding- chain link fence, a dump with two boats and a tractor, and a boxing rink.
Quite SEEDY, and KITSCH to perfection. Had a MOOSE burger: made with mozzarella, onion, olives, special sauce & some other ingredient beginning with the letter "E".
Am feeling lighter today.
Thanks as always for visiting. I appreciate the company. I am amazed that I have lots of pageviews from Malaysia.... So, if someone might share what it is that draws them into my Blog, I would love to know.
Cheers and GRAZIE
and smiles, as always
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Christmas movies GALORE and more
Sunday, Dec. 8th, 2013
Upheaval. Displaced. Lost. Directionless. Uprooted. Groundless. Bobbing. Nervous. Scared. Uncomfortable. Clueless. Anxious. Pivotal. Vulnerable. Stuck nowhere.
Those are part of the smorgasbord of emotions swirling within my very heart, soul , brain and body.
Being so scattered, makes it difficult to write.
So, yesterday was a day off. I was directionless personified: the ultimate couch potato- watching at least 5 CHRISTMAS MOVIES on Netflix... all perfect, romantic, santa drivel. Perfect medicine for what ails me. Yet, I threw away a DAY OF SUNNY PERFECTION by being indoors. Nonetheless, the movies were my emotional pain killer for the day. I reveled in it, snoozing through parts of each movie. An entire day of SIESTA.
There are lots and lots of Christmas tales to watch over decades of Lifetime and ABC Family movies: A Christmas Kiss, Switch-mas, What I want for Christmas, The Christmas Lodge, Pizza Heart, blah blah blah 'buggy bear kissy face' celluloid.
I have always handled the emotional stress in my life by escaping, burrowing under the covers.... being a hermit. That was my coping skill as a child in a home filled with tension with constant parental fighting. It was a sanctuary under my covers and blankets. That was my coping skill as a high schooler.... and when my husband died. I buried myself in my cocoon. I am doing that now. It is my safe place.
Depression? probably. Well deserved, I might add. My psychologist friend would always advise me "If you are going to be depressed: BE DEPRESSED. Swim in it. Wallow in it. Immerse yourself in it.... and then- come out the other side. I must be in my doggy paddle stage.
And, I am plagued by my amazing mis-treatment by the museum where I am a Trustee and just did their fund-raiser. I am hurt, and angry and insulted and feel so disrespected. It is an arena I am having a difficult time reconciling on top of all the other stress I am feeling. This part of my life, and the folks involved with the museum have EATEN a part of my gut...
I am angry, because I am supposed to feel GOOD after giving of myself and my resources. I am supposed to feel like a good guy, and I am not supposed to be made to feel like the BAD guy. That is the point: to feel GOOD. NOT BAD. And stupid me: I keep going back for more.... when there are so many other non-profits who make me feel privileged when they have my energy. I keep giving because I love the museum site. It should be about the goal: not personalities. It pisses me off, as it is so avoidable.... it is so easy to make a 'giver' feel good. And, there is a lot of energy expanded to avoid that in my case. In basic NON PROFIT 101: the goal is to maintain your fans and create new ones. It is NOT to take your fan and make them an enemy.
So, I am feeling beaten down today. And, I will welcome the insight which comes from this viewpoint.. hopefully sooner than later.
I miss not being able to watch CBS SUNDAY MORNING, which is eye and mind candy for me each week. I miss my television and cable..... since Mid April! I am feeling a void without my cultural whimsies.
Smiles on this glorious day,
Please keep stopping by and encourage a buddy to do so, too.
Upheaval. Displaced. Lost. Directionless. Uprooted. Groundless. Bobbing. Nervous. Scared. Uncomfortable. Clueless. Anxious. Pivotal. Vulnerable. Stuck nowhere.
Those are part of the smorgasbord of emotions swirling within my very heart, soul , brain and body.
Being so scattered, makes it difficult to write.
So, yesterday was a day off. I was directionless personified: the ultimate couch potato- watching at least 5 CHRISTMAS MOVIES on Netflix... all perfect, romantic, santa drivel. Perfect medicine for what ails me. Yet, I threw away a DAY OF SUNNY PERFECTION by being indoors. Nonetheless, the movies were my emotional pain killer for the day. I reveled in it, snoozing through parts of each movie. An entire day of SIESTA.
There are lots and lots of Christmas tales to watch over decades of Lifetime and ABC Family movies: A Christmas Kiss, Switch-mas, What I want for Christmas, The Christmas Lodge, Pizza Heart, blah blah blah 'buggy bear kissy face' celluloid.
I have always handled the emotional stress in my life by escaping, burrowing under the covers.... being a hermit. That was my coping skill as a child in a home filled with tension with constant parental fighting. It was a sanctuary under my covers and blankets. That was my coping skill as a high schooler.... and when my husband died. I buried myself in my cocoon. I am doing that now. It is my safe place.
Depression? probably. Well deserved, I might add. My psychologist friend would always advise me "If you are going to be depressed: BE DEPRESSED. Swim in it. Wallow in it. Immerse yourself in it.... and then- come out the other side. I must be in my doggy paddle stage.
And, I am plagued by my amazing mis-treatment by the museum where I am a Trustee and just did their fund-raiser. I am hurt, and angry and insulted and feel so disrespected. It is an arena I am having a difficult time reconciling on top of all the other stress I am feeling. This part of my life, and the folks involved with the museum have EATEN a part of my gut...
I am angry, because I am supposed to feel GOOD after giving of myself and my resources. I am supposed to feel like a good guy, and I am not supposed to be made to feel like the BAD guy. That is the point: to feel GOOD. NOT BAD. And stupid me: I keep going back for more.... when there are so many other non-profits who make me feel privileged when they have my energy. I keep giving because I love the museum site. It should be about the goal: not personalities. It pisses me off, as it is so avoidable.... it is so easy to make a 'giver' feel good. And, there is a lot of energy expanded to avoid that in my case. In basic NON PROFIT 101: the goal is to maintain your fans and create new ones. It is NOT to take your fan and make them an enemy.
So, I am feeling beaten down today. And, I will welcome the insight which comes from this viewpoint.. hopefully sooner than later.
I miss not being able to watch CBS SUNDAY MORNING, which is eye and mind candy for me each week. I miss my television and cable..... since Mid April! I am feeling a void without my cultural whimsies.
Smiles on this glorious day,
Please keep stopping by and encourage a buddy to do so, too.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Home is where FAMILY gathers.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
I awoke from my day of emotional tears... to a new day.
Isn't it great that we get to invent each day, as it comes?
Yesterday, I had a manicure with a lady who was very nice. I found her on 'living social'- it was a delightful two hours of being touched. I have been going to Vietnamese nail techs, and so it is a charming experience to actually talk and enjoy the blah blah of girly chat over nails.
I picked up my errant car- which is a good thing. A breath of independence.
I delivered all of my clean clothes back to my home, to be ironed and to have another chapter in my life. Small steps at re-establishing a life.
My brother Eddie and his wife, Laura arrived last night to visit for a couple of days. Eddie and I are very close and always have been. We are two years apart, and two days. Therefore, we also always shared our birthdays together as kids.
He has known his wife since Junior High School (just the phrase "junior high" dates me... as it is now 'middle school') which means I have known her for 50+ years. She is my sister. I am hers. She is the oldest kid with 6 younger brothers. So, we share so much history together. She is so sweet and 'gets' me. She inspires me with her bright curiosity and creativity. She and Eddie are red heads and have two red haired daughters. They always looked more like brother & sister than Eddie and I did, as I have dark hair. As teenagers, Eddie would always walks ahead of me ... to insure that no one mistook us for girl-friend and boy-friend.
We ate Maine Lobsters last night for $14! Now, that is a deal. Bib and all: super scrumptious and juicy. This morning we all visited our Dad. He recognized Eddie and I. He knew Laura's name, but didn't know that she was Eddie wife of 42 years! It was a nice visit. Eddie will return tomorrow solo while I take Laura to Selby Gardens. Since her retirement of 6 weeks, Laura's first project is becoming a 'master gardener'- So, this should prove a perfect outing! Selby Gardens is on the Bayfront- and is known for its orchid collection.
There is something about family, about old childhood friends. You never have to explain anything. You don't have to explain the 'players' in your life. There is a trust that comes from years of loyalty. And, I can tease- like with no one else: I have had 63 years of practice with Eddie as a good teacher.
As a kid, Eddie was my rock and my soft place in a home with lots of turmoil and angst. Repartee comes from decades of banter. Being with family is HOME. It is NOT the house.
That is a good reminder for me. MY HOUSE has been MY HOME. But really: my HOME is where my family gathers, wherever that takes us. Even after 40 years in one home- it becomes less the rock and more dispensable.
Thanks for visiting.... on this beautiful and PERFECT Florida day.
Warmth, smiles,
I awoke from my day of emotional tears... to a new day.
Isn't it great that we get to invent each day, as it comes?
Yesterday, I had a manicure with a lady who was very nice. I found her on 'living social'- it was a delightful two hours of being touched. I have been going to Vietnamese nail techs, and so it is a charming experience to actually talk and enjoy the blah blah of girly chat over nails.
I picked up my errant car- which is a good thing. A breath of independence.
I delivered all of my clean clothes back to my home, to be ironed and to have another chapter in my life. Small steps at re-establishing a life.
My brother Eddie and his wife, Laura arrived last night to visit for a couple of days. Eddie and I are very close and always have been. We are two years apart, and two days. Therefore, we also always shared our birthdays together as kids.
He has known his wife since Junior High School (just the phrase "junior high" dates me... as it is now 'middle school') which means I have known her for 50+ years. She is my sister. I am hers. She is the oldest kid with 6 younger brothers. So, we share so much history together. She is so sweet and 'gets' me. She inspires me with her bright curiosity and creativity. She and Eddie are red heads and have two red haired daughters. They always looked more like brother & sister than Eddie and I did, as I have dark hair. As teenagers, Eddie would always walks ahead of me ... to insure that no one mistook us for girl-friend and boy-friend.
We ate Maine Lobsters last night for $14! Now, that is a deal. Bib and all: super scrumptious and juicy. This morning we all visited our Dad. He recognized Eddie and I. He knew Laura's name, but didn't know that she was Eddie wife of 42 years! It was a nice visit. Eddie will return tomorrow solo while I take Laura to Selby Gardens. Since her retirement of 6 weeks, Laura's first project is becoming a 'master gardener'- So, this should prove a perfect outing! Selby Gardens is on the Bayfront- and is known for its orchid collection.
There is something about family, about old childhood friends. You never have to explain anything. You don't have to explain the 'players' in your life. There is a trust that comes from years of loyalty. And, I can tease- like with no one else: I have had 63 years of practice with Eddie as a good teacher.
As a kid, Eddie was my rock and my soft place in a home with lots of turmoil and angst. Repartee comes from decades of banter. Being with family is HOME. It is NOT the house.
That is a good reminder for me. MY HOUSE has been MY HOME. But really: my HOME is where my family gathers, wherever that takes us. Even after 40 years in one home- it becomes less the rock and more dispensable.
Thanks for visiting.... on this beautiful and PERFECT Florida day.
Warmth, smiles,
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Finally, tears..., and a stuffy nose!
Tuesday, early December, 2013
Good morning....
Holiday season mornings, in Florida.
There is enough cool air to require a sweater. Sox. No bare feet. This is a Florida winter. The sun is shining. Like a perfect cool FALL day up north, without the leaves turning brilliant yellows, golds, oranges and reds. Florida is GREEN. And BLUE- sky & water soothing my soul constantly. I am a water gal and always have been.
I had a rough day yesterday. I never cry. I don't cry because I get stuffy and can't breathe. Having spent years as a kid with asthma: I abhor not being able to breathe. If I cry, it is because I have either forgotten my fluoxetine (prozac)... or it is because my feelings were hurt. I seem TOUGH. I am from New York, and there is an energy which can sometimes seem off-putting, or intimidating to some. I have softened over the decades in the south, aging and WANTING to appear closer to who I really am: a softy! And, a pleaser. Most children of alcoholics are pleasers. I am not exceptional in this respect, I am quite normal.
I cried yesterday. My daughter, who has been so sweet, attentive and welcoming: was rude, mean and insensitive. I get that she is feeling 'put out'. I get that she is feeling 'over-run' by my stuff. I get that she doesn't have complete control over creating her own energy in her own home.... with anyone, including me- in the mix. I get that and respect those feelings and am sensitive to it. However, there is nothing I can do about any of it until I move back home. There is light at the end of that tunnel. Be that as it may: I received the wrath of her understandable frustration. She stung. That is unnecessary. I also understand that her coping skills are not more refined. She is tough and always has been.
She came to say "I am sorry". And, with a bit of cockiness asked if I would accept her apology? I waited, and she filled in the silence with "But, you must understand....."
Any statement is NEGATED once you attach the word 'BUT' to it.
I said "No, I don't accept it".
I was feeling burdensome. I was feeling small. Alone. And, finally - emotionally and physically experiencing now, what I have been silently putting aside for 3 months: The death of my house, and of 4 decades of my former life.
