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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Imaginings about the little details at Historic Spanish Point...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A sunshiney, blue, electrifyingly wonderful day to be alive.

I am still reflecting about my afternoon at the outdoor museum park ~ "HISTORIC SPANISH POINT".

I am a travel agent. I am a teacher. I am an American History and English teacher… specifically. I am a tour guide. I am  a writer, a traveler and a sponge- soaking up life's big and little treasures. My curiosity compels me. And, I am riveted by the gems found on the 30 acres on little Sarasota Bay.

Some are so subtle, as to be dismissed, easily. For instance…you can easily walk by a pond whose top is etched by what could appear at first sight as scum. I passed this spot hundreds of times. If I noticed it, I would have thought it a 'dirty' pond. And yet- it is part of what made this particular spot in Florida's landscape- 5,000 years ago, important for Indians to call this 'home'.

This pond is covered with an algae type organism, easily swept aside to reveal a perfectly clear pond of fresh, clean water. It is this kind of detail which is profound on the impact it had for those living here for 50 centuries. That is remarkable, as it drives home the importance of fresh water to our survival. Then, and now. A simple, yet important lesson.

I love the fact that this is a spot which exemplifies American wilderness and the drive to 'tame' and 'cultivate' it: not unlike the wild west in the mid 1800's. For the promise of free land, pioneers could settle in exchange for making it 'productive': growing crops, oranges, etc… I love the fact that the reason these pioneers arrived on this spot was from the recommendation of an old spanish dude. He told this Webb family to go up the West coast of Florida , where there is a point of land which offers safe height from storms.

The circle of life is ever present and quite remarkable. It was due to thousands of years of living on this site, where the Indian culture left its refuge…. creating a height of over 15 ft. ! It is a special place specifically because it is built on the centuries of lives of peoples having called this home.

As a travel agent, by the way: this is the site of the very first Sarasota hotel, motel, boarding house, B&B…. I am not sure what the name would be, but it was a pace-setter for the tourist industry. Imagine what they might say today if they were alive to see how far that concept has grown!

I will continue to write about Historic Spanish Point. But, in the meantime, I must meet my grand babies and 'first born' for a stroll to Siesta Fiesta Art fair.

I will walk. Must get ready for life in Italy.

Smiles and happy Sunday


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