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Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020 with appreciation

Monday, May 25th.... and Memorial Day

The world is budding and coming alive.

The weather vacillates between windy, dark and rainy with spots of glorious sunlight that beams through bright blue skies and fluffy clouds.

There are wonderful messages throughout the week-end on the sacrifices made by so many individuals and their families. Each sacrifice is the gift from many as many pay for the loss in different ways.

I am grateful. I am admiring of the nobility of service and the willingness to head straight on towards danger. It is a gift worthy of memorializing from each of us Americans.

Folks heading to the beach all week-end to enjoy life on the Gulf of Mexico.

I got the chance to go swimming with my grand-baby boys. Actually, they are boys and not baby boys. They are 7 and 10 and are in constant motion: playing with their skin boards, jumping the waves... and digging holes! The beautiful thing about being a Grandy..... is that I watch them as if they are a motion picture in action. I am a beach voyeur, watching the world stroll as the beachcombers head up and down the beach. Young and Old. Tan and not. Large and tiny skinny bodies. A confetti of folks enjoying the fresh air, the breeze, the sand and the ability to stretch our legs.

Have a great day. Warmth. Smiles.


Friday, May 22, 2020

Ennui. Out of the state of sameness.

At last..... Like the Etta James song, which is one of my faves... It is Friday, May 22, 2020

Hi there visitors.

I have not felt inspired to write.

All of the heretofore activities that I will enumerate: are just that. Mundane everyday occurrences.

Yet, in this season of being ‘in suspension’, the most mundane is definitely extraordinary. Like:

~ having my mani- pedi !!!!!!

   Having a person touch me~ smear all kinds of cream over my legs, my hands and arms.
   Touch and tender caring. It is all revitalizing. Greasy. Soft. Slippery. Soothing.

~ having a hair cut!!!

  Getting my hair cropped , refreshing a long enevened-maned head ....
  Into one with crisp edges,  sloped down with a compelling angle to created to a swinginess.

   It now feels like wearing a “twirly skirt”.... kinda like a whirling dervish with a gust of wind lifting
   The skirt ! Fun. Fanciful. Whimsical.

~ went to the Office Store.

   You know that I must be isolated as I had no clue that office shops were essential!

   Bought padded envelopes and pens! Seriously boring.

~ used the padded envelopes and pens when I went to the Post Office!

    I am now able to ‘keep in touch’ in the most charming antique way: with handwriting and a postal

    The message and package ALL TOUCHED by human warmth and energy.

    That effort Is meaningful.

~ Went to a restaurant. One of those great places that originated in the mid fifties with:
    Meatloaf or turkey sandwiches... a patty melt on rye!

    The wait staff is from the original Era. Formica tables. Booths. And prices to match its age!
    The most expensive feast cost $8.99!  Loved it. Perfectly funky.

I have finally made it  down the short 3 minute walk to the most beautiful beach in the world.

Went swimming.
Floated over the WAVES. Yes, little wonderful waves in the Gulf of Mexico.

I walked the beach with a friend.

I swam .

I people watched!

And, The water! It was a fabulous turquoise green. Clear. Crisp. The Light turquoise had spots of acqua and royal blue. It was a rainbow of exquisite blues and greens..... glistening with the sun.

My friends little grand daughter, whom I call “So-fi-fi”.... looks like a little sandpiper. And, I am
 Auntie JuJu (magic)

She darts with delight towards the water. She is a tiny itty bitty sweet little 2 year old.
Her wee legs just buzzed her way forward. It was like a movie picture of joy.

Periodically I get to thinking that it is very EGO oriented to post my mental meanderings. So, I get shy.

My almost forty year old son thinks that I ought to write about those things that would ring as being ‘salacious’. Sexy. He thinks I need to spice this up.

He also thinks I should write a book about “100 most interesting massages around the world”: I am a massage junkie and always include it while traveling.

My daughter and cousins want me to write about the history of my family.