It is a big deal. I must allow myself to grieve for the 'passing' of one stage of life, into the next. Let go, perhaps. Pass the banner. This was not just a house. I found it. I fell in love at first sight: with it's potential. I designed every inch of the space- to use it efficiently and effectively. It is me. It is where my life started with my husband, before we were married. It is where I brought my babies home... and where they had their childhood. Good and bad. Always, the rock and center.... always transforming to the different eras of child-rearing. The interior courtyard started as an outdoor safe playpen.... and evolved into an adult 'smoking area'. And then... back again as a playpen for my grandson "pip".
I am sentimental. Every single thing in my home has a memory or a story. I remember 90% of them. That means that everything I have, represents a most personal moment and time. I chose them. Each item spoke to me. Each THING, is a catalogue of my life. So, I mourn the scattering of my bits. And, will at another time, celebrate it as well.
Carlyle needs to understand that as much as she feels 'put out', she still has a home she can live it. I don't. That difference makes me feel vulnerable and changes the paradigm.
Of course, we hugged and made up. Then, went for a SUB-ZERO ice cream experience. You create your own flavors which come in liquid form.... and then liquid hot ice (nitrogen) is sprayed on the liquid which crystalizes into iced cream. Very 'hokey-pokey' with vapor smoke rising from the ice cream bowls. Yummy and cool.
Casey was sweet. When we returned home, he rocked on the twin rocker with me, his arm draped along the back and said "I want you here. We want you here. You are the mommy. I will do better". It was sweet. Appreciated. He also said that Carlyle wasn't good at apologizing. I love it. He is explaining my daughter to me. I have lived with her for 28 years..... significantly longer than Casey has: she is the same stubborn woman today as she was a 'little girl', way back when.
Astrid and I had gone to the house yesterday. She tore down the one RED Venetian Plaster bedroom wall. It hurt her to do it, as she had put many hours into creating that red beautiful wall.
Oh WELL! Down it went. Good thing: got rid of one 'moldy' drywall. Yeah! Progress. Destruction, too. We got down to the basic roots of the house: CONCRETE. It was all evocative... of a life well lived.
Happy Tuesday. THANK YOU for stopping by and visiting. It warms me to know that you do visit with me, and you it is appreciated and respected.
Good morning....
Holiday season mornings, in Florida.
There is enough cool air to require a sweater. Sox. No bare feet. This is a Florida winter. The sun is shining. Like a perfect cool FALL day up north, without the leaves turning brilliant yellows, golds, oranges and reds. Florida is GREEN. And BLUE- sky & water soothing my soul constantly. I am a water gal and always have been.
I had a rough day yesterday. I never cry. I don't cry because I get stuffy and can't breathe. Having spent years as a kid with asthma: I abhor not being able to breathe. If I cry, it is because I have either forgotten my fluoxetine (prozac)... or it is because my feelings were hurt. I seem TOUGH. I am from New York, and there is an energy which can sometimes seem off-putting, or intimidating to some. I have softened over the decades in the south, aging and WANTING to appear closer to who I really am: a softy! And, a pleaser. Most children of alcoholics are pleasers. I am not exceptional in this respect, I am quite normal.
I cried yesterday. My daughter, who has been so sweet, attentive and welcoming: was rude, mean and insensitive. I get that she is feeling 'put out'. I get that she is feeling 'over-run' by my stuff. I get that she doesn't have complete control over creating her own energy in her own home.... with anyone, including me- in the mix. I get that and respect those feelings and am sensitive to it. However, there is nothing I can do about any of it until I move back home. There is light at the end of that tunnel. Be that as it may: I received the wrath of her understandable frustration. She stung. That is unnecessary. I also understand that her coping skills are not more refined. She is tough and always has been.
She came to say "I am sorry". And, with a bit of cockiness asked if I would accept her apology? I waited, and she filled in the silence with "But, you must understand....."
Any statement is NEGATED once you attach the word 'BUT' to it.
I said "No, I don't accept it".
I was feeling burdensome. I was feeling small. Alone. And, finally - emotionally and physically experiencing now, what I have been silently putting aside for 3 months: The death of my house, and of 4 decades of my former life.
It is a big deal. I must allow myself to grieve for the 'passing' of one stage of life, into the next. Let go, perhaps. Pass the banner. This was not just a house. I found it. I fell in love at first sight: with it's potential. I designed every inch of the space- to use it efficiently and effectively. It is me. It is where my life started with my husband, before we were married. It is where I brought my babies home... and where they had their childhood. Good and bad. Always, the rock and center.... always transforming to the different eras of child-rearing. The interior courtyard started as an outdoor safe playpen.... and evolved into an adult 'smoking area'. And then... back again as a playpen for my grandson "pip".
I am sentimental. Every single thing in my home has a memory or a story. I remember 90% of them. That means that everything I have, represents a most personal moment and time. I chose them. Each item spoke to me. Each THING, is a catalogue of my life. So, I mourn the scattering of my bits. And, will at another time, celebrate it as well.
Carlyle needs to understand that as much as she feels 'put out', she still has a home she can live it. I don't. That difference makes me feel vulnerable and changes the paradigm.
Of course, we hugged and made up. Then, went for a SUB-ZERO ice cream experience. You create your own flavors which come in liquid form.... and then liquid hot ice (nitrogen) is sprayed on the liquid which crystalizes into iced cream. Very 'hokey-pokey' with vapor smoke rising from the ice cream bowls. Yummy and cool.
Casey was sweet. When we returned home, he rocked on the twin rocker with me, his arm draped along the back and said "I want you here. We want you here. You are the mommy. I will do better". It was sweet. Appreciated. He also said that Carlyle wasn't good at apologizing. I love it. He is explaining my daughter to me. I have lived with her for 28 years..... significantly longer than Casey has: she is the same stubborn woman today as she was a 'little girl', way back when.
Astrid and I had gone to the house yesterday. She tore down the one RED Venetian Plaster bedroom wall. It hurt her to do it, as she had put many hours into creating that red beautiful wall.
Oh WELL! Down it went. Good thing: got rid of one 'moldy' drywall. Yeah! Progress. Destruction, too. We got down to the basic roots of the house: CONCRETE. It was all evocative... of a life well lived.
Happy Tuesday. THANK YOU for stopping by and visiting. It warms me to know that you do visit with me, and you it is appreciated and respected.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
a Fluff and Goo kinda gal... with a short attention span, who still adores a hand written letter.
Thanksgiving Sunday, 2013
I have been eating comfort food leftovers now for several days.... and have basically only turkey left. Which seems lonely without the cranberry, gravy, stuffing, sweet potato & marsh-mellow pie & mashed potatoes.
It is telling that all the "FLUFF" is eaten... while there is gobs of healthy white meat turkey leftovers-even still.
Well, I have always been a fluff and goo (love love love sauces,whipped cream- goo!) gal, myself!
In my process of 'moving forward'- I took great leaps by attacking my mail, which has been piled in an errant container on the floor. Yesterday, I was thinking of my life as a displaced person. Today, I would rather look at it as a LIFE IN PILES.
Having a rather short attention span, I am likely to take days opening and discarding the gobs of post which has accumulated so bountifully. Bu, just think of how much 'lighter' I'll feel. I won't be lighter, but I will feel that way.
That is a personality trait which has been with me forever. I hate opening up mail. Letters are a different species of post altogether. I love, adore, am gleeful over opening up personal notes. That must come from traipsing through a snow-filled college campus to the tiny post office box we had as students... only to find VOID, SPACE, nothing. Or bills, which was worse than space. It was like Christmas, if there was actually a letter inside. The old fashioned "YOU'VE GOT MAIL", without a voice and without a keyboard...... just hand written words on a page.
charming, indeed. And, an ancient art form.
Enjoy your Sunday.... and safe travels.
I have been eating comfort food leftovers now for several days.... and have basically only turkey left. Which seems lonely without the cranberry, gravy, stuffing, sweet potato & marsh-mellow pie & mashed potatoes.
It is telling that all the "FLUFF" is eaten... while there is gobs of healthy white meat turkey leftovers-even still.
Well, I have always been a fluff and goo (love love love sauces,whipped cream- goo!) gal, myself!
In my process of 'moving forward'- I took great leaps by attacking my mail, which has been piled in an errant container on the floor. Yesterday, I was thinking of my life as a displaced person. Today, I would rather look at it as a LIFE IN PILES.
Having a rather short attention span, I am likely to take days opening and discarding the gobs of post which has accumulated so bountifully. Bu, just think of how much 'lighter' I'll feel. I won't be lighter, but I will feel that way.
That is a personality trait which has been with me forever. I hate opening up mail. Letters are a different species of post altogether. I love, adore, am gleeful over opening up personal notes. That must come from traipsing through a snow-filled college campus to the tiny post office box we had as students... only to find VOID, SPACE, nothing. Or bills, which was worse than space. It was like Christmas, if there was actually a letter inside. The old fashioned "YOU'VE GOT MAIL", without a voice and without a keyboard...... just hand written words on a page.
charming, indeed. And, an ancient art form.
Enjoy your Sunday.... and safe travels.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Dis-placed, Turkey-ful, and Christmas Card-less
Black Saturday? 2013.... is that what follows Black Friday?
Well, I have a better appreciation for Thanksgiving turkey dinners: wherever they were prepared: the leftovers. I devoured the mashed potatoes and gravy, the cornbread stuffing & Morton's cranberry sauce. All mixed together along side sweet potato & marsh-mellow goo.
It is crazy to have a great portion of the American people en route over Thanksgiving week-end.... like 'ants' scurrying about in the sky and on the roads. But, it is a perfect excuse if one is needed: to bring families together- for no other reason than 'to break bread'. There is value in that simple ritual. Italians take great stock in that value in life: meal-time, on a daily basis is an inviolate family time. We Americans do it on a BIG SCALE: at least once a year. Combine that with each family's history... and you feel part of a tradition. It becomes part of the fabric of who we are, and what makes us a bit different and the same.
There is something warming about those concepts.
I am a displaced person. I am now also a vehicle-less person. Carlyle is sweet to let me use her car. Mine is in the shop for its 75,000 mile check up and because the convertible top got STUCK: not UP and not DOWN. And, not a good position to be in.... if driving is required.
I misplaced my phone.... so, I was out of communication for a couple of days. It is quite the dis placed, mis-placed life I am leading. It is all appropriate and symbolic.
I have purged all my blouses, sweaters, tops. Tried them on: given some away, and kept some. Now it is time for the Bottoms. Hmmm. It is like shopping in my closet. If they fit: they are MINE all over again.... and off to the gal who irons. If they do not fit, or don't fit my maturing personality: they go onto a new life in a new closet. My goal: is to have a closet NOT filled, but containing only stainLESS clothes that fit, and that I might actually wear. What a concept! Seems simple. Seems is the operative word.
This is the second year in 30 years that I will not send out Christmas cards. They would be in the mail today.... and were always memorable cards. It was a lot of work- 400 cards to stuff, address, stamp, and mail. I got great in the end: POSTCARDS were my salvation to eliminating stuffing & licking envelopes. Last year, I was at my son George's - helping him move. It took many more week than had anticipated because he bought a cool house from a man who died while on holiday.... in france. This poor dude choked to death on escargot! At any rate.... no Christmas cards while packing, and unpacking in the Berkshires. Saved by slaving over my son's new home. This year: I am displaced..... and have moved out of my home. I don't even have a stamp which is NOT packed away. So, I will chalk this one up as a GIFT of my heretofore sick home: a reprieve from Christmas card sending!
I am getting a hankering to see a movie on the big screen: my movieaholic tendencies are taking over all motivation for today. We will see what triumphs!
Well, I have a better appreciation for Thanksgiving turkey dinners: wherever they were prepared: the leftovers. I devoured the mashed potatoes and gravy, the cornbread stuffing & Morton's cranberry sauce. All mixed together along side sweet potato & marsh-mellow goo.
It is crazy to have a great portion of the American people en route over Thanksgiving week-end.... like 'ants' scurrying about in the sky and on the roads. But, it is a perfect excuse if one is needed: to bring families together- for no other reason than 'to break bread'. There is value in that simple ritual. Italians take great stock in that value in life: meal-time, on a daily basis is an inviolate family time. We Americans do it on a BIG SCALE: at least once a year. Combine that with each family's history... and you feel part of a tradition. It becomes part of the fabric of who we are, and what makes us a bit different and the same.
There is something warming about those concepts.
I am a displaced person. I am now also a vehicle-less person. Carlyle is sweet to let me use her car. Mine is in the shop for its 75,000 mile check up and because the convertible top got STUCK: not UP and not DOWN. And, not a good position to be in.... if driving is required.
I misplaced my phone.... so, I was out of communication for a couple of days. It is quite the dis placed, mis-placed life I am leading. It is all appropriate and symbolic.
I have purged all my blouses, sweaters, tops. Tried them on: given some away, and kept some. Now it is time for the Bottoms. Hmmm. It is like shopping in my closet. If they fit: they are MINE all over again.... and off to the gal who irons. If they do not fit, or don't fit my maturing personality: they go onto a new life in a new closet. My goal: is to have a closet NOT filled, but containing only stainLESS clothes that fit, and that I might actually wear. What a concept! Seems simple. Seems is the operative word.
