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Monday, April 28, 2014

Fin, Pip and my min-pin

Monday afternoon in Sunny Sarasota, April 28, 2014

It is another fine day, beginning with baby Fin and his mom Astrid. This is 2 year old cherub faced boy is so filled with joy, as to be contagious.

Blond, spun gold and whispy hair blowing as he runs… creating wings of flight as if  he is the baby version of the 'flying nun'. A dimple in his chubby chin. And a grin which invites 'hi's, from strangers and passersby.

His curiosity is infectious. He studies every new detail and nuance as life happens before him. You can see his thoughts, as his face is expressive. He loves water. Mostly all around him….. he splashes and and drinks it up as he spots it anywhere and everywhere. Splish splash , he loves taking a bath.

Yesterday, I got to have a grand baby X 2 fix! Pip and Fin…. walking my MIN PIN "Curry" through Siesta Village during the Fiesta. With their parents, too- of course. That is part of the pleasure palace of family.

It is always fun to be in the sun, drink my favorite ~ freshly squeezed lemonade. Some of the crafts are new and darling. Most are not…. but, it is always a grand way to spend the day. Each season, I will run into someone whom I haven't seen in forever. Yesterday's surprise visit with an old chiropractor friend was no exception.

Dining on a German breakfast with my German family, I feasted on CURRY wurst. It is perfect, since I was dining on my dog. Curry wurst is a major hot dog, kaiser bun with mustard , ketchup & curry powder. It is a street staple on the Berlin streets. It was tastier in the BIG City… , emphasizing the delight in memories. The kids drank MEZZO: half cola mixed with half orange santa. That taste sensation was a new cultural experience for me.

I spent a few delightful hours with future Italian visitors. I was in my element…. making new friends in the process. And then, I became a tourist in my own island. Went into the village, and dined on my favorite caesar salad, chopped finely and a special mojito. This was topped with a stroll to indulge in an ice cream of "Cherry coke, vanilla and brownie bits". Orgasmic taste sensations.

Enjoying my life back on the island. Life is good, sweet, and precious. I am thankful.

Warmth for this monday. and, as always- a smile


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