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Thursday, October 24, 2013

My life in objects

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Joyfully, Judy's visit was ordained by the universe as being the emotional medicine that I needed. I was feeling overwhelmed... with a simple, yet daunting task. I didn't exactly know what it would entail: but, I knew it was a BIGGY. Another time I felt that overwhelmed was when George V  had his accident and subsequently died. I knew without knowing WHY: that I was in 'over my head'.

Well, not as bad as that. But- something resembling that. I started the cleanup with a group of helpers.
After a week, I am still 'in the kitchen'.... (I have 90 kitchen doorknobs..... which means I have a lot of flaming storage space and 27 years to have filled it)

First: everything...... EVERYTHING: every hanger, every dish, every towel, shower curtain, etc... must be CLEANED and dry. Then, I am separating them into 3 glorious piles of: what will go back into the house ( which are things NOT important to me.)..... another pile of "give away", and a pile to go into storage for my next home when ever and where ever that may be ( which are ALLL things IMPORTANT, SENTIMENTAL or VALUABLE ). Of course, I have a 30 yard dumpster for all things not making the top 3)

It is another interesting journey I am taking right in my own home. It is a lifetime of memories. After all: I designed every inch of my home and did it so that every inch was used effectively for storage. But, there is NEVER ENOUGH. You fill it to capacity- small or large. I also bought or received as a gift every item in my home. I know each THING intimately: when I adopted it, why it spoke to me..... usually, because it put a 'smile' on my face. I have finally come to realize at almost 63: I don't have to purchase all items which make me GRIN..... it is enough to smile in the shop! This is my purging side finally speaking.

I get to touch, AGAIN everything in my home. Most well used. Some- not much... like a left handed ceramic ladle I bought 30 years ago for my now deceased husband. I don't think he ever used it. So... bye-bye, adios, and ciao to cool and never utilized ladle, among all. For all those sentimental and important items which will go into storage: I am kissing them to sleep. Not a good bye, but a good night. What a delight it will be to see what I considered DEAR TO ME, when I open my boxes. It will be an interesting and sweet process: much like a Christmas, without the tree.

I must say however, that I am physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Just SPENT. Much the way I felt both when I moved TWO houses in Great Barrington this past December. Much the way I felt when I moved TWO houses in Menaggio, Italy this past spring. It feels like groundhog day.

I will remove all photos from the home, like in Italy. I am starting to depersonalize it. When I move back inside after the SANITATION cleaning ( my home will NEVEr BE CLEANER!) it will not look exactly like MY HOME. It will have my THINGS... but, it will NOT be MY HOME. I know that I will be surprised at the end on how much I enjoy the SPACE of the home without the plethora of THINGS .... new season, new comfort level, new needs, new eyes. But, and this is an important BUT: I will have already moved out, so the emotional attachment has already been severed to my 40 year old home of mine.

To date: I have emptied out, except ( and this is a BIGGY) the things hanging on the walls.

-90% of clothes. NONE of the shoes, as they need mucho attention and none of the HATS. I am thinking I am too old for my large brimmed hat stage.

 I washed my Gucci, Fendi, Isabella Fiori, Moschino handbags in the washer. I put a Sheepskin Vest in the washer. I figure this: it all needs to be cleaned. It is ALREADY LOST. So, if it survives the washing machine or dishwasher.... it lives another day!

-all 4 bathrooms

-family room


-Dining room

-Some of the 40' of Hallway with bookshelves.

-ALL linens, towels, CLOTHES (90% of them, which means NOT the dressy clothes or St. Johns)
 have been removed and are being washed

For the first week, I am impressed. Lots more weeks to go and lots more minutiae.

MY ULTIMATE GOAL: is to pare down to what is most important that will fit on top of the dresser drawer in the nursing home. That will be my world. So, I ask myself- what will those THINGS be?

Astrid comes to help today. It is always more fun with her. Yeah.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

To Bradenton Beach and Back

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I am finally feeling like I am back in Sarasota.... NOT IN MY HOME, but in Sarasota. It was April: when I had left. I was gone a long time on the calendar.

I haven't written as I was on a holding pattern. I have felt numb, overwhelmed and somewhat like a leaf blowing in the wind. I am knowing I am not in control of this and it is unsteadying in an uncomfortable way: perhaps because it is my HOME, after all.

But, I am excited too, despite the daunting task ahead of 'cleaning' everything I own. I am excited about touching everything I own.... of purging, of giving things away and of welcoming the next stage of my life, whatever that will look like. It gives me a chance to say 'good bye'... to things coveted and enjoyed.  I am pretty sure the universe it telling me that 40 years in one house is just plenty. It is time to create a new stage.