This is the second year in 30 years that I will not send out Christmas cards. They would be in the mail today.... and were always memorable cards. It was a lot of work- 400 cards to stuff, address, stamp, and mail. I got great in the end: POSTCARDS were my salvation to eliminating stuffing & licking envelopes. Last year, I was at my son George's - helping him move. It took many more week than had anticipated because he bought a cool house from a man who died while on holiday.... in france. This poor dude choked to death on escargot! At any rate.... no Christmas cards while packing, and unpacking in the Berkshires. Saved by slaving over my son's new home. This year: I am displaced..... and have moved out of my home. I don't even have a stamp which is NOT packed away. So, I will chalk this one up as a GIFT of my heretofore sick home: a reprieve from Christmas card sending!
I am getting a hankering to see a movie on the big screen: my movieaholic tendencies are taking over all motivation for today. We will see what triumphs!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Turkey, triptophane, and Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day, 2013
A day to give thanks.
One day a year we are asked for a moment of gratitude. Which requires a certain amount of grace.
It amazes me that Americans frenetically fly, drive, travel for one meal. That is a lot of time, energy and resources for one dinner. The adds up to a lot of humanity moving about. For one repast. It is stunning, really. What motivates us Americans to be obsessed with this one day? Is is that is is an ALL AMERICAN holiday- separating us from the rest of the pack? Is it that we are eager to be thankful? Is it that we have an excuse to be gluttonous under the guise of tradition? Is it that we move heaven and earth sometimes to be home for this holiday? Is it about generosity of spirit and family?
At any rate: I awaken to a home without cable: no Thanksgiving Day Parade. No Dog Show at Madison Square Garden. Those are part of what defines this day for me: besides dining on turkey at least once a year- with stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy and cranberry sauce. Topped with Pecan & Apple pies ala mode.
Yum. Casey, Carlyle and I are having a Thanksgiving picnic in their screened in back porch. Feast cooked by Morton's Market- an upscale Sarasota Landmark and food market. No fuss. No muss.
I put out my Grandma's cloth placemats and we will create our own feast, casual style ala outside. Hope the sun keeps the cool away.
Yesterday, we went to see Howard- my 93 year old dad. He was delighted to see me, and he realized it had been awhile. Good on him, as they might say down under. He didn't recognize his grand daughter, Carlyle and it would reason, that he wouldn't know her boyfriend either. But, they got a kick out of being at the old age home. There were lots of folks who were happy to see me after months of being away. I have 'buds' at the dementia wing of the old age home! I am paving the way for my future.
Happy Thanksgiving to all with warmth and a big smile
A day to give thanks.
One day a year we are asked for a moment of gratitude. Which requires a certain amount of grace.
It amazes me that Americans frenetically fly, drive, travel for one meal. That is a lot of time, energy and resources for one dinner. The adds up to a lot of humanity moving about. For one repast. It is stunning, really. What motivates us Americans to be obsessed with this one day? Is is that is is an ALL AMERICAN holiday- separating us from the rest of the pack? Is it that we are eager to be thankful? Is it that we have an excuse to be gluttonous under the guise of tradition? Is it that we move heaven and earth sometimes to be home for this holiday? Is it about generosity of spirit and family?
At any rate: I awaken to a home without cable: no Thanksgiving Day Parade. No Dog Show at Madison Square Garden. Those are part of what defines this day for me: besides dining on turkey at least once a year- with stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy and cranberry sauce. Topped with Pecan & Apple pies ala mode.
Yum. Casey, Carlyle and I are having a Thanksgiving picnic in their screened in back porch. Feast cooked by Morton's Market- an upscale Sarasota Landmark and food market. No fuss. No muss.
I put out my Grandma's cloth placemats and we will create our own feast, casual style ala outside. Hope the sun keeps the cool away.
Yesterday, we went to see Howard- my 93 year old dad. He was delighted to see me, and he realized it had been awhile. Good on him, as they might say down under. He didn't recognize his grand daughter, Carlyle and it would reason, that he wouldn't know her boyfriend either. But, they got a kick out of being at the old age home. There were lots of folks who were happy to see me after months of being away. I have 'buds' at the dementia wing of the old age home! I am paving the way for my future.
Happy Thanksgiving to all with warmth and a big smile
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Memories evoked by sweet potato and marshmellow pie
Tuesday morning with Thanksgiving week breezes,
It is so nice not to have a kitchen to call my own. No pressure to cook Turkey, stuffing or sweet potato & marsh-mellow pie, which reminds me of my dear Grandma Rossmoore! She is my tiny, deaf-ish grandmother whom I affectionately referred to as "Naggy".
For years after my parents divorced, we divided holidays between parents. My father got us on Thurksgiving and Mom got us for Christmas. Thanksgiving was always with all my 15 Rossmoore cousins. We would all gather at "Naggy's" apartment on 5th Avenue overlooking Central Park... and the Hudson. She was on the 19th glorious floor with a terrace and breathtakingly sweeping views.
We would all go to the old classic hotel "THE WESTBURY" with its Polo Lounge. It was on 69th and Madison and is now a condominium. But... for decades: it was a fabulous hotel and gathering hole. Grandma would reserve the second floor: the private rooms- where we would have appetizers and cocktails (not me.... I was too young) and then sit for a privately catered Thanksgiving feast. I don't associate Thanksgiving with 'home cooked ' feasts. I think of them with family and served. It is a bit different picture than the ones found on the covers of Saturday Evening Post. But, that is my heritage, my memory and my family experience.... as a citified kinda gal.
She took me to Europe for my first time overseas when I was 15 1/2. She took me on a two month cruise including two trans-Atlantic crossings... to places like Trondheim, Visby, Oban, Geiranger. Huh? It was the summer of 1966.... Mia Farrow, with her short blond bob had married Frank Sinatra, who crooned the ballad "Strangers in the Night". I was young and to me, going to Europe meant seeing "London, Paris, Rome". Not Bergen, Myrdal or Helsinki. But, my naiveté finally gave way to fascination, my first French Kiss, 2 months of private Ballroom dance lessons... and a world in which confidence would shine.
When I was a little girl, my parents were the first family in this little chic chic suburb of Manhattan called Manhassett. It was scandalous when my parents separated and divorced. They were young, rich, beautiful .... and lived in an amazingly modern home which was all glass. Built in 1950, the same year I was born, this home had an indoor gymnasium with a trampoline, basketball nets... and windows! Tall, grand sweeping windows which let the light into a sad interior space. I learned early on that living in a pretty home does not make people happy.
And although I live in my dream home: it is MY DREAM home. It is not an opulently grand house... as I have never aspired for that- as I learned the secret a long time ago. A DREAM HOME is where there is warmth, calm, openness, peace and light.
Didn't get mind candy last night at the museum. But, the TREE HOUSE was lovely and I learned about how various plants were used 5,000 years ago. So, it kept my interest and piqued my brain cells a bit along the way. Saw a stunning 90+ year old lady last night whom I know from Pine Manor. She graduated from there two years before I was born. She is stunningly beautiful... articulate, feisty in a most classy way... and an inspiration for growing gracefully more antique.
Today: I must take everything off the floor in my makeshift bedroom at Carlyle's home, as she is getting new wooden floors to replace the gross carpeting which has been doubling as the doggies' relieving area. Packing up AGAIN! Thank goodness: it is only chihuahua relief.
Have a grand Tuesday. Another adventure of life, learning and play begins again today
It is so nice not to have a kitchen to call my own. No pressure to cook Turkey, stuffing or sweet potato & marsh-mellow pie, which reminds me of my dear Grandma Rossmoore! She is my tiny, deaf-ish grandmother whom I affectionately referred to as "Naggy".
For years after my parents divorced, we divided holidays between parents. My father got us on Thurksgiving and Mom got us for Christmas. Thanksgiving was always with all my 15 Rossmoore cousins. We would all gather at "Naggy's" apartment on 5th Avenue overlooking Central Park... and the Hudson. She was on the 19th glorious floor with a terrace and breathtakingly sweeping views.
We would all go to the old classic hotel "THE WESTBURY" with its Polo Lounge. It was on 69th and Madison and is now a condominium. But... for decades: it was a fabulous hotel and gathering hole. Grandma would reserve the second floor: the private rooms- where we would have appetizers and cocktails (not me.... I was too young) and then sit for a privately catered Thanksgiving feast. I don't associate Thanksgiving with 'home cooked ' feasts. I think of them with family and served. It is a bit different picture than the ones found on the covers of Saturday Evening Post. But, that is my heritage, my memory and my family experience.... as a citified kinda gal.
She took me to Europe for my first time overseas when I was 15 1/2. She took me on a two month cruise including two trans-Atlantic crossings... to places like Trondheim, Visby, Oban, Geiranger. Huh? It was the summer of 1966.... Mia Farrow, with her short blond bob had married Frank Sinatra, who crooned the ballad "Strangers in the Night". I was young and to me, going to Europe meant seeing "London, Paris, Rome". Not Bergen, Myrdal or Helsinki. But, my naiveté finally gave way to fascination, my first French Kiss, 2 months of private Ballroom dance lessons... and a world in which confidence would shine.
When I was a little girl, my parents were the first family in this little chic chic suburb of Manhattan called Manhassett. It was scandalous when my parents separated and divorced. They were young, rich, beautiful .... and lived in an amazingly modern home which was all glass. Built in 1950, the same year I was born, this home had an indoor gymnasium with a trampoline, basketball nets... and windows! Tall, grand sweeping windows which let the light into a sad interior space. I learned early on that living in a pretty home does not make people happy.
And although I live in my dream home: it is MY DREAM home. It is not an opulently grand house... as I have never aspired for that- as I learned the secret a long time ago. A DREAM HOME is where there is warmth, calm, openness, peace and light.
Didn't get mind candy last night at the museum. But, the TREE HOUSE was lovely and I learned about how various plants were used 5,000 years ago. So, it kept my interest and piqued my brain cells a bit along the way. Saw a stunning 90+ year old lady last night whom I know from Pine Manor. She graduated from there two years before I was born. She is stunningly beautiful... articulate, feisty in a most classy way... and an inspiration for growing gracefully more antique.
Today: I must take everything off the floor in my makeshift bedroom at Carlyle's home, as she is getting new wooden floors to replace the gross carpeting which has been doubling as the doggies' relieving area. Packing up AGAIN! Thank goodness: it is only chihuahua relief.
Have a grand Tuesday. Another adventure of life, learning and play begins again today
Monday, November 25, 2013
Clean clothes, a Christmas Candle & the CANOPY
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday, Monday...
The beginning of a new week. Everything is possible.
I think the biggest lesson that I have learned from this last fund-raising event is a doozy
A succinct "NO GRAZIE"... will spew forth from my not yet toothless smile....if anyone comes within 10 feet of me, for just THINKING such a concept.
At any rate, I had a delightful day for my day of rest. I saw a sappy movie which was when I was in the mood for. A sentimental journey into a land of romance and sweetness. The movie was more like a 'made for TV' type affair called "A CHristmas Candle". I went with me dear LeeLee.... and went to have a bite afterwards at a new to us restaurant. Restaurant surfing is a Sarasota sport. So, we were quite athletic yesterday with my triple decker duck sandwich and two dollar Mimosas! I adore leeLee. When I look at her, I see so much of me.... She is a decade younger, and will just begin her empty nesting this year. She is a naturally handsome woman, fresh faced and welcoming. And she has some body fluff, like me- too. LeeLee has been responsible for introducing many good people into my life, which has been transformative: my yoga, harmonica playing THOM- is one of those gems. Terry the salt therapy dude, Debra- the intuitive worker gal... a kaleidoscope of warmth and resources.
Tried on several garbage bags of CLEANED clothes. Have lots for the ironing gals, and lots for the giveaway pile. Purging at its very best! However, purging at its best is not great until finished. I am still sleeping on a sliver of my Queen bed, occupied by heaps of clean and yet not folded laundry. I am buried in it, so to speak.
I am a big believer in those FORCE FLEX.... pretty smelling bags which grow with the need to stuff.
It is beginning to feel like fall. The trees are wrestling in the breezes and the need for a sweater seems imminent. Subtle but succinct.
I will go to Historic Spanish Point where they are dedicating the new TREE HOUSE which was built on site to study the CANOPY : life among the tree tops. A brilliant woman, Meg Lowman - who has been in the forefront of this arena of expertise will speak. So, it looks like today I will also get some MIND CANDY along the way.
I want a ZIP LINE with the Tree House! Now, that would be a cool thing for the museum.
Happy Monday.... and thanks for visiting. Lots to catch up: even my 63rd Birthday. More to come.
Hopefully, and always with a smile
Monday, Monday...
The beginning of a new week. Everything is possible.
I think the biggest lesson that I have learned from this last fund-raising event is a doozy
A succinct "NO GRAZIE"... will spew forth from my not yet toothless smile....if anyone comes within 10 feet of me, for just THINKING such a concept.
At any rate, I had a delightful day for my day of rest. I saw a sappy movie which was when I was in the mood for. A sentimental journey into a land of romance and sweetness. The movie was more like a 'made for TV' type affair called "A CHristmas Candle". I went with me dear LeeLee.... and went to have a bite afterwards at a new to us restaurant. Restaurant surfing is a Sarasota sport. So, we were quite athletic yesterday with my triple decker duck sandwich and two dollar Mimosas! I adore leeLee. When I look at her, I see so much of me.... She is a decade younger, and will just begin her empty nesting this year. She is a naturally handsome woman, fresh faced and welcoming. And she has some body fluff, like me- too. LeeLee has been responsible for introducing many good people into my life, which has been transformative: my yoga, harmonica playing THOM- is one of those gems. Terry the salt therapy dude, Debra- the intuitive worker gal... a kaleidoscope of warmth and resources.