With a bit of nudge-face prompting, I will start to include some of the ‘family’ historical stories and wait for me to be much more desperate before I start including any  “X” rated tales.

Or, maybe not.

Smiles and happy Memorial Day weekend. I thank all of those men and women and their families who have given of themselves so that I might write whatever I wish, worship however I wish and vote for whomever I wish. That is pretty cool indeed.

Have fun


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mom’s Day, Music and Mimosas

 Mom’s Day, Sunday, May 10th

I have two little gems to share with all the moms, friends, readers and lovers of music.

This first was sent to me by “JUDY2”, my college roomie.... and it’s a creative version of the great
“Lean on Me”..... which we all seem to be doing, even if in soloizing.

This second gift is one I just discovered. I do not comb u-tube or even blogs (I shouldn’t own that one!) or.....but, I came upon this next sweet song. It is an originally written song and brought tears to the audience. This is about life, love, loss and appreciation about the frailty between life and death.
Sort of appropriate too, for this season in our lives.

Had a super sweet Mommy’s Day. Carlyle brought me breakfast in bed! Really really good eggs Benedict, a Mimosa and bacon! I substituted BED for breakfast in the courtyard in safe distance from my baby girl. Food and Flowers...with, STARGAZER Lillies as part of the pampering.

Life is good.

Desert was a face-time with Georgie. Living in the Berkshires, he was surrounded by flurries of snow. In May!

My grand finale was a visit from “my first born” Astrid, and all the boys in her life. I am “GRANDY”, and love having that ‘kid’ energy infused at home. It is a true circle for me to have the grand-kids enjoy the same home that my kids grew up in. The continuity is beautiful and bountiful.

I appreciate all of you who stop in....

Thursday, May 7, 2020

HIPPA rules

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Thursday, May 7th....

I’ve been a lazy girl in terms of verbosity. But, I’ve been skee-daddling across the earth’s plain.

Translation of skee-saddling? Its meaning, in this season of SOLOizing: getting a much needed CRACK to my back and sweet little right foot which has been the object of much abuse.

I have been scrunched up and hunched over, creating a more ‘compact’ version of me. I need to find the space in my body- stretch, motivate, and CRACK! Such heaven from something that seems like an automatic nail gun. Going to my CRACK DOCTOR is like having my body FEEL like the sun rising.

It’s a beautiful thing. He helps give me back my body. It’s a most wonderful gift.

Along the way and through the days, I have visited with GioGio. (Pronounced “Jo Jo”. She’s Italian and her real ITALIAN name is Giovanna. Prounced “Jo-vahn-nah”)

It is difficult for me to visit just to visit, as I want to be productive. I am a ‘little work horse’ when it comes to house packing and organizing. I must admit that my WHIRLING DERVISH rush of energy gets GioGio a bit nervous. She is a Southern Italian. Southerners in ALL northern countries move slower than their northern counterparts. I think it has to do with the science of molecules. ALL things, including CELLS become more fluid in warmer temps. A relaxed kinda warm.

I must and want to be sensitive to her comfort level, as it is all about being a support for GioGio. My purpose is not to get her nervous. So, all work sessions begin in the front porch.

I pour a lemonade and vodka. NO ice. I bring along a pack of the skinniest, longest and lightest cigarettes I can find. Today’s brand is a pink Capri. We sit. We reminisce. About Ira. About my wedding with George V. Mostly, I enjoy listening to GioGio’s stories. As she spins her memories, there is a. Twinkle in her eyes. Her face is relaxed and there is a slight smile that graces her face.
There is no make-up. She’s in darling p.j’s. And, she radiates. It is a poignant time to share.

She smiles... but, she also says that she never giggles. I thought about it. I laugh out loud at myself and what a flaming dork I can be. How do you think I amuse myself when I normally only have
Myself to amuse me. I can find the ‘amusing’ in the most mundane.

