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Monday, May 12, 2014

The power of Q-Tips, and breakfast in bed

Monday, May 12th, 2014

Good early morning.

My birthday is November 5th: or 11-5
My Grandma's birthday was May 11th: or 5-11. Yesterday, she would have been 123! She passed away when she was 94. She is 60 years older than me.

I used to love that detail in our birthdays, as it made us like birthday conspirators. I was one of 13 grandkids, but was the super lucky one who got to travel Europe with her as a teenager. Grandkid birth order dictated that fortune for me….quite accidental.

I have had a marvelous week, including a super Mom's Day, which began with a 'breakfast' in bed…graciously cooked by Carlyle. Eggs, fresh sweet potatoes, onions, zucchinis and mushrooms with a touch of parmesan and voila! YUM. It was topped with freshly squeezed orange juice, and a black/white cookie. Health and decadence in one bountiful breakfast. She brought along a stargazer lily plant. My fragrant fave: I hope it can stay alive….it says it needs tons of sun. That is one thing I have lots of. Fingers crossed!

Then, my other 'first born' came with the grand babies, and some German friends. We all spent a few hours at Siesta Beach. There was just enough overcast, as to be pleasurable. The gulf is perfect. Turquoise, not hot, not cold. I loved dipping into that luscious liquid .

I have spent time this week with my dear LeeLee. I have missed having time with her. And other gal friends…. who joined in: refreshing, bright, and nice ladies. I also joined in and helped LeeLee feed the homeless on Saturday at Payne park. LeeLee brings the food for the first Saturday of the month. We set up tables outdoors…..and being the sweet and caring person, she includes packs of foods for cats & dogs. She brings tons of hotel sized soaps, perfumes, Q-Tips, shampoo, conditioner and lotions. I was humbled when one lady was ecstatic that she got a pack of 4- Qtips. She was delighted. I was humbled and grateful. And glad to be able to hold the bowl that held and presented this lady with her treasure. The gift made GREATER, by its simplicity.

A treasure is a treasure.

I woke up this morning to a treasure: a photo of twin girls born of one amniotic sac….. arriving into this world …. bring born, holding hands.

How precious!

Had  fun fun fun luncheons & dinners with dear gal friends ~Drinking Maker's Mark or Pinot Grigio, talking italy & men, listening to music, sitting outdoors…. taking the time to enjoy my amazing circle of  women whom I adore and admire. I am stocking up on my 'gal time' , American food & ethnic fare ~ before I change gears… and head to life in Italy.

Heard from my son: so, the day was complete. All my babies accounted for on this day.

Smiles and warmth


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