Tried on several garbage bags of CLEANED clothes. Have lots for the ironing gals, and lots for the giveaway pile. Purging at its very best! However, purging at its best is not great until finished. I am still sleeping on a sliver of my Queen bed, occupied by heaps of clean and yet not folded laundry. I am buried in it, so to speak.
I am a big believer in those FORCE FLEX.... pretty smelling bags which grow with the need to stuff.
It is beginning to feel like fall. The trees are wrestling in the breezes and the need for a sweater seems imminent. Subtle but succinct.
I will go to Historic Spanish Point where they are dedicating the new TREE HOUSE which was built on site to study the CANOPY : life among the tree tops. A brilliant woman, Meg Lowman - who has been in the forefront of this arena of expertise will speak. So, it looks like today I will also get some MIND CANDY along the way.
I want a ZIP LINE with the Tree House! Now, that would be a cool thing for the museum.
Happy Monday.... and thanks for visiting. Lots to catch up: even my 63rd Birthday. More to come.
Hopefully, and always with a smile
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Feeling badly for doing good
Sunday in Sarasota, November 24, 2013
I am sitting in my daughter's dining room, my big APPLE computer sits prominently on the dining room table that I share with Casey (her boyfriend) and his laptop. There will be no Thanksgiving feast as long as the table doubles as an office of sorts. It is a grand excuse and a relief. We will serve foster families at a local restaurant. I can't think of a better way to show one's thanks for a well lived life!
Yesterday, I finished putting all 30 Tall & Large FLEX garbage bags filled with my clothes. That is a big deal. That is a lot of washing. And that does not include all the garbage bags filled with sheets, towels, blankets, pillows, etc.... that Astrid is doing at her home!
Now, the task is to: look at each piece in the daylight to see if there are stains on anything. A stain is an automatic exit to the 'giveaway' zone. If it passes that stage, then I try it on. If it doesn't fit- it goes 'adios mother-what-er'. If it fits AND I still like it, it goes back home. It feels good to do it, but it is tiring. It is like shopping in my closet and not having to whip out payment to take it home. The last step will be to have my 'worker-bees' iron all the many things requiring such attention.
I know that this will sound like an excuse: but, ironing gives me blood blisters! God blessed me with an actual medical condition, genetically bestowed... which PREVENTS me from doing such things as: ironing, sweeping, vacuuming, pulling weeds, blah blah blah. It doesn't prevent me from lifting a cocktail glass or a fork. .... only instruments of 'labor'. It almost sounds like a blessing, not a disease. I knew God loved me. Oh, the name of such 'condition'?: in the 1950's, it was called 'ICTHIOSIS"- fish scale skin. In the new century, it is called "Hyper Keratosis palmeris & plantaris".
I am unique. I have no uvula either. Sounds naughty doesn't it?
At any rate.... during my long hiatus of quietude with the keyboard, I was hood-winked into co-chairing a fund-raising event for an outdoor museum, which I am 'taken with'. I am being kind, really. I returned home to a home riddled with its own kind of tropical cancer: and to a job that I was never asked to do and to a job which I NEVER AGREED to do. All of this, of course.... came at a most inappropriate and unsuitable time. Because I had no time. I had no energy. And, I had no choice. I was already SPENT, and then I was expected to rise to someone else's occasion.
I couldn't say 'no', as it was apparent that even with only a fraction of me available: they needed me.
I couldn't say 'no'. But, I NEVER SAID YES. And, NO one, ever said "THANK YOU" for doing a job no ONE else wanted and for doing a job no ONE else would have done in the same circumstances.
I have spent a major part of my life since 1990- event fund raising. I chaired an event after the death of my husband that raised- grossed over a half million dollars in 4 hours! That was quadruple the money which had been previously made. People rallied because they felt so sorry for me: I defied anyone to say 'no' to me after the death of my husband in Italy and the death of my mother & father in law.... and psychologist- all in 9 months!
This sick home, although in its own way: debilitating- has been invisible to those around me. There is no comprehension of the emotional and physical toll it has taken.... and therefore, no empathy that doing a job for the museum was AN ALMOST inhumanly daunting task to do it along side 'being homeless' from a sick home.
Thereby: the upshot of this was that I was being constantly criticized for how I did everything as co-chair. Not just criticized- but screamed at. And, I had to constantly ask myself: "Why am I allowing myself to be beaten up" at a time when I am giving more than anyone should be asked to give? And, at a time when NO ONE ELSE is coming to the plate. Why would anyone want to make me feel "LESS THAN"? And that was the upshot of this experience.
More about that later.
It is a day of rest. A day of resting from the weariness of mal-intended people.
And, to celebrate having spent a few glorious days with both my daughters: Carlyle and Astrid (with baby FIN)
and may sunshine flood your day today....
I am sitting in my daughter's dining room, my big APPLE computer sits prominently on the dining room table that I share with Casey (her boyfriend) and his laptop. There will be no Thanksgiving feast as long as the table doubles as an office of sorts. It is a grand excuse and a relief. We will serve foster families at a local restaurant. I can't think of a better way to show one's thanks for a well lived life!
Yesterday, I finished putting all 30 Tall & Large FLEX garbage bags filled with my clothes. That is a big deal. That is a lot of washing. And that does not include all the garbage bags filled with sheets, towels, blankets, pillows, etc.... that Astrid is doing at her home!
Now, the task is to: look at each piece in the daylight to see if there are stains on anything. A stain is an automatic exit to the 'giveaway' zone. If it passes that stage, then I try it on. If it doesn't fit- it goes 'adios mother-what-er'. If it fits AND I still like it, it goes back home. It feels good to do it, but it is tiring. It is like shopping in my closet and not having to whip out payment to take it home. The last step will be to have my 'worker-bees' iron all the many things requiring such attention.
I know that this will sound like an excuse: but, ironing gives me blood blisters! God blessed me with an actual medical condition, genetically bestowed... which PREVENTS me from doing such things as: ironing, sweeping, vacuuming, pulling weeds, blah blah blah. It doesn't prevent me from lifting a cocktail glass or a fork. .... only instruments of 'labor'. It almost sounds like a blessing, not a disease. I knew God loved me. Oh, the name of such 'condition'?: in the 1950's, it was called 'ICTHIOSIS"- fish scale skin. In the new century, it is called "Hyper Keratosis palmeris & plantaris".
I am unique. I have no uvula either. Sounds naughty doesn't it?
At any rate.... during my long hiatus of quietude with the keyboard, I was hood-winked into co-chairing a fund-raising event for an outdoor museum, which I am 'taken with'. I am being kind, really. I returned home to a home riddled with its own kind of tropical cancer: and to a job that I was never asked to do and to a job which I NEVER AGREED to do. All of this, of course.... came at a most inappropriate and unsuitable time. Because I had no time. I had no energy. And, I had no choice. I was already SPENT, and then I was expected to rise to someone else's occasion.
I couldn't say 'no', as it was apparent that even with only a fraction of me available: they needed me.
I couldn't say 'no'. But, I NEVER SAID YES. And, NO one, ever said "THANK YOU" for doing a job no ONE else wanted and for doing a job no ONE else would have done in the same circumstances.
I have spent a major part of my life since 1990- event fund raising. I chaired an event after the death of my husband that raised- grossed over a half million dollars in 4 hours! That was quadruple the money which had been previously made. People rallied because they felt so sorry for me: I defied anyone to say 'no' to me after the death of my husband in Italy and the death of my mother & father in law.... and psychologist- all in 9 months!
This sick home, although in its own way: debilitating- has been invisible to those around me. There is no comprehension of the emotional and physical toll it has taken.... and therefore, no empathy that doing a job for the museum was AN ALMOST inhumanly daunting task to do it along side 'being homeless' from a sick home.
Thereby: the upshot of this was that I was being constantly criticized for how I did everything as co-chair. Not just criticized- but screamed at. And, I had to constantly ask myself: "Why am I allowing myself to be beaten up" at a time when I am giving more than anyone should be asked to give? And, at a time when NO ONE ELSE is coming to the plate. Why would anyone want to make me feel "LESS THAN"? And that was the upshot of this experience.
More about that later.
It is a day of rest. A day of resting from the weariness of mal-intended people.
And, to celebrate having spent a few glorious days with both my daughters: Carlyle and Astrid (with baby FIN)
and may sunshine flood your day today....
Saturday, November 23, 2013
POD-ful & HOME-less
Saturday, November 22, 2013
I have been silent. Overwhelmed really.
I have not had the time nor the energy to write. I knew that there was a beginning and an end to this challenging time, and that understanding is a gift.
But, NOW I have both the time and energy. So, for the next few days or weeks... I will let you into the little secret which has been my life.
For those of you who are new to my saga: I arrived home after a long hiatus away - to discover my house was filled with mold and mildew. When I have heard of friends who had been confronted with that situation and had to live elsewhere: I never gave it much thought. I never gave it any sympathy. I had no concept of what it is like to have your HOME have 'cancer'. Everything you have ever owned, therefore everything that you have ever touched .... has ALSO been touched by this cancer, called 'muffa'
I have a friend who said "Oh Judy, I know what you are going through. I moved twice in the past year"! I didn't say anything in response. But, I knew deep in my gut that my friend was so off-base by that comparison, and grossly insensitive to the enormity of the task which befell me. And yet, I always say "You can't know what you don't know". She can't know what she doesn't know as I couldn't have known what I hadn't known before this.
We don't always get to choose our own life's lessons,
I have moved many more times than TWICE this year. I packed up my son's house and moved him into a house. I also packed up the house my son was moving into, as the owner died in FRANCE- choking on escargot! ESCARGOT did him in. So, this poor, well fed dude- had not planned on dying or on selling his home. So, I got to pack up his home before my son could move in!. It was a TWO FOR ONE move. I got to move TWO HOUSES, so that my son could live in ONE.
Then, in Italy in the spring: I moved from ONE villa with 154 steps to TWO VILLAS. So, I got to pack up ONE home and move into TWO HOMES. Another TWO for ONE. I got to move ONE HOUSE, so that we could live in TWO.
Then, I arrive back into Sarasota only to find my house uninhabitable. That means, I have really been living out of a suitcase or with the contents of the same suitcase: since April. That is 7 months, and it too, takes its toll. Albeit, with a beginning and an end.
Cleaning this house,means moving everything out of it FIRST. Moving from THIS HOUSE is NOT just a move. Everything little thing must be washed. Every hangar, for instance. Every lightbulb. Every barret or headband, sox, hats, gloves.... EVERYTHING, must be cleaned before it may be moved into another house, as MOLD spores are airborne. You can't necessarily see them... but they are there. If you can see it, then it is obvious. But, if you can't see it- it doesn't mean it is NOT there.... making it mandatory to clean everything.
I have lived in my house for 40 years. That means, I have had 40 years to collect lots of stuff. Stuff. and more stuff. I have a house which is chocker block filled with 'built-ins', making every inch of space available to be filled with stuff!. I took full advantage of that storage. It is like a religious conviction: if you've got it, fill it"! A built-in filled with AIR? Such a waste of potential.
The emotional GIFT of immeasurable proportions was that I had no choice. I didn't have time to think about all the memories, the history, which is my life. There are not many folks these days who live in a home for 40 years. It is my entire adult life. It is raising my family. My husband. My grand-kids. Even though I didn't take time to think about each thing.... it has taken its toll inside my emotional gut, nonetheless. My body, heart and soul still feels the 'death' of the house and the end of a long season in life, even if my mind is not dwelling on it. It has un conciously, but significantly taken its emotional and physical toll. I have felt overwhelmed, under equipped, ill prepared and out of balance. Spent. There were 12 hour workdays of cleaning, packing, sorting.... breathing in my breath through a mask. One night I plopped into my car with my behind and one leg inside: I couldn't lift my left leg and put it into a low sitting convertible. I had to take my hands and lift my left silly leg into the short car! I knew then how exhausted I was.
Every single thing in my home I either chose, bought or was a gift. I got to touch each and everything.... I got to caress each thing, deciding if it stays in storage with my dearest treasures until I decide the next stage of my life..... or I got to "say good bye" to them, allowing those things to have a new life giving pleasure to someone else... or I got to pick if it remains in the house for the interim. Those are the things which may follow me to my next stage.... or perhaps not make the next cut.
It was a rite of passage, so to speak. That was a nice thing to do for me. I had taken the time to find these objects, like them, buy them and place them in my home.... (remembering where I even bought most things throughout 40 years). That process takes an investment of time. I honored that investment of time during this process of letting go.
The decision of what to 'throw away', 'give away', keep for storage for the next stage, or things which will remain: was easy for me. My bar has been simple:
1. If it didn't survive the dishwasher or washing machine: It was given or thrown away.
2. If it has a stain, faded, ripped or is broken: It was given or thrown away
3. If I no longer like it: It gets given away, to be enjoyed again. After all- everything we think we own, we really have paid for the privilege of enjoying it for awhile. Like renting it without the monthly fee.
