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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Love of Siesta beach strolls

A glorious sunny sunday, may 18, 2014

I am another transitioning phase. As I move from one life to another, I am needful of time to clean up pieces to one life, in order to begin anew in another.  I have a need to have as few lose ends as possible. It is exhausting, stressful, and I am fully aware that the neurotic goal of mine is nearly impossible for me to achieve… accenting my impotence.

My life on either side of the Atlantic is never squared away. I am always leaving bits of myself on each side. Which is a bit unsettling at its decadent best.

I am fully packed. Too full. Always. I have this deep seeded belief that air in any suitcase is a waste of potential. I hate to waste potential. Consequently, I am a pack-horse of sorts. I have even packed a 'dive skin' to swim in the fresh lake waters. "Fresca" in Italian is equal to frigid in Floridaspeak.

I have never denied my wimp leanings. Having goose bumps happen when swimming, is not a pleasure center.

This afternoon I went for a long walk on Siesta Key Beach… the number # 1 beach in the USA. I went with my 'first born' Astrid, her two boys and her partner. Watching my two grand babies skipper down the beach: the sun shining, as they would chase Ibis, sandpipers…. or find shells, filled their tiny fingers with gobs of sand. Life at its purest. No worries. The sky was a vibrant blue with bright crisp clouds, giving design to the view above. The water shimmering as it played upon the sand. We walked the beach and then walked through the village. We had a vacation dinner: sliders, fried mozzarella sticks… and a well earned double maker's mark with ginger ale. We sat outside, with the misters blowing. Bamboo fence, surf boards as bars, and a VW Bus is where the food comes out from the kitchen. Very 'island' kitsch and all American. Walked back home. Enjoying my island life style. Loving it with my family.

Happy Sunday


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