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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Walk on the beach, and a question of History

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I have been a wee bit quiet, as there wasn't much to contemplate or to talk about. Or so it seemed.

I took a might fine walk on Siesta Key Beach the other morning. As it is only a 2 minute walk to the beach, it seems a pity that I don't do it more often. I normally want to swim, but it is a bit nippy for this Florida old babe. I also feel 'exposed' after my squamous cell nose cancer appeared on my face. No more convertible top down. No long walks in sunny sand and beach. This was my first beach walk in 2015 and I did it with a dear friend: my yoga teacher. He has gone through some health challenges, but his energy and lean long legs swift movements always seemed to leave me in the 'dust' so to speak. Not  now. It shows me that even the most healthy folks age. I love my yoga friend. I love his point of view, his calm and his subtle humor. I walked the hour with him at my back. We speak of life, while we note how 'alive' the beach is in terms of changing landscape constantly. The beachfront is a movable feast. Certainly not a passive participant on the spinning of our earth.

I had dinner with my 'first born' and my grand-babies the other night. They are 2 & 5 and sooo sooo cute and darling. They are like a movie…. I can sit back and just watch and be entertained. It is always wonderful to be in the fold of a young, happy and active family with curious hands a chubby toes!

Went to see "Selma" yesterday. I found it interesting, as an American history teacher. It was a bit too long. I was 13 when the march happened. It was not an era where the news blasted its way into our lives as it does today. Color TV was coming into vogue and there were three T.V. channels and we felt overwhelmed by the choices. The race issues were not a part of my world, growing up in Manhasset.. partly because of naiveté and ignorance. Jimmy Brown comes from Manhasset, and he always came to the PBC (Police Boys Club) kid football annual dinners. I am the only girl with two older brothers: so, yes… I was at those dinners. I never gave  race a thought. Not a negative thought. Not a positive thought. Race was an invisible thought. I grew up with a Black nanny "Lily Mae", who was huge and loving and smelled. I loved her when I was young.I was mean to her when I was in puberty. But, I was a hurt and hurting pubescent, and Lily paid the price. Yet,  her softness, perseverance  and sweetness weaved its way into my consciousness…. to the point that my daughter's family nickname is "lily". Unknowingly, and in my unconscious heart, I have named my little girl after this formidable nanny who loved me despite my tantrums.

God Bless all those folks who had to suffer in order to get the right to vote with dignity.  I feel so privileged to have the right to vote, and feel for all of those who have been fighting that fight for me and all minority populations within our USA over the centuries.

It is 'je suis Charlie'. 'i am Selma'. 'I am a Berliner' (JFK)

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