By virtue of my decorating, I had already separated them into the following piles:
I had 4 piles in order to make my formerly FILLED home: naked.
I have a 30 yard dumpster... the largest residential one available. Almost filled.
I have a bunch of fabulous 'worker bees' who take everything I want to give away. So, I don't even have to take those things anywhere. Yeah.
I have a LARGE POD for storage. Those are the things I most treasure: photos, family furniture, art.
Then, I have another LARGE POD for the things which were cleaned and have to remain in the house when clean.
All carpet came up. Some wallpaper came down. The house has been doused in CHLORINE: inside every crevice, built in, inside closets, behind closet doors, all ceiling, walls, floors. All 4,000 square feet of NAKED HOUSE.
Of course: all the furniture ( wooden) which was removed from the home, was washed in chlorine, too.
My house has been smelling like the inside of an indoor swimming pool. The roof is being fixed. Remember: I already have 3 complete roofs on this house already! My LIFETIME warranty one: is the one failing miserably.... but, so must the other two, somewhere, since the water reached the inside of the house.
Enough blah blah on the house. But, be warned: more to come. Lots learned.
Smiles for this Saturday. It is sunny and perfectly cool/warm. I love PERFECT DAYS. It makes me so happy to be alive!
I have been silent. Overwhelmed really.
I have not had the time nor the energy to write. I knew that there was a beginning and an end to this challenging time, and that understanding is a gift.
But, NOW I have both the time and energy. So, for the next few days or weeks... I will let you into the little secret which has been my life.
For those of you who are new to my saga: I arrived home after a long hiatus away - to discover my house was filled with mold and mildew. When I have heard of friends who had been confronted with that situation and had to live elsewhere: I never gave it much thought. I never gave it any sympathy. I had no concept of what it is like to have your HOME have 'cancer'. Everything you have ever owned, therefore everything that you have ever touched .... has ALSO been touched by this cancer, called 'muffa'
I have a friend who said "Oh Judy, I know what you are going through. I moved twice in the past year"! I didn't say anything in response. But, I knew deep in my gut that my friend was so off-base by that comparison, and grossly insensitive to the enormity of the task which befell me. And yet, I always say "You can't know what you don't know". She can't know what she doesn't know as I couldn't have known what I hadn't known before this.
We don't always get to choose our own life's lessons,
I have moved many more times than TWICE this year. I packed up my son's house and moved him into a house. I also packed up the house my son was moving into, as the owner died in FRANCE- choking on escargot! ESCARGOT did him in. So, this poor, well fed dude- had not planned on dying or on selling his home. So, I got to pack up his home before my son could move in!. It was a TWO FOR ONE move. I got to move TWO HOUSES, so that my son could live in ONE.
Then, in Italy in the spring: I moved from ONE villa with 154 steps to TWO VILLAS. So, I got to pack up ONE home and move into TWO HOMES. Another TWO for ONE. I got to move ONE HOUSE, so that we could live in TWO.
Then, I arrive back into Sarasota only to find my house uninhabitable. That means, I have really been living out of a suitcase or with the contents of the same suitcase: since April. That is 7 months, and it too, takes its toll. Albeit, with a beginning and an end.
Cleaning this house,means moving everything out of it FIRST. Moving from THIS HOUSE is NOT just a move. Everything little thing must be washed. Every hangar, for instance. Every lightbulb. Every barret or headband, sox, hats, gloves.... EVERYTHING, must be cleaned before it may be moved into another house, as MOLD spores are airborne. You can't necessarily see them... but they are there. If you can see it, then it is obvious. But, if you can't see it- it doesn't mean it is NOT there.... making it mandatory to clean everything.
I have lived in my house for 40 years. That means, I have had 40 years to collect lots of stuff. Stuff. and more stuff. I have a house which is chocker block filled with 'built-ins', making every inch of space available to be filled with stuff!. I took full advantage of that storage. It is like a religious conviction: if you've got it, fill it"! A built-in filled with AIR? Such a waste of potential.
The emotional GIFT of immeasurable proportions was that I had no choice. I didn't have time to think about all the memories, the history, which is my life. There are not many folks these days who live in a home for 40 years. It is my entire adult life. It is raising my family. My husband. My grand-kids. Even though I didn't take time to think about each thing.... it has taken its toll inside my emotional gut, nonetheless. My body, heart and soul still feels the 'death' of the house and the end of a long season in life, even if my mind is not dwelling on it. It has un conciously, but significantly taken its emotional and physical toll. I have felt overwhelmed, under equipped, ill prepared and out of balance. Spent. There were 12 hour workdays of cleaning, packing, sorting.... breathing in my breath through a mask. One night I plopped into my car with my behind and one leg inside: I couldn't lift my left leg and put it into a low sitting convertible. I had to take my hands and lift my left silly leg into the short car! I knew then how exhausted I was.
Every single thing in my home I either chose, bought or was a gift. I got to touch each and everything.... I got to caress each thing, deciding if it stays in storage with my dearest treasures until I decide the next stage of my life..... or I got to "say good bye" to them, allowing those things to have a new life giving pleasure to someone else... or I got to pick if it remains in the house for the interim. Those are the things which may follow me to my next stage.... or perhaps not make the next cut.
It was a rite of passage, so to speak. That was a nice thing to do for me. I had taken the time to find these objects, like them, buy them and place them in my home.... (remembering where I even bought most things throughout 40 years). That process takes an investment of time. I honored that investment of time during this process of letting go.
The decision of what to 'throw away', 'give away', keep for storage for the next stage, or things which will remain: was easy for me. My bar has been simple:
1. If it didn't survive the dishwasher or washing machine: It was given or thrown away.
2. If it has a stain, faded, ripped or is broken: It was given or thrown away
3. If I no longer like it: It gets given away, to be enjoyed again. After all- everything we think we own, we really have paid for the privilege of enjoying it for awhile. Like renting it without the monthly fee.
By virtue of my decorating, I had already separated them into the following piles:
I had 4 piles in order to make my formerly FILLED home: naked.
I have a 30 yard dumpster... the largest residential one available. Almost filled.
I have a bunch of fabulous 'worker bees' who take everything I want to give away. So, I don't even have to take those things anywhere. Yeah.
I have a LARGE POD for storage. Those are the things I most treasure: photos, family furniture, art.
Then, I have another LARGE POD for the things which were cleaned and have to remain in the house when clean.
All carpet came up. Some wallpaper came down. The house has been doused in CHLORINE: inside every crevice, built in, inside closets, behind closet doors, all ceiling, walls, floors. All 4,000 square feet of NAKED HOUSE.
Of course: all the furniture ( wooden) which was removed from the home, was washed in chlorine, too.
My house has been smelling like the inside of an indoor swimming pool. The roof is being fixed. Remember: I already have 3 complete roofs on this house already! My LIFETIME warranty one: is the one failing miserably.... but, so must the other two, somewhere, since the water reached the inside of the house.
Enough blah blah on the house. But, be warned: more to come. Lots learned.
Smiles for this Saturday. It is sunny and perfectly cool/warm. I love PERFECT DAYS. It makes me so happy to be alive!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
My life in objects
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Joyfully, Judy's visit was ordained by the universe as being the emotional medicine that I needed. I was feeling overwhelmed... with a simple, yet daunting task. I didn't exactly know what it would entail: but, I knew it was a BIGGY. Another time I felt that overwhelmed was when George V had his accident and subsequently died. I knew without knowing WHY: that I was in 'over my head'.
Well, not as bad as that. But- something resembling that. I started the cleanup with a group of helpers.
After a week, I am still 'in the kitchen'.... (I have 90 kitchen doorknobs..... which means I have a lot of flaming storage space and 27 years to have filled it)
First: everything...... EVERYTHING: every hanger, every dish, every towel, shower curtain, etc... must be CLEANED and dry. Then, I am separating them into 3 glorious piles of: what will go back into the house ( which are things NOT important to me.)..... another pile of "give away", and a pile to go into storage for my next home when ever and where ever that may be ( which are ALLL things IMPORTANT, SENTIMENTAL or VALUABLE ). Of course, I have a 30 yard dumpster for all things not making the top 3)
It is another interesting journey I am taking right in my own home. It is a lifetime of memories. After all: I designed every inch of my home and did it so that every inch was used effectively for storage. But, there is NEVER ENOUGH. You fill it to capacity- small or large. I also bought or received as a gift every item in my home. I know each THING intimately: when I adopted it, why it spoke to me..... usually, because it put a 'smile' on my face. I have finally come to realize at almost 63: I don't have to purchase all items which make me GRIN..... it is enough to smile in the shop! This is my purging side finally speaking.
I get to touch, AGAIN everything in my home. Most well used. Some- not much... like a left handed ceramic ladle I bought 30 years ago for my now deceased husband. I don't think he ever used it. So... bye-bye, adios, and ciao to cool and never utilized ladle, among all. For all those sentimental and important items which will go into storage: I am kissing them to sleep. Not a good bye, but a good night. What a delight it will be to see what I considered DEAR TO ME, when I open my boxes. It will be an interesting and sweet process: much like a Christmas, without the tree.
I must say however, that I am physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Just SPENT. Much the way I felt both when I moved TWO houses in Great Barrington this past December. Much the way I felt when I moved TWO houses in Menaggio, Italy this past spring. It feels like groundhog day.
I will remove all photos from the home, like in Italy. I am starting to depersonalize it. When I move back inside after the SANITATION cleaning ( my home will NEVEr BE CLEANER!) it will not look exactly like MY HOME. It will have my THINGS... but, it will NOT be MY HOME. I know that I will be surprised at the end on how much I enjoy the SPACE of the home without the plethora of THINGS .... new season, new comfort level, new needs, new eyes. But, and this is an important BUT: I will have already moved out, so the emotional attachment has already been severed to my 40 year old home of mine.
To date: I have emptied out, except ( and this is a BIGGY) the things hanging on the walls.
-90% of clothes. NONE of the shoes, as they need mucho attention and none of the HATS. I am thinking I am too old for my large brimmed hat stage.
I washed my Gucci, Fendi, Isabella Fiori, Moschino handbags in the washer. I put a Sheepskin Vest in the washer. I figure this: it all needs to be cleaned. It is ALREADY LOST. So, if it survives the washing machine or dishwasher.... it lives another day!
-all 4 bathrooms
-family room
-Dining room
-Some of the 40' of Hallway with bookshelves.
-ALL linens, towels, CLOTHES (90% of them, which means NOT the dressy clothes or St. Johns)
have been removed and are being washed
For the first week, I am impressed. Lots more weeks to go and lots more minutiae.
MY ULTIMATE GOAL: is to pare down to what is most important that will fit on top of the dresser drawer in the nursing home. That will be my world. So, I ask myself- what will those THINGS be?
Astrid comes to help today. It is always more fun with her. Yeah.
Joyfully, Judy's visit was ordained by the universe as being the emotional medicine that I needed. I was feeling overwhelmed... with a simple, yet daunting task. I didn't exactly know what it would entail: but, I knew it was a BIGGY. Another time I felt that overwhelmed was when George V had his accident and subsequently died. I knew without knowing WHY: that I was in 'over my head'.
Well, not as bad as that. But- something resembling that. I started the cleanup with a group of helpers.
After a week, I am still 'in the kitchen'.... (I have 90 kitchen doorknobs..... which means I have a lot of flaming storage space and 27 years to have filled it)
First: everything...... EVERYTHING: every hanger, every dish, every towel, shower curtain, etc... must be CLEANED and dry. Then, I am separating them into 3 glorious piles of: what will go back into the house ( which are things NOT important to me.)..... another pile of "give away", and a pile to go into storage for my next home when ever and where ever that may be ( which are ALLL things IMPORTANT, SENTIMENTAL or VALUABLE ). Of course, I have a 30 yard dumpster for all things not making the top 3)
It is another interesting journey I am taking right in my own home. It is a lifetime of memories. After all: I designed every inch of my home and did it so that every inch was used effectively for storage. But, there is NEVER ENOUGH. You fill it to capacity- small or large. I also bought or received as a gift every item in my home. I know each THING intimately: when I adopted it, why it spoke to me..... usually, because it put a 'smile' on my face. I have finally come to realize at almost 63: I don't have to purchase all items which make me GRIN..... it is enough to smile in the shop! This is my purging side finally speaking.
I get to touch, AGAIN everything in my home. Most well used. Some- not much... like a left handed ceramic ladle I bought 30 years ago for my now deceased husband. I don't think he ever used it. So... bye-bye, adios, and ciao to cool and never utilized ladle, among all. For all those sentimental and important items which will go into storage: I am kissing them to sleep. Not a good bye, but a good night. What a delight it will be to see what I considered DEAR TO ME, when I open my boxes. It will be an interesting and sweet process: much like a Christmas, without the tree.
I must say however, that I am physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Just SPENT. Much the way I felt both when I moved TWO houses in Great Barrington this past December. Much the way I felt when I moved TWO houses in Menaggio, Italy this past spring. It feels like groundhog day.
I will remove all photos from the home, like in Italy. I am starting to depersonalize it. When I move back inside after the SANITATION cleaning ( my home will NEVEr BE CLEANER!) it will not look exactly like MY HOME. It will have my THINGS... but, it will NOT be MY HOME. I know that I will be surprised at the end on how much I enjoy the SPACE of the home without the plethora of THINGS .... new season, new comfort level, new needs, new eyes. But, and this is an important BUT: I will have already moved out, so the emotional attachment has already been severed to my 40 year old home of mine.
