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Monday, December 9, 2013

Zits, Zen, a Friend, a Train and a MOOSEburger

Monday, Dec 9th, 2013

Hi there....

I shouldn't write while I am feeling down and while my horizons seem so close.

I am starting my week with a full day. A much needed facial. I told the lady that I wanted to weigh less after my visit with her, as I am expecting PORE relief to be plentiful! This lady is a new facial person for me, and spent several years in INDIA. The name of her shop has the word ZEN in it...., so I am hoping to zen out, and be shoveled out along the way.

Then, on my agenda is lunch with my dear girlfriend. We will go to a very sweet outdoor restaurant located in a funky old home and garden in the heart of Sarasota for lunch. Food is great. Nothing matches and it is total charm in the city. And, quite YUM. The name is dreamy: The Star Keeper Cafe.

Zen. Friend. Star Keeper. What a stunning way to begin the week.

Then. Reality. My health insurance dude is coming around. Two more years till Medicare- two more years to hedge my bet against catastrophic illness.  I am the same age that my mom was when she became ill. YUCK. Now, I feel antiquated.

Didn't go to Star Keeper.  Went instead to Bob's Train Restaurant! What a kick and an adventure. The first part of the adventure was FINDING the restaurant, which is housed on train tracks in OLD TRAIN CARS: one from 1962, 1920, 1947: Including two private train cars belonging to Ringling Brothers Circle of long ago. It is funky. FAB. Hamburger was scrumptious. There were photos of Bill Robinson (Bo Jangles), Van Johnson, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe on an elephant, Emmet Kelly, Flo Ziegfield....and there were tons of trinkets: elevator panel from the old Ringling Tower Hotel in Sarasota, or the PEN used to sell Ringling Bros Circus... These train tracks just happen to be in an area which looks for boding- chain link fence, a dump with two boats and a tractor, and a boxing rink.
Quite SEEDY, and KITSCH to perfection. Had a MOOSE burger: made with mozzarella, onion, olives, special sauce & some other ingredient beginning with the letter "E".

Am feeling lighter today.

Thanks as always for visiting. I appreciate the company. I am amazed that I have lots of pageviews from Malaysia.... So, if someone might share what it is that draws them into my Blog, I would love to know.

Cheers and GRAZIE

and smiles, as always

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