This morning: I will begin. A dumpster will arrive. Astrid will arrive. A contractor will arrive. And Moving PODS will arrive. My home will never be cleaner when we are done. I will store my treasures which I will take with me to my next place where ever that will be and whatever that will look like.

My room mate from college: JUDY was done to visit for a few days. We went to Bradenton Beach and had a great couple of days: talking, eating, drinking, strolling that ohhhh toooo cute ONE street village, and sleeping. NO BEACHING. Judy said she wanted to be on the beach, and we never seemed to take the 100 steps to reach it. But, we did discover perhaps: the only MOOSE lodge on the Gulf of Mexico.
Seeing a lighted MOOSE on top of a building on the beach is a bit disconcerting.

She was a godsend: as she took me by the hand and we 'staged' the clean up: where things would happen, where the dumpster would go: logistics, as she is an interior designer and has moved thousands of folks move into/ out of their homes during her work life. She is an inspiration. She left her highly successful and prestigious business which she started: to back to graduate school. She will become an acupuncture doctor by the time she is 66 !

Gotta love new stages of life. It happens all the time and all around of. I will be lighter at the end of this process!

If this is not enough of a whirlwind...... I have TWO GREAT OPPORTUNITIES with two agents who are connected with my dear MENTOR. Manuscripts sent out. Introductions made. Fingers crossed. Send more FAIRY DUST. Need some great news. In a dramatic sense: this would be a perfect time. A rescue of sorts. A redemption of sorts.

I am also on the heels of 'chairing' an event which happens in a month. So this is the 'frantic time'. Lucky me. Distractions all over the place. Still living out of a suitcase.

Life is not dull. I will begin my day today with the dumpster arrival and end it with a conversation with my translation lady "LUISA". Full day and a full circle of experiences.

Smiles for this Tuesday. By the way: I saw a great movie:ENOUGH SAID.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mildew hygenist, from 'schiava' to co-chair, and a walk down memory lane at the Bijou.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Well, I live in Sarasota. I thought I would know about my home 10 days ago. But, alas..... I think that the 'mildew' hygenist, remediation specialist person finally came last night at 6:00pm.

Mildew hygenist. Hmmmm. Love today's marketing terminology.

I have been quiet because I have been hibernating: lying in wait to see what is the next step. I am living a bit in an island of suspension. I am trying to wrap myself in the cocoon of temporary ignorance.

I am trying to also focus on a fund-raising project that I 'fell into'. I should have known better. I promised my girlfriend that I would 'have her back', as she said "YES" to chairing a new event for Historic Spanish Point Museum. I mean 'having her back', meant staying IN THE BACK. But, she told everyone I was co chairing it with her. So, the joke is on me! She said that I would be her "SCHIAVA" (pronounced "skee ah vah") That means: SLAVE. I loved being her slave. I coveted being her slave. I didn't want a promotion.

The event will be a fun, easy breezy evening on Little Sarasota Bay.... with Mrs. Bertha Palmer's Pergola setting the stage. The evening is called "Havana Nights & White Lights". Good hip rotating music, a roasted pig, and evening of fresh November breezes, and an evening to celebrate a new era to the museum.

It is nice to be on the ground floor of a town, of a museum: because your impact is big.... and you can see its growth in leaps and bounds- like a 'baby'. Although it boasts over 5,000 years of history, Historic Spanish Point as a MUSEUM is only 30 years old and its job is HUGE, as it is also on 30 acres of land with over 200 species of native Florida plants. There are buildings which date from the late 1800's, and a new tree house to study Florida's canopy!

That was my community service announcement for today! With pleasure.

I thought that my Wheaton College roomie was coming last night and so Carlyle and Casey got the extra bedroom ready: washed the carpets, etc....

She is arriving next week. Carlyle laughed at me.

Happy Thursday. I dine at Bijou today. My father's girlfriend started that restaurant.... 30 years ago. It had the BEST evenings going on Thursdays through Sundays. At 10pm, after dinner: the restaurant would turn into an after hours place: serving the best in deserts, full bar, coffees, light snacks. The waiters were all from the ASOLO: and were singing waiters and waitresses. So.... for 2 hours, we were entertained by great voices, song and fun. I still miss it- but then again, I am a gal brought up playing hooky to go to Wednesday matinee on Broadway in New York. I would turn the train from Manhasset to the city..... and get my BROADWAY musical fix.