To date: I have emptied out, except ( and this is a BIGGY) the things hanging on the walls.
-90% of clothes. NONE of the shoes, as they need mucho attention and none of the HATS. I am thinking I am too old for my large brimmed hat stage.
I washed my Gucci, Fendi, Isabella Fiori, Moschino handbags in the washer. I put a Sheepskin Vest in the washer. I figure this: it all needs to be cleaned. It is ALREADY LOST. So, if it survives the washing machine or dishwasher.... it lives another day!
-all 4 bathrooms
-family room
-Dining room
-Some of the 40' of Hallway with bookshelves.
-ALL linens, towels, CLOTHES (90% of them, which means NOT the dressy clothes or St. Johns)
have been removed and are being washed
For the first week, I am impressed. Lots more weeks to go and lots more minutiae.
MY ULTIMATE GOAL: is to pare down to what is most important that will fit on top of the dresser drawer in the nursing home. That will be my world. So, I ask myself- what will those THINGS be?
Astrid comes to help today. It is always more fun with her. Yeah.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
To Bradenton Beach and Back
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I am finally feeling like I am back in Sarasota.... NOT IN MY HOME, but in Sarasota. It was April: when I had left. I was gone a long time on the calendar.
I haven't written as I was on a holding pattern. I have felt numb, overwhelmed and somewhat like a leaf blowing in the wind. I am knowing I am not in control of this and it is unsteadying in an uncomfortable way: perhaps because it is my HOME, after all.
But, I am excited too, despite the daunting task ahead of 'cleaning' everything I own. I am excited about touching everything I own.... of purging, of giving things away and of welcoming the next stage of my life, whatever that will look like. It gives me a chance to say 'good bye'... to things coveted and enjoyed. I am pretty sure the universe it telling me that 40 years in one house is just plenty. It is time to create a new stage.
This morning: I will begin. A dumpster will arrive. Astrid will arrive. A contractor will arrive. And Moving PODS will arrive. My home will never be cleaner when we are done. I will store my treasures which I will take with me to my next place where ever that will be and whatever that will look like.
My room mate from college: JUDY was done to visit for a few days. We went to Bradenton Beach and had a great couple of days: talking, eating, drinking, strolling that ohhhh toooo cute ONE street village, and sleeping. NO BEACHING. Judy said she wanted to be on the beach, and we never seemed to take the 100 steps to reach it. But, we did discover perhaps: the only MOOSE lodge on the Gulf of Mexico.
Seeing a lighted MOOSE on top of a building on the beach is a bit disconcerting.
She was a godsend: as she took me by the hand and we 'staged' the clean up: where things would happen, where the dumpster would go: logistics, as she is an interior designer and has moved thousands of folks move into/ out of their homes during her work life. She is an inspiration. She left her highly successful and prestigious business which she started: to back to graduate school. She will become an acupuncture doctor by the time she is 66 !
Gotta love new stages of life. It happens all the time and all around of. I will be lighter at the end of this process!
If this is not enough of a whirlwind...... I have TWO GREAT OPPORTUNITIES with two agents who are connected with my dear MENTOR. Manuscripts sent out. Introductions made. Fingers crossed. Send more FAIRY DUST. Need some great news. In a dramatic sense: this would be a perfect time. A rescue of sorts. A redemption of sorts.
I am also on the heels of 'chairing' an event which happens in a month. So this is the 'frantic time'. Lucky me. Distractions all over the place. Still living out of a suitcase.
Life is not dull. I will begin my day today with the dumpster arrival and end it with a conversation with my translation lady "LUISA". Full day and a full circle of experiences.
Smiles for this Tuesday. By the way: I saw a great movie:ENOUGH SAID.
I am finally feeling like I am back in Sarasota.... NOT IN MY HOME, but in Sarasota. It was April: when I had left. I was gone a long time on the calendar.
I haven't written as I was on a holding pattern. I have felt numb, overwhelmed and somewhat like a leaf blowing in the wind. I am knowing I am not in control of this and it is unsteadying in an uncomfortable way: perhaps because it is my HOME, after all.
But, I am excited too, despite the daunting task ahead of 'cleaning' everything I own. I am excited about touching everything I own.... of purging, of giving things away and of welcoming the next stage of my life, whatever that will look like. It gives me a chance to say 'good bye'... to things coveted and enjoyed. I am pretty sure the universe it telling me that 40 years in one house is just plenty. It is time to create a new stage.
This morning: I will begin. A dumpster will arrive. Astrid will arrive. A contractor will arrive. And Moving PODS will arrive. My home will never be cleaner when we are done. I will store my treasures which I will take with me to my next place where ever that will be and whatever that will look like.
My room mate from college: JUDY was done to visit for a few days. We went to Bradenton Beach and had a great couple of days: talking, eating, drinking, strolling that ohhhh toooo cute ONE street village, and sleeping. NO BEACHING. Judy said she wanted to be on the beach, and we never seemed to take the 100 steps to reach it. But, we did discover perhaps: the only MOOSE lodge on the Gulf of Mexico.
Seeing a lighted MOOSE on top of a building on the beach is a bit disconcerting.
She was a godsend: as she took me by the hand and we 'staged' the clean up: where things would happen, where the dumpster would go: logistics, as she is an interior designer and has moved thousands of folks move into/ out of their homes during her work life. She is an inspiration. She left her highly successful and prestigious business which she started: to back to graduate school. She will become an acupuncture doctor by the time she is 66 !
Gotta love new stages of life. It happens all the time and all around of. I will be lighter at the end of this process!
If this is not enough of a whirlwind...... I have TWO GREAT OPPORTUNITIES with two agents who are connected with my dear MENTOR. Manuscripts sent out. Introductions made. Fingers crossed. Send more FAIRY DUST. Need some great news. In a dramatic sense: this would be a perfect time. A rescue of sorts. A redemption of sorts.
I am also on the heels of 'chairing' an event which happens in a month. So this is the 'frantic time'. Lucky me. Distractions all over the place. Still living out of a suitcase.
Life is not dull. I will begin my day today with the dumpster arrival and end it with a conversation with my translation lady "LUISA". Full day and a full circle of experiences.
Smiles for this Tuesday. By the way: I saw a great movie:ENOUGH SAID.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Mildew hygenist, from 'schiava' to co-chair, and a walk down memory lane at the Bijou.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Well, I live in Sarasota. I thought I would know about my home 10 days ago. But, alas..... I think that the 'mildew' hygenist, remediation specialist person finally came last night at 6:00pm.
Mildew hygenist. Hmmmm. Love today's marketing terminology.
I have been quiet because I have been hibernating: lying in wait to see what is the next step. I am living a bit in an island of suspension. I am trying to wrap myself in the cocoon of temporary ignorance.
I am trying to also focus on a fund-raising project that I 'fell into'. I should have known better. I promised my girlfriend that I would 'have her back', as she said "YES" to chairing a new event for Historic Spanish Point Museum. I mean 'having her back', meant staying IN THE BACK. But, she told everyone I was co chairing it with her. So, the joke is on me! She said that I would be her "SCHIAVA" (pronounced "skee ah vah") That means: SLAVE. I loved being her slave. I coveted being her slave. I didn't want a promotion.
The event will be a fun, easy breezy evening on Little Sarasota Bay.... with Mrs. Bertha Palmer's Pergola setting the stage. The evening is called "Havana Nights & White Lights". Good hip rotating music, a roasted pig, and evening of fresh November breezes, and an evening to celebrate a new era to the museum.
It is nice to be on the ground floor of a town, of a museum: because your impact is big.... and you can see its growth in leaps and bounds- like a 'baby'. Although it boasts over 5,000 years of history, Historic Spanish Point as a MUSEUM is only 30 years old and its job is HUGE, as it is also on 30 acres of land with over 200 species of native Florida plants. There are buildings which date from the late 1800's, and a new tree house to study Florida's canopy!
That was my community service announcement for today! With pleasure.
I thought that my Wheaton College roomie was coming last night and so Carlyle and Casey got the extra bedroom ready: washed the carpets, etc....
She is arriving next week. Carlyle laughed at me.
Happy Thursday. I dine at Bijou today. My father's girlfriend started that restaurant.... 30 years ago. It had the BEST evenings going on Thursdays through Sundays. At 10pm, after dinner: the restaurant would turn into an after hours place: serving the best in deserts, full bar, coffees, light snacks. The waiters were all from the ASOLO: and were singing waiters and waitresses. So.... for 2 hours, we were entertained by great voices, song and fun. I still miss it- but then again, I am a gal brought up playing hooky to go to Wednesday matinee on Broadway in New York. I would turn the train from Manhasset to the city..... and get my BROADWAY musical fix.
Well, I live in Sarasota. I thought I would know about my home 10 days ago. But, alas..... I think that the 'mildew' hygenist, remediation specialist person finally came last night at 6:00pm.
Mildew hygenist. Hmmmm. Love today's marketing terminology.
I have been quiet because I have been hibernating: lying in wait to see what is the next step. I am living a bit in an island of suspension. I am trying to wrap myself in the cocoon of temporary ignorance.
I am trying to also focus on a fund-raising project that I 'fell into'. I should have known better. I promised my girlfriend that I would 'have her back', as she said "YES" to chairing a new event for Historic Spanish Point Museum. I mean 'having her back', meant staying IN THE BACK. But, she told everyone I was co chairing it with her. So, the joke is on me! She said that I would be her "SCHIAVA" (pronounced "skee ah vah") That means: SLAVE. I loved being her slave. I coveted being her slave. I didn't want a promotion.
The event will be a fun, easy breezy evening on Little Sarasota Bay.... with Mrs. Bertha Palmer's Pergola setting the stage. The evening is called "Havana Nights & White Lights". Good hip rotating music, a roasted pig, and evening of fresh November breezes, and an evening to celebrate a new era to the museum.
It is nice to be on the ground floor of a town, of a museum: because your impact is big.... and you can see its growth in leaps and bounds- like a 'baby'. Although it boasts over 5,000 years of history, Historic Spanish Point as a MUSEUM is only 30 years old and its job is HUGE, as it is also on 30 acres of land with over 200 species of native Florida plants. There are buildings which date from the late 1800's, and a new tree house to study Florida's canopy!
That was my community service announcement for today! With pleasure.
I thought that my Wheaton College roomie was coming last night and so Carlyle and Casey got the extra bedroom ready: washed the carpets, etc....
She is arriving next week. Carlyle laughed at me.
Happy Thursday. I dine at Bijou today. My father's girlfriend started that restaurant.... 30 years ago. It had the BEST evenings going on Thursdays through Sundays. At 10pm, after dinner: the restaurant would turn into an after hours place: serving the best in deserts, full bar, coffees, light snacks. The waiters were all from the ASOLO: and were singing waiters and waitresses. So.... for 2 hours, we were entertained by great voices, song and fun. I still miss it- but then again, I am a gal brought up playing hooky to go to Wednesday matinee on Broadway in New York. I would turn the train from Manhasset to the city..... and get my BROADWAY musical fix.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
POSITIVE THINGS happening at the end of the long MILDEW Tunnel....fingers crossed!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
It is George V's birthday today. He was every inch a libra, and easy for this scorpio to live with. He would have been 67 today. That is something good about dying young: you are always remembered as that 48 year old 'young' man. He will never age. Interesting price to pay for that privilege.
Everything has its price.
So, I spoke lots about knowing something Monday. But, Monday happened, and I am no more 'all knowing' than I was a week ago. A hygenist has been recommended: Of course, I had that appointment set up 10 days ago and decided to defer with my insurance claims experts. I forgot one detail in my naivete and in being quite frankly: OVERWHELMED. Insurance companies are you friend as long as you keep paying the premium. However, once you file a claim, that insurance company becomes your adversary.
How silly of me.
I love my 3 comments on my Blog. I really like getting them, particularly if they are positive. perhaps: only when or because they are positive.......
but, why would someone posit an anonymous comment? Why shouldn't I have the same privilege to know who I am reading, as they do when they read my blog? Hmmm. keep cheering me on "anonymous"... but, remain still curious on why anonymous?
That being said: I know I am perceived as being strong. Perhaps that is true. Perhaps that is part perception. It doesn't matter. What matters is that EVEN STRONG people want to feel like it is OKAY to NOT FEEL STRONG, or to NOT BE STRONG for a few moments in time.
I haven't a clue on why I am feeling overwhelmed, but know on some level: i am out of my depth and comfort zone. When, on the rare occasion that happens: there is good reason for my 'overwhelmedness'.
Had a great dinner with my friend John (George V's oldest childhood friend) and his lady, Meg. She is my new friend and a dear lady. She is beautiful, darling, bright, articulate, NICE, as she is from OHIO. They make nice folks in OHIO. Saw their 'condo' on the beach: quite wonderful and easy to beach walk. ground floor...... mostly rennovated for an OLD Siesta CONDO. The furniture all looked too big, too dark and too bulky- too many animal prints and too much brown and olive green. Color so impacts me, and lack of it usually depresses me. It was a bit 'matchy' matchy. I am so NOT a matchy matchy kinda gal.
