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Thursday, January 8, 2015

An old sweater, the potential of new air conditioning and mind trips

Thursday, January 8, 2015

It was a wonderfully nippy day in Sarasota…. in the 50's F. I love being a wimpy Floridian. I wore a cashmere sweater, bought 25 years ago at Benetton in Menaggio. And, an italian scarf- always around my neck when it is cool outdoors. Not that I went outside today, except to bring in the garbage. But, I was dressed and ready if the spirit grabbed me.

I have actually been doing travel work. Had an air conditioning dude in to give me an estimate. He loved my home on the beach. It is different. After all- a deep purple house is a bit off the radar of chic.
He liked that it was unique.

Been working on trips to Lisbon, South Africa and the Gili Islands in Indonesia. I get to travel in the largesse of my imagination without ever going outdoors. What a world I live in. Frequent flyer miles accrued in the bounty of my travel fantasies.

Part of me was firmly planted in the earth's plain… with A/C challenges, and the other part of my mind got to play in the stratosphere of total fun around the globe.

I am exhausted and finally need to leave my nest perched in front of the monitor

Smiles…. and warmth- as always



  1. A new airconditioning unit is always good. Well, having airconditioning is good by principle, much as it is almost an instant part of every home. However, it's still best to always have one around and to keep it on the ready and constantly maintained, especially when the summer heat hits you. Thanks for sharing that, Judy! All the best to you!

    Shelley Coday @ C & C Heating & Air Conditioning

  2. It’s nice to know that you had an AC unit installed. It does come in very handy, especially during those warm seasons. Anyway, I think focusing on your trips should be high on your priority list, so that you can pursue your dreams that much sooner. Thanks for sharing, Judy. All the best!

    Tommy Hopkins @ AccuTemp

  3. I'd love to see some pictures of your house. It sounds crazy. Air conditioning is a must for me where I live. It's far too humid. To be honest I'd much rather be nice and cool then nice and toasty anyway. I'm that guy who wears shorts outside if it snows (not that it does, but I'm sure you appreciate the sentiment.)