GioGio does not have a vodka and lemonade. HIPPA requires me not to reveal her diversions.

This week’s work required that we repack her armoire after it had been moved to another wall.
Within 45 minutes, we transformed her living room from being chockerblock filled with glasses- champagne, wine, water and every kind of cordial, brandy and martini flutes as well, to a SPACE
Where GioGio could relax on her newly placed sofas.

Calm. GioGio seeks Calm.

Lastly, GioGio found her two favorite paintings that were nesting in various bedrooms and she put
Them in her living and dining rooms. It is stunning how much ‘lighter’  the space felt when adorned with different art.

It’s great to see GioGio make her home, hers.

I also had my grand-baby boys and their mom and dad to visit. It was sooooo cute. They are 10 and 6. They love to fish in the back dock on the canal.

The boys “Pip” and “Fin” love to jump in my backyard poolette/ jacuzzi. Bubbles bubbling signifies fun! This is a home made for kids of all ages to enjoy and laugh and giggle.

Dad and the boys went to the beach, as it is now open. Their dog, Safari- a Rhodesian ridgeback hung out on the back deck in the warm sunlight. And Astrid and I talked as girls as always able and willing to do.

It’d been a long time that we had to share what we were doing and feeling. It was good and all at SIX FEET away.

Finally. No more poison ivy. (Very little) No more brown recluse spider bites. And today: I go to the dermatologist!

Cheers and thanks for visiting my life in semi-soloizingville.


Please share with anyone you think might enjoy. I really appreciate you!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Cleaning Closets while the beach comes alive

Saturday, May 2nd 2020

Florida opens up slowly. A few more cars.

Siesta Beach is alight with humanity happily walking along the sidewalk en route to the Beach. It’s refreshing.

Went to my friend Gio GIO’s. I helped her fold and stack up her husband’s clothes in bags. To give away. Or, to keep. Changing and freeing up the energy in a room which she will embrace when her time is right. It was sweet and touching to see her caress each shirt. Each pair of pants. She remembered where she would have purchased a particular shirt or for what occasion Ira would have worn it. It was Poignant and caring.

It should be noted that there was not one dirty anything in the closet. Every shirt was slickly ironed to that crisp perfection that always looks fetching on men. That particular brand of caring is so Gio Gio, a predictable Italian wife, mom and daughter. There were a lot of hours of ironing in that closet. I was impressed! The last items to go into bags were the shoes. Reluctantly. Very reluctantly, beautifully tasseled loafers and topsiders filled several bags with many pairs stored with ‘wooden shoe trees’.

I felt privileged to be there.  Gio Gio kept a dozen great shirts and sweaters of her husband. She will look darling in them and she will feel enveloped by and with him.

Life is good.


May Day. May Day.

May Day 2020

Ring a round the Rosie, a pocketful of posies.

Ashes. Ashes. We all fall down!

May Day. 1955. Munsey Park School. Manhasset.

Long Island. New York.

Outside in the playground. Sun. Spring. Warmth beaming down.
A large Pole with a rainbow of colored ribbons streaming from being attached to the tippy top of the pole. Each little kindergartener grabbing a color, circling the pole. Laughter. Innocence. Joy. Simple pleasures shared as a class.

It is almost 65 years later and I just now thought of how stupid the sounds of those words are. I know I am a slow learner. It is amazing how we learn things which become almost cellular ... without ever thinking of their meaning.

For me: another such saying is “It is as cute as a button!”

Are buttons cute?


The first of May. May Day. The fifties.

It was a great era in which to blossom.

Friday. Florida begins budding Open. Yet, Not for us sextagenarians.

Poison Ivy is still plaguing my surfaces and My foot is still sensitive since My fall into fish pond. Of course I am compensating. That ONLY means that my LEFT femur bone hurts with a nerve which feels like a Lightning bolt that sears through me. I might call that a bit of a ‘glitch’.

Wishing for you a Gltichless day, with a smile