Hopefully, we will go swimming in the Gulf today! That is my plan and fantasy for a perfect day.
I did get some GREAT NEWS. POSITIVE. UPBEAT NEWS! A high powered agent who does NOT take on new writers, has agreed to read part of my manuscript, thanks to my MENTOR, David. He did some sweet-talking to his old pal, the agent.... and it is because of his faith in my project, that I was honored with his CHEERING my work on, and it is because of HER respect of him, that I am being given this opportunity.
This could be BIG. If she doesn't go wild and crazy over my manuscript- she has a wonderful sphere of influence, and might point me in the right direction. David was EXCITED about that news, so that too, is meaningful. Thank you AGENT, and thank you DAVID.... fingers crossed.
Smiles for this Sunday,
It is George V's birthday today. He was every inch a libra, and easy for this scorpio to live with. He would have been 67 today. That is something good about dying young: you are always remembered as that 48 year old 'young' man. He will never age. Interesting price to pay for that privilege.
Everything has its price.
So, I spoke lots about knowing something Monday. But, Monday happened, and I am no more 'all knowing' than I was a week ago. A hygenist has been recommended: Of course, I had that appointment set up 10 days ago and decided to defer with my insurance claims experts. I forgot one detail in my naivete and in being quite frankly: OVERWHELMED. Insurance companies are you friend as long as you keep paying the premium. However, once you file a claim, that insurance company becomes your adversary.
How silly of me.
I love my 3 comments on my Blog. I really like getting them, particularly if they are positive. perhaps: only when or because they are positive.......
but, why would someone posit an anonymous comment? Why shouldn't I have the same privilege to know who I am reading, as they do when they read my blog? Hmmm. keep cheering me on "anonymous"... but, remain still curious on why anonymous?
That being said: I know I am perceived as being strong. Perhaps that is true. Perhaps that is part perception. It doesn't matter. What matters is that EVEN STRONG people want to feel like it is OKAY to NOT FEEL STRONG, or to NOT BE STRONG for a few moments in time.
I haven't a clue on why I am feeling overwhelmed, but know on some level: i am out of my depth and comfort zone. When, on the rare occasion that happens: there is good reason for my 'overwhelmedness'.
Had a great dinner with my friend John (George V's oldest childhood friend) and his lady, Meg. She is my new friend and a dear lady. She is beautiful, darling, bright, articulate, NICE, as she is from OHIO. They make nice folks in OHIO. Saw their 'condo' on the beach: quite wonderful and easy to beach walk. ground floor...... mostly rennovated for an OLD Siesta CONDO. The furniture all looked too big, too dark and too bulky- too many animal prints and too much brown and olive green. Color so impacts me, and lack of it usually depresses me. It was a bit 'matchy' matchy. I am so NOT a matchy matchy kinda gal.
Hopefully, we will go swimming in the Gulf today! That is my plan and fantasy for a perfect day.
I did get some GREAT NEWS. POSITIVE. UPBEAT NEWS! A high powered agent who does NOT take on new writers, has agreed to read part of my manuscript, thanks to my MENTOR, David. He did some sweet-talking to his old pal, the agent.... and it is because of his faith in my project, that I was honored with his CHEERING my work on, and it is because of HER respect of him, that I am being given this opportunity.
This could be BIG. If she doesn't go wild and crazy over my manuscript- she has a wonderful sphere of influence, and might point me in the right direction. David was EXCITED about that news, so that too, is meaningful. Thank you AGENT, and thank you DAVID.... fingers crossed.
Smiles for this Sunday,
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Rainy days and Tuesdays
Tuesday, September another something or other day 2013
Rain. Thunder, Rolling growls in the gray skies. Thick bulbeous rain drops. Far too many in some areas of Siesta Key, where the water had WAVES in it! Cars were stranded in front of the Public Beach!
I thought to myself: OH NO! Not this. I am NOT GETTING STRANDED! Luck would have it as a good story line in my life of late: I turned around and went the back roads through Siesta Isles and to my purple palace. Mildew Manor.
I waited 3 hours for the arrival and finish of the men who were 'assessing' the work to be done to CLEAN my house. They were a contradiction: doom & gloom about getting into my house in the next couple of months..... but LOVING all the details of the house. So, I was flattered amongst feeling a bit overwhelmed. The flattering took much of the sting out of the 3 hours. I was even helping them MEASURE the house with them. Of course: with our MASKS ON !
I had a dentist appointment today. Now you know that I would be dreading that! It can't be anything good: after all I have lost 3 teeth this summer. No surprise there. But, to hear the doom and gloom and to see it in writing was just another nail in the coffin of GOOD THINGS this week.
I have a good attitude, as I know that there is a beginning and an end to these challenges. But, my good attitude might have an expiration date. Not sure.
So, if that were not enough to get my senses aglow: I drove south to Historic Spanish Point to attend a Board Meeting, which of course was cancelled as only one Board member showed: and ME, and I am NOT on the BOARD. That would not have been too bad, except that I have discovered during this rain that my car is no longer water proof!
Chalk up that detail in the myriad of details in life which need attending! Wouldn't seem problematic except we are now living in the RAINY SEASON in Florida! Lucky me.
happy tuesday to you, too!
and a smile
Rain. Thunder, Rolling growls in the gray skies. Thick bulbeous rain drops. Far too many in some areas of Siesta Key, where the water had WAVES in it! Cars were stranded in front of the Public Beach!
I thought to myself: OH NO! Not this. I am NOT GETTING STRANDED! Luck would have it as a good story line in my life of late: I turned around and went the back roads through Siesta Isles and to my purple palace. Mildew Manor.
I waited 3 hours for the arrival and finish of the men who were 'assessing' the work to be done to CLEAN my house. They were a contradiction: doom & gloom about getting into my house in the next couple of months..... but LOVING all the details of the house. So, I was flattered amongst feeling a bit overwhelmed. The flattering took much of the sting out of the 3 hours. I was even helping them MEASURE the house with them. Of course: with our MASKS ON !
I had a dentist appointment today. Now you know that I would be dreading that! It can't be anything good: after all I have lost 3 teeth this summer. No surprise there. But, to hear the doom and gloom and to see it in writing was just another nail in the coffin of GOOD THINGS this week.
I have a good attitude, as I know that there is a beginning and an end to these challenges. But, my good attitude might have an expiration date. Not sure.
So, if that were not enough to get my senses aglow: I drove south to Historic Spanish Point to attend a Board Meeting, which of course was cancelled as only one Board member showed: and ME, and I am NOT on the BOARD. That would not have been too bad, except that I have discovered during this rain that my car is no longer water proof!
Chalk up that detail in the myriad of details in life which need attending! Wouldn't seem problematic except we are now living in the RAINY SEASON in Florida! Lucky me.
happy tuesday to you, too!
and a smile
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Fairy Godmother to attend Tea Party with the TWINS alla Ritz, this morning!
Sunday, sometime in September, 2013
I am waiting till I know more on Monday afternoon, which allows me to relax and think no further than that. It is a gift of sorts. I can't worry today about an imagined plight. That makes no sense... leaving me in a state of 'indecision' or suspension, which seems comfy for the minute.
I am enjoying my cocoon in my daughter's home. It is a nice, safe place. I feel protected and hidden.
I took myself to the movies to see a great film "The Spectacular Now"... about self and young love. The actors were wonderful and engaging and it was a perfect movie to see with a small popcorn filled with butter and half eaten.
I am the 'FAIRY GODMOTHER" to four beautiful FAIRY GOD-KIDS! The family is Jewish and there are no Godparents of such.... but, they wanted me in their family. Voila! I am the FAIRY Godmommy. They call me that. They know me as that. They will refer to me as that. It is very darling. Today, it is 'THE TWINS" annual Birthday TEA PARTY at the Ritz. They have been doing this since their first birthday. They are now SEVEN! A Blonde and A Brunette. Their names are "Madison and Alexandra". I wanted them to be named "Madison and Park".
They are beautiful and they suite their names perfectly, as a mommy would know.
I get to feast on tea sandwiches, yummy deserts.... and oh: tea, too!
Best, I get to see my Mary, Carol, Racheael, Barbara, Emma and the twins! Ages 3 to 66.
All these strong, bright, articulate, nice, caring, well traveled women who love their family and friends..... a bounty for me this morning!
I will quickly search for an appropriate 7 year old TWINS birthday gift. I normally find something..... an inspiration hits! Hope that happens this morning. I'll let you know!
Smiles, from a sunny Sarasota this morning...
I am waiting till I know more on Monday afternoon, which allows me to relax and think no further than that. It is a gift of sorts. I can't worry today about an imagined plight. That makes no sense... leaving me in a state of 'indecision' or suspension, which seems comfy for the minute.
I am enjoying my cocoon in my daughter's home. It is a nice, safe place. I feel protected and hidden.
I took myself to the movies to see a great film "The Spectacular Now"... about self and young love. The actors were wonderful and engaging and it was a perfect movie to see with a small popcorn filled with butter and half eaten.
I am the 'FAIRY GODMOTHER" to four beautiful FAIRY GOD-KIDS! The family is Jewish and there are no Godparents of such.... but, they wanted me in their family. Voila! I am the FAIRY Godmommy. They call me that. They know me as that. They will refer to me as that. It is very darling. Today, it is 'THE TWINS" annual Birthday TEA PARTY at the Ritz. They have been doing this since their first birthday. They are now SEVEN! A Blonde and A Brunette. Their names are "Madison and Alexandra". I wanted them to be named "Madison and Park".
They are beautiful and they suite their names perfectly, as a mommy would know.
I get to feast on tea sandwiches, yummy deserts.... and oh: tea, too!
Best, I get to see my Mary, Carol, Racheael, Barbara, Emma and the twins! Ages 3 to 66.
All these strong, bright, articulate, nice, caring, well traveled women who love their family and friends..... a bounty for me this morning!
I will quickly search for an appropriate 7 year old TWINS birthday gift. I normally find something..... an inspiration hits! Hope that happens this morning. I'll let you know!
Smiles, from a sunny Sarasota this morning...
Friday, September 20, 2013
Got my vehicle back, got a GRANDY and DAD visit, and napped during afternoon rain: What a day!
Friday, September something or other, 2013
I will know more about how to procede with my mildewy home after my insurance appointment with the claims dude. It is now all an adventure, I am thinking as to I haven't a clue on what happens next really. I will approach it as a curiosity in bloom and a learning curve.
I went to see my 93 year old father yesterday. It increased his visitor log by 100% over the past month. Doubled his fan base with yesterday's breakfast visit. He looks good. In fact,he is the BEST LOOKING TOOTHLESS 93 year old I have ever seen. My gene pool bodes well for me in some departments: I am thinking. He was delighted to see me. I am a female. I am younger. He LOVES MOST younger females. Not the FAT ones, though. He is so mean and superficial. Even today, at his most desperate: no teeth, can't really see, can't hear without his cochlear implant- and even that is sketchy....., walks with a walker, wears a diaper! I haven't seen him in 5 months, as I have been away.
Howard, my Dad asks at least 45 times: "How old am I?" I tell him. Each time, he is amazed. It is always ground-hog day at the memory unit of this retirement facility. Which, by the way is a FABULOUS place for him to be. THE BEST there is.
Then, my Dad asks me if I speak Italian.... at least 38 times.
Then, my Dad tells me "Judy, I want a woman!". LOUDLY, as he speaks as if he has NO COCHLEAR IMPLANT. Then, he says "I want a woman I can have compatible sex with". LOUDLY, at Breakfast!
The nurse's aid heard him and was laughing. My father asked her what was so funny and she said "I didn't expect to hear that this morning!".
To which, I turned to her and said "I am 62 years old, and I DID EXPECT to HEAR that come out of his mouth this morning! Now, how pathetic is that !"
He had a girlfriend for a second with whom he attempted to become frisky! He says, LOUDLY, "She is UGLY". So, I am now telling Howard.... my father....that he needs to be more specific when asking for a woman. He must say "I want a PRETTY, SKINNY woman".
I think he has an inflated sense of self.... which I am not sure how well it serves him at this point in his life.
He said that I didn't seem to empathetic with him about the fact that he hates it there. I said that what I could do for him is to VISIT him. That is my gift to him. I can't do anything else about anything else. Actually, my visits to him are for my GRANDMOThER, his mom- who was my savior, from an angst filled pubescence.
She took me traveling and made me into a travel junkie. And gave me a sense of self! She gave me that bar.
Got my car last evening. Did some work for some travel clients. Took a nap, along with Carlyle. Good lazy in-sync family energy. And... visited with 'my first born'ASTRID'" and her baby, "FIN". He is so cute. He is so sweet and cherubic looking, filled with michieveous laughter... he kept flicking his tongue at Curry, to beg for kisses! And, then he would just giggle. I love my baby grand-son, as I am Pip and Fin's GRANDY. (Pip is 4. Fin is 1) So, I got to visit with Astrid, which is always like 'coming home'.... and I got to get some lovin' on FIN. How good is life!
Onward and upward. I am having a movieaholic attack! I just satiated my Thai food, my SUSHI, BBQ palate pleasers.....this past week.
smiles and happy weekend
I will know more about how to procede with my mildewy home after my insurance appointment with the claims dude. It is now all an adventure, I am thinking as to I haven't a clue on what happens next really. I will approach it as a curiosity in bloom and a learning curve.
