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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

To Bradenton Beach and Back

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I am finally feeling like I am back in Sarasota.... NOT IN MY HOME, but in Sarasota. It was April: when I had left. I was gone a long time on the calendar.

I haven't written as I was on a holding pattern. I have felt numb, overwhelmed and somewhat like a leaf blowing in the wind. I am knowing I am not in control of this and it is unsteadying in an uncomfortable way: perhaps because it is my HOME, after all.

But, I am excited too, despite the daunting task ahead of 'cleaning' everything I own. I am excited about touching everything I own.... of purging, of giving things away and of welcoming the next stage of my life, whatever that will look like. It gives me a chance to say 'good bye'... to things coveted and enjoyed.  I am pretty sure the universe it telling me that 40 years in one house is just plenty. It is time to create a new stage.

This morning: I will begin. A dumpster will arrive. Astrid will arrive. A contractor will arrive. And Moving PODS will arrive. My home will never be cleaner when we are done. I will store my treasures which I will take with me to my next place where ever that will be and whatever that will look like.

My room mate from college: JUDY was done to visit for a few days. We went to Bradenton Beach and had a great couple of days: talking, eating, drinking, strolling that ohhhh toooo cute ONE street village, and sleeping. NO BEACHING. Judy said she wanted to be on the beach, and we never seemed to take the 100 steps to reach it. But, we did discover perhaps: the only MOOSE lodge on the Gulf of Mexico.
Seeing a lighted MOOSE on top of a building on the beach is a bit disconcerting.

She was a godsend: as she took me by the hand and we 'staged' the clean up: where things would happen, where the dumpster would go: logistics, as she is an interior designer and has moved thousands of folks move into/ out of their homes during her work life. She is an inspiration. She left her highly successful and prestigious business which she started: to back to graduate school. She will become an acupuncture doctor by the time she is 66 !

Gotta love new stages of life. It happens all the time and all around of. I will be lighter at the end of this process!

If this is not enough of a whirlwind...... I have TWO GREAT OPPORTUNITIES with two agents who are connected with my dear MENTOR. Manuscripts sent out. Introductions made. Fingers crossed. Send more FAIRY DUST. Need some great news. In a dramatic sense: this would be a perfect time. A rescue of sorts. A redemption of sorts.

I am also on the heels of 'chairing' an event which happens in a month. So this is the 'frantic time'. Lucky me. Distractions all over the place. Still living out of a suitcase.

Life is not dull. I will begin my day today with the dumpster arrival and end it with a conversation with my translation lady "LUISA". Full day and a full circle of experiences.

Smiles for this Tuesday. By the way: I saw a great movie:ENOUGH SAID.


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