I went to see my 93 year old father yesterday. It increased his visitor log by 100% over the past month. Doubled his fan base with yesterday's breakfast visit. He looks good. In fact,he is the BEST LOOKING TOOTHLESS 93 year old I have ever seen. My gene pool bodes well for me in some departments: I am thinking. He was delighted to see me. I am a female. I am younger. He LOVES MOST younger females. Not the FAT ones, though. He is so mean and superficial. Even today, at his most desperate: no teeth, can't really see, can't hear without his cochlear implant- and even that is sketchy....., walks with a walker, wears a diaper! I haven't seen him in 5 months, as I have been away.
Howard, my Dad asks at least 45 times: "How old am I?" I tell him. Each time, he is amazed. It is always ground-hog day at the memory unit of this retirement facility. Which, by the way is a FABULOUS place for him to be. THE BEST there is.
Then, my Dad asks me if I speak Italian.... at least 38 times.
Then, my Dad tells me "Judy, I want a woman!". LOUDLY, as he speaks as if he has NO COCHLEAR IMPLANT. Then, he says "I want a woman I can have compatible sex with". LOUDLY, at Breakfast!
The nurse's aid heard him and was laughing. My father asked her what was so funny and she said "I didn't expect to hear that this morning!".
To which, I turned to her and said "I am 62 years old, and I DID EXPECT to HEAR that come out of his mouth this morning! Now, how pathetic is that !"
He had a girlfriend for a second with whom he attempted to become frisky! He says, LOUDLY, "She is UGLY". So, I am now telling Howard.... my father....that he needs to be more specific when asking for a woman. He must say "I want a PRETTY, SKINNY woman".
I think he has an inflated sense of self.... which I am not sure how well it serves him at this point in his life.
He said that I didn't seem to empathetic with him about the fact that he hates it there. I said that what I could do for him is to VISIT him. That is my gift to him. I can't do anything else about anything else. Actually, my visits to him are for my GRANDMOThER, his mom- who was my savior, from an angst filled pubescence.
She took me traveling and made me into a travel junkie. And gave me a sense of self! She gave me that bar.
Got my car last evening. Did some work for some travel clients. Took a nap, along with Carlyle. Good lazy in-sync family energy. And... visited with 'my first born'ASTRID'" and her baby, "FIN". He is so cute. He is so sweet and cherubic looking, filled with michieveous laughter... he kept flicking his tongue at Curry, to beg for kisses! And, then he would just giggle. I love my baby grand-son, as I am Pip and Fin's GRANDY. (Pip is 4. Fin is 1) So, I got to visit with Astrid, which is always like 'coming home'.... and I got to get some lovin' on FIN. How good is life!
Onward and upward. I am having a movieaholic attack! I just satiated my Thai food, my SUSHI, BBQ palate pleasers.....this past week.
smiles and happy weekend
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The universe may be sending me a message
I have been silenced: caught off guard and almost speechless.
I spent the last week at my son's home in the Berkshire Mountains. Verdant greens, vertical greens, rolling hills and country roads. The leaves just beginning to FALL for FALL. .... and just turning those glorious shades of reds, oranges and bright yellows. Just lovely and oh so different from Florida: flat, linear, concrete. Green and blue of the sky and water. Also beautiful. Fills a different part of the soul.
Didn't do much but 'hang' with George.... shopping at thrift stores for vintage clothes that he is in need for he is costuming a local movie. It is fun to watch him 'cull' the racks. I am slowly and elementary beginning to comprehend what kind of organizing must happen for each scene of a movie. The details are staggering, really. I also helped him begin to organize his workshop at Simon's Rock College: costume warehousing. Spend a day with George's college friends: and his God daughter, Kennedy- who is just 3 and too cute. White spun golden hair with locks of ringlets. Sweet, transluscent and innocently whispy.
Enjoyed my days with George. With George and Carlyle. And, with George and his new best friend. What a privilege!
I was hesitating about coming home. After all, if not: it wouldn't have taken me 2 weeks to accomplish what I could have done in a twenty four hour day! I took a most prolonged circuitous turn from Milan to Sarasota. But, a good one!
So, my first 48 hours in Sarasota arrival on Monday evening didn't bode well as a welcome, BENVENUTO.
1. There was no electricity
2. There was no water
3. The car battery was dead, so I couldn't even get into the vehicle.
4. There was mildew everywhere.... 5 weeks without air/conditioning!
5. There was mildew in my car.
6. The motor service folks couldn't jump my car because the key to the trunk didn't open the trunk.
7. I was told that it was not safe for me to be in my home
8. I was told that it would take over a month to clean my home
9. I was told that it would cost more than $10,000 to clean my home
10. My car had to be towed to the auto repair
11. I needed a new battery. Got one
12. I turned on half of the electric. The other half, I waited a day for an electrician to arrive and JIGGLE the outside breaker box. After 40 years in the same house: I NEVER knew there were breaker boxes OUTSIDE my house. The 'LICENSED" Jiggler : oh, yes: electrician..... jiggled long enough, all of my electricity now works.
13. I have water.
14. My car is getting de-mildewed.
15. I LOST a THIRD TOOTH on SUSHI! Gummy bears AND Sushi? What wimps my teeth are!
16. I had the second one replaced back into my mouth.
17. I have been told that my insurance will cover the $10,000 cleaning bill.
18. Still no word on when I can get back into the house.
19. I was home-less, until my daughter took me 'in'.
20. My daughter is a saint: I am using her home, her car, her telephone.....Her boyfriend is great, too.
So ... the moral of the story is this: I have been waivering on how to procede to the next stage in life. This has made the 'separation' a much more palatable prospect. That is my message and my 'take away'. The angst of taking that first step: was usurped from me in a most fortuitous way.
That is today's story , and I am sticking to it!
Smiles back at ya!
I have been silenced: caught off guard and almost speechless.
I spent the last week at my son's home in the Berkshire Mountains. Verdant greens, vertical greens, rolling hills and country roads. The leaves just beginning to FALL for FALL. .... and just turning those glorious shades of reds, oranges and bright yellows. Just lovely and oh so different from Florida: flat, linear, concrete. Green and blue of the sky and water. Also beautiful. Fills a different part of the soul.
Didn't do much but 'hang' with George.... shopping at thrift stores for vintage clothes that he is in need for he is costuming a local movie. It is fun to watch him 'cull' the racks. I am slowly and elementary beginning to comprehend what kind of organizing must happen for each scene of a movie. The details are staggering, really. I also helped him begin to organize his workshop at Simon's Rock College: costume warehousing. Spend a day with George's college friends: and his God daughter, Kennedy- who is just 3 and too cute. White spun golden hair with locks of ringlets. Sweet, transluscent and innocently whispy.
Enjoyed my days with George. With George and Carlyle. And, with George and his new best friend. What a privilege!
I was hesitating about coming home. After all, if not: it wouldn't have taken me 2 weeks to accomplish what I could have done in a twenty four hour day! I took a most prolonged circuitous turn from Milan to Sarasota. But, a good one!
So, my first 48 hours in Sarasota arrival on Monday evening didn't bode well as a welcome, BENVENUTO.
1. There was no electricity
2. There was no water
3. The car battery was dead, so I couldn't even get into the vehicle.
4. There was mildew everywhere.... 5 weeks without air/conditioning!
5. There was mildew in my car.
6. The motor service folks couldn't jump my car because the key to the trunk didn't open the trunk.
7. I was told that it was not safe for me to be in my home
8. I was told that it would take over a month to clean my home
9. I was told that it would cost more than $10,000 to clean my home
10. My car had to be towed to the auto repair
11. I needed a new battery. Got one
12. I turned on half of the electric. The other half, I waited a day for an electrician to arrive and JIGGLE the outside breaker box. After 40 years in the same house: I NEVER knew there were breaker boxes OUTSIDE my house. The 'LICENSED" Jiggler : oh, yes: electrician..... jiggled long enough, all of my electricity now works.
13. I have water.
14. My car is getting de-mildewed.
15. I LOST a THIRD TOOTH on SUSHI! Gummy bears AND Sushi? What wimps my teeth are!
16. I had the second one replaced back into my mouth.
17. I have been told that my insurance will cover the $10,000 cleaning bill.
18. Still no word on when I can get back into the house.
19. I was home-less, until my daughter took me 'in'.
20. My daughter is a saint: I am using her home, her car, her telephone.....Her boyfriend is great, too.
So ... the moral of the story is this: I have been waivering on how to procede to the next stage in life. This has made the 'separation' a much more palatable prospect. That is my message and my 'take away'. The angst of taking that first step: was usurped from me in a most fortuitous way.
That is today's story , and I am sticking to it!
Smiles back at ya!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Losing teeth is not a good weight loss regimen
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Awakening to a misty morning in the Berkshires, with an abundance of trees, evergreens and rolling verdant hills (that are called mountains)
The first night here, I chewed on a Haribou GUMMY BEAR. One gummy bear. One chew: and out came a tooth. A GUMMY BEAR! Aren't they supposed to be 'innocent'? So, yesterday had me finding a dentist (actually a friend up here in the Berkshires) and I was able to salvage the tooth.Yeah for small favors- as I crumbled a tooth in Italy a month ago while using my teeth as a tool to open a plastic bottle of shampoo! At 62, I learned my lesson- teeth are not TOOLS, they are 'chompers' for food and NOT Gummy Bears.
Georgie worked at Simon's Rock College, as he teaches costume design at his alma matter. Owned by Bard College in New York, Simon's Rock is a very cool institution indeed. It is the only and FIRST college to be a college for "younger scholars"- an "early college", as they take kids who have completed their 10th grade and accept them into college. Therefore, all the students are from 16-20, and the 450+ of them go to college with their social peers. These are bright bright 'out of the box' kids who don't love the high school experience and want to continue their education in a different setting. A great example of an 'out of the box' student is the fact that the COHEN brothers: Ethan and Joel went to Simon's Rock (of "No country for old men" of movie "Fargo"- the list goes on and on)
That left Carlyle and I to navigate Great Barrington: starting with THAI lunch. It has been 5 months since I have had Thai food, and love love love the coconut soup. It was total palate pleasure and a delight to have my daughter all to myself. Went shopping for food.... and then were joined for dinner with George. A PALEO meatloaf. It was super good. Followed by the funny movie "A BIG WEDDING" with Diane Keaton, Robert DeNiro, Susan Sarandon, Topher Grace, Katherine Heigl and Amanda Siefried: I laughed and enjoyed my time with my kidlets. In George's bed... sprawled out.... eating delicious (seems like an oxymoron) gluten -free chocolate chip cookies. They were so good: I had 4 of them. After 5 months of different kinds of sweets, it was total YUM.
Today, Carlyle leaves for Sarasota- and I will have had just TWO SWEET DAYS with my two babies. However short- it was a total mommy's delight!
I must always remember it is about the BOUNTY, not the LACK which is important.
Hoping that yours is a grand Wednesday,
Smiles and keep clicking. Tell your friends, too! please.
Awakening to a misty morning in the Berkshires, with an abundance of trees, evergreens and rolling verdant hills (that are called mountains)
The first night here, I chewed on a Haribou GUMMY BEAR. One gummy bear. One chew: and out came a tooth. A GUMMY BEAR! Aren't they supposed to be 'innocent'? So, yesterday had me finding a dentist (actually a friend up here in the Berkshires) and I was able to salvage the tooth.Yeah for small favors- as I crumbled a tooth in Italy a month ago while using my teeth as a tool to open a plastic bottle of shampoo! At 62, I learned my lesson- teeth are not TOOLS, they are 'chompers' for food and NOT Gummy Bears.
Georgie worked at Simon's Rock College, as he teaches costume design at his alma matter. Owned by Bard College in New York, Simon's Rock is a very cool institution indeed. It is the only and FIRST college to be a college for "younger scholars"- an "early college", as they take kids who have completed their 10th grade and accept them into college. Therefore, all the students are from 16-20, and the 450+ of them go to college with their social peers. These are bright bright 'out of the box' kids who don't love the high school experience and want to continue their education in a different setting. A great example of an 'out of the box' student is the fact that the COHEN brothers: Ethan and Joel went to Simon's Rock (of "No country for old men" of movie "Fargo"- the list goes on and on)
That left Carlyle and I to navigate Great Barrington: starting with THAI lunch. It has been 5 months since I have had Thai food, and love love love the coconut soup. It was total palate pleasure and a delight to have my daughter all to myself. Went shopping for food.... and then were joined for dinner with George. A PALEO meatloaf. It was super good. Followed by the funny movie "A BIG WEDDING" with Diane Keaton, Robert DeNiro, Susan Sarandon, Topher Grace, Katherine Heigl and Amanda Siefried: I laughed and enjoyed my time with my kidlets. In George's bed... sprawled out.... eating delicious (seems like an oxymoron) gluten -free chocolate chip cookies. They were so good: I had 4 of them. After 5 months of different kinds of sweets, it was total YUM.
Today, Carlyle leaves for Sarasota- and I will have had just TWO SWEET DAYS with my two babies. However short- it was a total mommy's delight!
I must always remember it is about the BOUNTY, not the LACK which is important.
Hoping that yours is a grand Wednesday,
Smiles and keep clicking. Tell your friends, too! please.
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